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Flight model difficulty gameplay option

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I usually use the normal setting but which one do you use?


I just tried the hard setting flying the F-16A.


It's kind of weird as the F-16A is a fly by wire plane but my plane would still not compensate automatically on the imbalance caused by the release of ordnance from one of the wing pylons.


I like to play as real as it gets because I get the most satisfaction from that setting. But I'm curious which setting do most people use?

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I use normal. I too like the realism so i try to use the settings that give me the most realism. :biggrin:

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I use normal for most planes, but for the F-14 I use Hard because otherwise it's just tooo easy. I don't go for absolute realism as much as I go for a challange, but that means that everything is at "hard".


Also, sometimes I set the fuel usage to "easy" so I can stick around and gun stuff down. :blush:

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Yea I set everything except flight model at HARD :ok: .


But sometimes I feel it's too easy to snatch enemy planes from the air with NORMAL flight model while setting it at HARD would increase my blood pressure too much while dogfighting especially with older planes like the Mirage. Though F-16A and F-15A are till a joy to fly at HARD.


I haven't tried HARD setting for AI though. Should I?

I just don't feel the tension with normal AI and normal flight model and Mig-21 is supposed to be a very dangerous opponent in their time as far as I know.

Edited by Miracles

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yes, the hard AI is well worth it. Battling one worthy opponent and finally downing him is much more satisfying than knocking off a hundred dumb-a$$ MiGs. I suggest the SuperAI upgrade, it's great fun.

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I set Blackout, Fuel and Hud to Normal. Everything else, including FM to Hard.

I can hold my own against all enemies when their AI is set on hard, except when flying patched-up WOI Mirage III against MiG-17s.

In my book, it's the most challenging stock FM in any TW game when set to hard.

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My question is, is hard the most realistic? I thought it was, but if normal is, then I guess I'll switch to normal.

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I tried HARD AI. And ALL my attempts to bomb my target were ruined by the marksmanship of the AAA fire. If I came in high the SAM would kill me and if I came in low the AAA would kill me. Ouch.


I'm switching back to normal AI.

Edited by Miracles

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Avionics normal, enemy skill normal, for the rest everything hard, because it's easy flying even in that setting (hardly any stalls/spinning for instance).

Bit of ini. tweaking on G tolerance and pilot qualities/nationalities though.

As for imbalance with fly-by-wire planes: my F 16 MLU has it even without assymetrical loads...... (always had it, don't know why) but got used to it.




Derk :smile:

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I tried HARD AI. And ALL my attempts to bomb my target were ruined by the marksmanship of the AAA fire. If I came in high the SAM would kill me and if I came in low the AAA would kill me. Ouch.


I'm switching back to normal AI.


there's a simple solution to your bombing problem: Fly faster. Or use rockets. Or go all "Wild Weasel" and take out all the AAA before your run. I find that green tracers of doom bring out my best flying, and it makes every run somewhat more sporting. Tallyho!

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My question is, is hard the most realistic? I thought it was, but if normal is, then I guess I'll switch to normal.


Well this is what our main ReadME says :D


+ Flight Model Controls the flight model for the aircraft.


Arcade-type flight model. You have a lot of flight

control due to limited external aerodynamic forces

and the aircraft flies where the nose is pointing.


More accurate flight model. No true stalls

or spins exist, but you must deal with some

external aerodynamic forces.


Most complex flight model. External forces can cause you to stall

out or enter an unrecoverable spin. Realistic flight

control limits make the diagonal motion of the

joystick less useful for rolling during high angleof-

attack (AoA) maneuvers.


From WoI manual.pdf

Edited by Brain32

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Hard for FM, normal or hard for everything else.


With the F-15 and F-16 normal is probably more realistic because of their systems to prevent stalls etc, but the sim isn't designed to get that complex. Other planes, hard would be most realistic.

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With the F-15 and F-16 normal is probably more realistic because of their systems to prevent stalls etc, but the sim isn't designed to get that complex.


Of the two, the Eagle can be pushed into nasty stalls in real life (as it's not really FBW), and, the Viper's software had to be rewritten sometime in the 1980's because of pitch authority issues at high angles of attack. Though the Viper is fully FBW, one must understand that the "F" in FBW does not really stand for, "foolproof" :biggrin: IIRC, the Viper also recieved larger stab surfaces to correct this issue, as well.


But you are correct, if one were to input (into the game) the correct mass fractions and aero values for the Viper, it would be all but unflyable.

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