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I can't find the new nations pack where is it? Anyway, are you in favour of adding the Russian Federation, Islamic Republic of Iran, Singapore Air Defence Command and the newer Republic of Singapore Air Force insignia to the new nations mod? Would like to do so if i've got the time and some guidance would be appreciated too..

Edited by CaptainCA

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Capt CA


All you have to do is in the Nations.ini copy one of the countries or here is an example you can tailor it to your liking


[Nation0xx] <--------------Use the next set of numbers at the bottom of the nations.ini

Name=USA <--------------Change this to your desired country

DisplayName=United States Army Aviation <--------------Change this to your desired display name

Alignment=FRIENDLY <--------------Change this whatever side you want























So using one of your nations you can do this.




DisplayName=Republic of Singapore Air Force
























You trackin'?

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Maybe there's a handyman who can give it a total overhaul??!!

I would indeed like to see some more!

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ok so what should i do if i want to create it as a nation's insignia? the tutorial only shows a decorative decal.

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Or you can use those pictures, and put them on right places on skin, if you can not create TGA from it. In photoshop or Gimp of course. Pictures probable need to be resized into correct sizes.



BTW: Making insignia decals is in principle the same thing as making that decorative decal. Just picture which is edited is different.


You must see some Photoshop or Gimp tutorials to get skill with paint programs :yes:

Edited by kukulino

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  kukulino said:
You must see some Photoshop or Gimp tutorials to get skill with paint programs :yes:


check out the forum @ www.simmerspaintshop.com


There are tons of tutorials and helps on different programs...

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I think what he meant was:

How can he define the Insignia of a newly created country?

Well, it's simple! You just need to name the TGA "INSIGNIA***.TGA" with "***" corresponding to the number in the "[Nation***]" entry. I'm not entirely sure, in wich folder you have to place the TGA, but I think the "Flight" folder should be correct...

Edited by Shaolin

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But one question of me:

Is it possible, to have multiple versions of the same country?

I wanted to create two different types of Iran - one prae-revolution, the other one post-revolution...

As far as i know there are the enrys "ActiveDate=" and "AlternativeDecal=", but I want to use the same name ("Iran") for both versions to keep the weapons functional...

(The goal is to have the same nation with two names and different alignments!)

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  Shaolin said:
I think the "Flight" folder should be correct...


Um no. It should go in the WingsOverX/OBJECTS/DECALS folder. The stock insignia decals are in the OBJECTS.CAT file in the OBJECTS folder.

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"Nation Specific" aircraft are easily created, as are their national insigina. There's a whole thread/post about that in the Knowledge Base. Which you obviously haven't seen...


After creating the 'nation specific' aircraft, via the data ini edits, you do the same for the textrueset.ini for the approiate skin. NOTE: the nation's name MUST match that in the Nations.ini.

After creating the new insginia decals, they can do DIRECTLY into the skin folder, with the decals ini adjusted to point to them. How hard can that be?


as to Nations, new ones can be added to the Nations.ini as outlined above


As to Shaolins question, YES, but conditionally. You'd need 2 complete aircraft sets, say for Iran, IIAF, which would be "FRIENDLY" to Western/NATO, and IRIAF, which would be ENEMY to Western/NATO. You'd also need 2 complete weapons sets. Again, relatively easy to create.

You'd also need the Nations entries, for "Imperial Iranian Air Force", and "Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force" That should work. BUT -you knew this was coming- you could theorictially have IIAF Tomcats against IRIAF Tomcats. It would make for an interesting scenario; Loyalist Shah forces against Revolutionary Islamic Forces (Ayatollah's Dudes)


Which is why, for gaming purposes, in/on the Iraq/Iran Total Conversion Set, Iran is set to friendly. I mean, who wants to fly for Saddaam?


As to Captain CA's questions -- practice, practice, pratice. If you don't know how to do the job, LEARN. If you can't learn that one, find something easier until your Skill Set is expansive enough to include it. Or just play the game, and enjoy it like lots of other non-modders do.



kevin stein

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