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Happy Birthday Fubar512

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:HB: Many more my Friend. By the way, What would the world be without us Virgo's :biggrin:

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Thanks, guys.


Oh, and C5, that was the Civil War...not the Crimean. And Dave, first came the dinosaurs, then they died, turned to oil, and along came OPEC.....


You forgot "and then came the Arabs who bought Mercedes Benzes, and then Prince Charles started wearing all of Princess Diana's clothes..."

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Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Fubar!!! Don't listen to them young'uns. What the hell do they know? :biggrin::good:

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Happy Birthday to all you youngsters!!!

The expression"Older than Dirt" comes to mind.

Some of us are almost that old.

You're catching up to that time,Fub's. :rofl:

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Happy Birthday!! And many more to come

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