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Mission Change

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Well, I got word from our commander that our mission has changed for an over seas deployment :wink: I really don't know what it is exactly, but the commander's words at our guardmount on Saturday morning was "It's pretty unreal" with a very concerned/uneasy tone. Our mission originally was to man guard towers at a base, but judging from his words, we'll probably beging doing off base patrols, convoy escorts, and maybe even building entrys. It might be a lot more dangerous than what we were originally going to be doing, but at least it's something that allows us to do what we're supposed to be doing... air base defense. I'll probably be regretting my words once I'm over there and the poo poo hits the fan, but what's the point in having the air force pour in all this money into training if we're not going to even be doing the stuff that we're getting trained for? All though, I do have to say that the training from the air force is pretty much half-ass and will probably get us all killed. :rolleyes: I don't deploy untill sometime next year, however, we have a team that will be deploying soon (can't say when 'cause that's confidential info) and most of them are guys that I deployed with the last time. So right now, I'm a little bit confused with how I feel about all of this.

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Well, I got word from our commander that our mission has changed for an over seas deployment :wink: I really don't know what it is exactly, but the commander's words at our guardmount on Saturday morning was "It's pretty unreal" with a very concerned/uneasy tone. Our mission originally was to man guard towers at a base, but judging from his words, we'll probably beging doing off base patrols, convoy escorts, and maybe even building entrys. It might be a lot more dangerous than what we were originally going to be doing, but at least it's something that allows us to do what we're supposed to be doing... air base defense. I'll probably be regretting my words once I'm over there and the poo poo hits the fan, but what's the point in having the air force pour in all this money into training if we're not going to even be doing the stuff that we're getting trained for? All though, I do have to say that the training from the air force is pretty much half-ass and will probably get us all killed. :rolleyes: I don't deploy untill sometime next year, however, we have a team that will be deploying soon (can't say when 'cause that's confidential info) and most of them are guys that I deployed with the last time. So right now, I'm a little bit confused with how I feel about all of this.


Sounds like you will be enforcing a certain area around a base, checking out possible mortor firing positions, going on aggresive patrols etc - similar to what the RAF regiment do at RAF bases and a lot of them are part timers. Probably better than sitting in a guard tower waiting to be shot at - but still dangerous. But then again is there a safe job in a war zone?


Well good luck :good:

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let things sync in then start thinking about it

you still have time here but no matter what, watch your a$$ and keep it safe

hope it will be over fast (gaurding duties not my favorite thing in the world.. LOL)

and most imporatnt, come back safe :)

Edited by Nesher

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If you guys are anything like the Rock Apes or rapes :tomato2: (raf regiment) you will be fine!! Huge mountains of wrath securing the boys and girls in blue uniforms, but whatever you do, stay safe, and remember your training even if it didn't seem useful at the time, instructors have usually been there themselves and do not waste breath giving you duff info. Stay safe and tell us what you can when you return!! Godspeed mate!


REASON FOR EDIT: Mistaking their for there for the 7 millionth time despite being a trainee English teacher Dohhhhhh.

Edited by Mab Glyndwr

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Can I go with you Dave?

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Just be safe, Man

Wish a successful series of safe missions for you and your team

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Can I go with you Dave?


I wish you could, but I think it would be considered as an act of war against Iran if you did. :wink:

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