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WW2: Invasion of Japan?

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Okay, rebuilt it; and made sure everything was to scale. Guam is 49-50~ km long; good enough for our purposes. :ok:


The Bitmap Scale is 2 pixels per 1 km; so if you wanted to create a subsetted map 1,000 square km in size, you'd just crop it to 2,000 x 2,000 pixels.


Right now; this map is 5450 km from the Marianas to Sakhalin; the HFD is 226 MB, while the TFD is 85~ MB :blink:


Thank god these things zip up pretty well.


You can download the map height BMP, the HFD, etc from HERE


15 MB... and unzips to 425 MB!!! :blink:

Edited by MKSheppard

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Holy s**t!!!


Can you imagine the file size for d/l?? after adding all the tiles, various and sundry terrrain object buildings....it'd be be largest terrain download EVER for this series!!


the current re-tuning of the Okinawa map is about 90% done, just need to add a few bits and bobs of eye candy to some of the port tiles (docked ships ... I REALLLY want to add a docked BB, even though none were left at the time...




Quicke resking for the TwinMust; needs some fine tuning of the tail marking (blue), and new decals. Day fighter, 42nd FS. It's sssooooo nice having templates.... :wink: the 'buzzz numbers' (or modex if it was Navy) will run from 300-349, as is historical for their D & H models, with attendant serial numbers (real ones, from the cancelled B order)



kevin stein

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opps...I forgot to post these too..


new, non-historical kadena (notice how it just barley fits the 4 G-AB1 tiles...even twisted to 60 degees)


close up of the flight line. Those with reallly sharp eyes will note the actual positions correspond to 08 level parking slots :wink:



kevin stein

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Okay, here's TRY TWO:


3,300 km map, weighing in at:







You can see how I saved space by relocating the Marianas to somewhere between Okiwana and Iwo Jima.


Link to 7 MB ZIP

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2462 km map with the same relocation of the marianas to save room; deletion of taiwan and northern Hokkadio weighing in at





Get the 2.4 MB ZIP HERE

Edited by MKSheppard

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By the way, a 1946 scenario is starting to look ever more interesting; we could have the following flying:


FD/FH Phantom

FJ-1 Fury

F6U-1 Pirate

P-80 Shooting Star


off carriers


Several P-80A Shooting Stars were transferred to the United States Navy beginning 29 June 1945, retaining their P-80 designations. At Naval Air Station Patuxent River, one Navy P-80 was modified (with required add-ons, such as a tail hook) and loaded aboard the aircraft carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt at Norfolk, Virginia, on 31 October 1946. The following day the aircraft made four deck-run takeoffs and two catapult launches, with five arrested landings, flown by Marine Major Marion Carl. A second series of trials was held 11 November.
Edited by MKSheppard

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I think I created a Kamikazi! :clapping:


Okay, make a copy of what plane you want to turn into a kamikazi, like for example


D3A1 into D3A1_Kamikazi


and in the D3A1_Kamikazi_DATA.ini





























So when I ordered my wingman in a test to attack a carrier, this is what occured:





Course, some tweeking is needed to get the AI right, but this approach has many benefits -- for one, you can get credit for destroying Kamikazis in the campaign, and you can program in some limited evasive manouvers for the Kamikazi.


Of course, when you're doing the ini tweeks; don't forget to remove the rear gunners. I'm not sure, but Kamikazis didn't have them, instead relying on Zero Escort.

Edited by MKSheppard

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Hmmm...I like it! You could be on to something!!!



Most, if not all those jets are probably just outside the 'year range' for PTO:46. We lack the F6U and FJ-1 (both of which were pretty much junk birds)


But there is this....98.6% ™ Historically Accurate reskin/decaling of DAT's Phantom I ... I don't remember if I ever sent this over to Capun or not!! All the lights dialed in, adjusted weapons, 100% accurate BuNums (meaning, they're FH-1s, some actually ARE for VF-17A)


Operational start year is STILL 1947, although if we get a Midway CVB, they MIGHT have flown some operational sorties against the Home Islands. Their perfomance, as expected for these early jets, isn't much better than a Bearcat or Mustang ..


Simple change of decals, and VIOLA! you've got pre-redbar (post-1947) version. (and before anyone asks, yes, it's one of the several dozen projects I'm sitting on)


Also, don't forget my "What If..." 504 Squadron PTO Metor F.3, BPF 887 Squadron Seafire 46, and CBI Spitfire 22 (all either here or my site). Screenies posted on request.



kevin stein

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Most, if not all those jets are probably just outside the 'year range' for PTO:46.


Not really. Remember, that in September 1945, with VJ Day occuring, both the USN and USAF in addition to cancelling tens of thousands of planned aircraft, also put a hold on R&D spending and new aircraft procurement for the immediate post-war years -- remember that while the first XP-84 was ready in December 1945; it wasn't until the summer of 1947 that the first actual Thunderjets, P-84Bs began to be delivered.


