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FAC mission type and loadout

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Working on a campaign I already figured out the interaction between loadouts and missiontypes (my original post can be found here)


However one missiontype/loadout keeps me puzzled: FAC.


I noticed that modders use it in their loadouts and in the missionroles for the aircraft. However I am not able to select this as mission in the single missions. So my question is twofold:


1.Are FAC mission available to players or is it limited to the AI?


2. if available in campaigns, which one of the missiontypes generate this kind of mission?





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Not available in player-flown missions, single or campaign. That's one of the 'mission profiles' never implimented, although it's one of several possible (like Air_Assault and a few others). Perhaps something for a future patch (hopefully before the next asteroid impact...)


However, I know that YAP has some in their packages...



kevin stein

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Isn't that the mission type Snoopy always flies when you do CAS? Not much to to there for the player :blink:

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Isn't that the mission type Snoopy always flies when you do CAS? Not much to to there for the player :blink:



Would be a challenge flying a bird dog low and slow against the lethal AAA in this sim and the Migs - I believe YAP2 will feature player flyable FAC missions so expect small arms fire too.


In Falcon 4 you lock up ground targets and then assign flights checked in with you to attack it - not always an easy job though.


To do that in this series I guess the flights assigned must be part of your squadron.

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I think in MP the FAC mission woulkd ROCK!


Fast movers check in 20 miles out as you orbit away from the enemy. You break out of your circuit and head into where the bad-guys are hiding.


Pop a couple of smoke rounds, have the kerosene burners dissipate the smoke, and any enemy therein, Check their egress for parting gifts, rinse and repeat.


Yeah, FAC could be cool in this one, but would prolly take a whole new AI for off-line usage.

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I think in MP the FAC mission woulkd ROCK!


Fast movers check in 20 miles out as you orbit away from the enemy. You break out of your circuit and head into where the bad-guys are hiding.


Pop a couple of smoke rounds, have the kerosene burners dissipate the smoke, and any enemy therein, Check their egress for parting gifts, rinse and repeat.


Yeah, FAC could be cool in this one, but would prolly take a whole new AI for off-line usage.


Lets see....Misty FAC, Stormy FAC, Wolf06 SAR FAC, and ....stay tuned, YAP2=Bat21....hows that?

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Yeah, FAC could be cool in this one, but would prolly take a whole new AI for off-line usage.


Well, may be, or you could try the existing AI in this mission, if you haven't see it http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4911


or mission #94509b in this pack http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5675


Looking something like this...






Either will give you the chance of being Misty for a day, coordinating with AI Alert birds out of Da Nang. ;-)


Regards, comrpnt.

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