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Iran successfully fires rocket carrying its 1st satellite

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Some how this doesn't make me feel any better. How long before they correct this mechanical failure and be able to launch low-orbit payloads? Will it take a year, a month, or a week? With the Russians defiant with the UN on withdrawing from Georgia and their military/economic alliance with the Iranians it looks like we are about to get CHANGE whether Obama gets elected or not. It is now just a matter of when it will hit the fan and how much of it will come this way.

Edited by Roopod

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It is now just a matter of when it will hit the fan and how much of it will come this way.





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Could it be said that we are still fighting the Cold War? We have decided to move our missile defense shield into Poland. Would the rouge states of Iran and North Korea have their missiles fly on path over Poland? Not to mention the lack of good results yielded by the that program so far. At over 300 billion+ and still only 2 out 5 with known variables and without decoys and one target at time. The Russians could spend a couple billion on countermeasure technologies for their missiles while we spend 100s of billions and possibly trillions to upgrade a so far unimpressive missile defense system. Iran was ready to work with us in 2003 after the invasion of Iraq. But we failed to act on recently gained regional political capital and completely ignored all diplomatic attempts by Iran. Why? We encourage Nuclear proliferation with our aggressive behavior. Iran and Russia are not positive players in the world. We cannot however ignore are own misgivings by our government and the facts of the real world. I believe the rhetoric coming from think tanks fed to the media can get to the best of us.

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We can see that Russia still looks at the West as its enemy. Russia has created military alliances with China. Russia has made military and economic alliances with the worlds terrorist supporting countries of Iran and Syria. Their long term goals are to appose the West, such as the EU and US. Russia changed the old guard from the USSR in 1991 but has never changed its view of the West as its enemy. Russia and China has since updated their military arsenal, with help from the Wests so-called global economy, and is in the process of updating their satellite countries that can afford it. Arming our allies with missile defence shields wouldn't have been necesary if Russia and China weren't arming countries with offensive missile technologies along with nuclear refining capabilities. Nuclear proliferation is being facilitated by Russian and Chinese technical know how. The only way the US has helped in this process is due to duel use technologies given to Russia and China during the 1990's. Iran has been at war with the US and Israel since the 1980s and threw in their chips with Russia in 1991. Which is why we can't do anything to Iran without incurring the wrath of Russia. If anybody ever looks at what is between Russia and Iran can easily figure out why the Russians are in Chechnya, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, and recently invaded Georgia, where they still are. Gee, I wonder why they would do all that? The last thing I'll ever hear is anybody accusing Russia of a blood for oil war. If anyone wants to blame the USA for the Russian rape of Georgia then go ahead, make my day. I like to set people straight on the facts.

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And its not only georgia now, poland is being directly threatened.


How quickly can Boeing build those ABLs? and how quickly can they recharge and shoot?

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And its not only georgia now, poland is being directly threatened.


How quickly can Boeing build those ABLs? and how quickly can they recharge and shoot?



not very,




pretty quickly shoot for about seven or eight shots.

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The first one hasn't even done a full-up test yet and it's been in development for years. There are none but the one prototype being built, either.


As for Czech/Poland, yes, an ICBM launched from Iran at the US would indeed pass over E Europe. No, it will do nothing if one is launched from anywhere but the Middle East, including Russia, China, NK, Cuba, Andorra, or Burkina Faso.

The funny thing is Russian scientists KNOW that ABMs based there couldn't do a thing against Russian ICBMs. They also have plenty of missiles bases in the Far East that are in a position to be countered by our Alaska-based ABMs, yet they never said a word about that. This is totally a political show and it's all about Russia's perception of a shrinking sphere of influence as the West's increases. They briefly flirted with the idea of "joining" the West in the early-mid 90s, but they seem less interested in that now and more interested in recreating a bipolar world.

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The first one hasn't even done a full-up test yet and it's been in development for years. There are none but the one prototype being built, either.


As for Czech/Poland, yes, an ICBM launched from Iran at the US would indeed pass over E Europe. No, it will do nothing if one is launched from anywhere but the Middle East, including Russia, China, NK, Cuba, Andorra, or Burkina Faso.

The funny thing is Russian scientists KNOW that ABMs based there couldn't do a thing against Russian ICBMs. They also have plenty of missiles bases in the Far East that are in a position to be countered by our Alaska-based ABMs, yet they never said a word about that. This is totally a political show and it's all about Russia's perception of a shrinking sphere of influence as the West's increases. They briefly flirted with the idea of "joining" the West in the early-mid 90s, but they seem less interested in that now and more interested in recreating a bipolar world.



Hmm I was wondering why the Russians wouldnt think to destroy the Polish missile bases first :biggrin: - then launch their ICBMs if they had to go that way - I will send em an email :ok:



Saw this on the bbc - I didnt think Syria could afford JS tbh http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/7574311.stm


I imagine relations will worsen for a bit - and they may get better or may get worse - who knows - and for more top analysis on Current Affairs PM me :biggrin:

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"Hmm I was wondering why the Russians wouldnt think to destroy the Polish missile bases first - then launch their ICBMs if they had to go that way "


because unless they were shooting at western Europe, the Russian missiles would go nowhere near Poland.

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