This is a result of going from $556.9 Billion DoD Budget in 1946 to just $52 million in 1947. It wasn't until the Korean war that US military spending really began to revive.


Operational start year is STILL 1947, although if we get a Midway CVB, they MIGHT have flown some operational sorties against the Home Islands.


USS Midway commissioned 10 September 1945; so if we give three months to "shake down", she becomes available to the USN for offensive operations from very late December 1945/ Early January 1946.

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the more I work on this PTO Twin Mustang , the more I like it..... I think I'll just have to release it.... :biggrin:



Okinawa seems nearly done, only lacking GA routes on Kyushu (and those I"ll leave to the Campaign Builder). All 16 Navy Radar picket stations are in 95% of their historical locations. Some retiling and general cleanup, etc, etc, etc.


other screenies:


Sasebo Naval Base


the as yet unreleased Hawker Sea Fury F10, in standard FAA 1947 (real life ™ post-war) colors. A simple redecaling can add the BPF roundel-and-bar, if there's any intrest.


I really do need to get back to finishing the Solomons and, working on Tunisia....



kevin stein

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July 26, 2009


Below is the following of ships that can be use in WW 2: Invasion O f Japan.




USS Enterprise ( CV-6 )


USS Hornet ( CV-8 )


USS Essex ( CV-9 )




HMS Iron Duke




USS Fletcher ( DD-445 )




USS Brooklyn (CL-40 )




USN Cargo Ship




USS Trutta




USS Bulwark ( Minesweeper AM-425 )








PT Boat






Type 2




Cargo Barge


Tank Barge


Troop Barge




Japanese Battleship


Japanese Cruiser


Japanese Destroyer



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Of the American pre-war carriers, only SARATOGA and ENTERPISE were left. RANGER spent her entire carreer in the Atlantic, being deemed too small and too slow for Pacific operations.


Hornet: sunk, battle of the eastern solomons

wasp: sunk, battle of santa cruz

yortown: sunk at midway

lexington: sunk at coral sea


All the over carriers would be Essex/Ticonderoga classs CV-9, Gambier Bay/ Casablanca class CVE, Princiton class CVLs


You're also forgetting Hinch's US battleships for the Oklahoma*, Tennesse Classes (available in my Hawaii map), IJN Fuso and Ise, Nagato (also there) -- albeit, most of these Jap BBs are somewhere's on the bottom, but they exist.


Don't forget HMS Belfast, Repulse class BB, DATs 'C' Class DD (Cavailer), Formidible class CVs for the BPF (oh, and my "stand-in" Tribal class, modded from the Darings, available in the new NorthAfrica upgrade here at CA)


Pity Grinch never finished his OMAHA class CLs, those'd be a nice addition to any WW2 install.


Hinch's Iron Duke is only good for one thing, USS Texas, and even there it ain't perfect, as Texas hasn't got any mid-ship main batteries, and the casemate 5 inchers are missing. But, it's the only WWI style dreadnaught we have, and it's close enough. It's even flying the State of Texas Flag!


DAT stuff would also include the CV-5, CV-9 (ww2), Liberty, Jaccard class DE, Benham DDs Brooklyn CL -- all will be needed, although I have a replacement for the CV-5 class (seeing as there's only ONE left... a revamped Enterprise6 from 2005, updated with more weapons and such)

Also their 2 jap tanks.

These, of course, would have to be obtained by the End Users ™ on their own, as nothing of theirs may be included.


Trust me, I've done all my homework, and have my finger deep on the pluse of what we have, what's needed, and where to get it.


Fact checking it my thannaagg doncha know.


*although still showing the cage masts, as opposed to the post-Pearl overhauls to tripod*



kevin stein

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July 27, 2009


Below is the following of artillery ,vehicles, infantry and tanks that can be use in WW2: Invasion Of Japan.






37mm-Antitank Gun

Browning AAA




US Army


US Squad Early (USMC)




Grant Tank


Lee Tank


M3 Halftrack


M3GMC Halftrack Tank Destroyer


M24 Chaffee Tank


M36 Tank Destroyer


M-16 AAA Halftrack


Sherman4A3 Tank 75mm


Sherman-E8 Tank 76mm








M8 Armored Car


Fuel Truck


M38 Jeep




Type 95 Tank


Type 96 AAA


Type 97 Tank




Japanese Army


Please Note: All items in red can be downloaded from www.geos-aircaft.com





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Yes, I KNOW it's really a Mk.5, but it's the only one we got. No need to iterate the MAJOR differences between the F Mk.1, FR.1, etc. I already know them. (lack of chin or 'beard' radiator, wingtip extensions -the Mk5 has this clipped wing-existence of wingroot radiators, has wrong 2200 horse Griffon; s/b 1600 hp version, 3 bladed prop and not 4, and LOTS of stuff never finished -like the Youngmann flaps that work, don't forget when Simon released this 4 or 5 year ago, it was a VERY beta model. And still is)


new skin, from new home-made templates; need to make Modex & serial number decals, and the little map that goes on the front fues by the cockpit. But if you don't look too closly -ie, squint at it in very bad light, it'll make a passable stand-in F Mk.1


1771 Squadron, FAA, HMS Implacable, BPF. (note to self: locate and place TF 57 on map)



kevin stein

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In Two Weeks




I can do the basic 3d modelling, but I'll need someone to help me with the texturing and layout of the data ini for SFP; since I'm not very good at those.


Also, I just aquired Tlai Enterprise's WWII Deck Lettering:


mdusntyp.gif; so we don't have to make 40 individual skins for all the CVEs in the theater -- it will however require a separate WWII/Korea Install, because I don't think you can have two types of CV Deck Numbers (WWII style and Modern) in one install.

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Impressive! That's a lot better looking than Hinch's MAC I been using for CVEs.


Don't know too much about creating a new data ini, but I do know that you can use the measurements from MAX (where the bow is, stack, stern, etc) for getting the placements for the various effects (wake, ship smoke, bow wave)


I'd definately drop Hinch a line, as he IS our Resident Shipbuilder ™ he'd be able to give more and better advice. Any chances for landing boats?? We don't have LCM, LCI, LST, LCVP, Higgens (don't know if they'd still be use in 46....) etc.



kevin stein

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well i will do some amtraks and duwk (or wattever they are called) landing cratfs has soon has its done i will find a way to upload them.

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If we're talking a 'what if' for 1946, the Daring Class destroyers would fit in very well (as they were designed with the Pacific in mind).


I'd offer Vanguard (completed '46), but she ain't done yet.



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btw, I used the Daring's as "stand-in" Tribals on the North Africa map! Not a perfect match, but 'close enough for gaming work' :wink:


(I can JUST hear stiglr spinning around and shouting!)



kevin stein

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btw, I used the Daring's as "stand-in" Tribals on the North Africa map! Not a perfect match, but 'close enough for gaming work' :wink:


(I can JUST hear stiglr spinning around and shouting!)



kevin stein



No problems. The Daring is there to be used. I launched her thinking that the Suez Campaign from TW might be imminent. Apparently not.


Anyway, the Pacific seems a fitting environment.

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Not really. Remember, that in September 1945, with VJ Day occuring, both the USN and USAF in addition to cancelling tens of thousands of planned aircraft, also put a hold on R&D spending and new aircraft procurement for the immediate post-war years -- remember that while the first XP-84 was ready in December 1945; it wasn't until the summer of 1947 that the first actual Thunderjets, P-84Bs began to be delivered.


This is a result of going from $556.9 Billion DoD Budget in 1946 to just $52 million in 1947. It wasn't until the Korean war that US military spending really began to revive.




USS Midway commissioned 10 September 1945; so if we give three months to "shake down", she becomes available to the USN for offensive operations from very late December 1945/ Early January 1946.


With ADs, F7Fs, F8Fs, and perhaps some PBJs to be delivered to a land base?


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July 29, 2009


Maybe we could use this as the loading screen for

WW 2: Invasion Of Japan










Edited by Fatman

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With ADs, F7Fs, F8Fs, and perhaps some PBJs to be delivered to a land base?



Well, it's a good think I updated the BT2D then, huh??? :biggrin: Just in time for OLYMPIC....





Pretty sure all the DATs Mitchells are mapped identically, so reskinning is a breeze with my homemade template.. :yes: even got all the lighting corrected/added to/fixed, and decal positions plotted.


Note to self: update "Tweeks and Fixes Sticky" with the data ini edits to REMOVE the belly turret that was NOT on ANY production aircraft after the C model.... (source: warbird tech book on B-25) Said fixes are also available in the fictional Midway Mitchell over at my site.


The reworking of the targets ini is progressing at a pretty good pace; even with 'customizing' each and every frakking cities targets layout!!, correcting my eariler mistakes on the Okinawa Upgrade. Hope the have the terrain ready for re-testing about the Middle of August.


Also, just to let every one know, Monday Aug 3 we're taking off for a week in Las Vegas ... so, don't go all crazy on us whilst I'm gone.



kevin stein

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I believe the BT2D was designed for Olympic.

I hope nobody snivels for a hell diver for this op.

OK, our Japanese brothers need targets too. Decoys?

If only they used beasts for drones in Korea

and all here had an F6F in our yard.


:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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Is Hiroshima on that target list??? I love B-29s....


Mike D.

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