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B-36 Development

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This thread is for further development of the B-36 flight model.


I personally like to start a flight mdel by selecting the closest stock aircraft and using that for all of the base aerodynamics. It ensures that you get a good starting point, and from there you can make adjustments appropriate for the new aircraft. In the case of the B-36, the closest ThirdWire offering is the C-130.


I've taken the FM that came with the B-36D and copied in just the aerodynamic coefficients from the C-130. I then double-checked all of the basic weights, intertias, lengths, widths, thrust values etc. and made corrections where necessary.


The biggest problem I found was that a typeo was preventing the jet engines from operating:







Note that the component numbers are not contiguous. This means that the left and right nacelle components, to which the jet engines are attached, were not being used. I also changed the jet engines from incorrect J57s to correct J47s.


With that fix made, the plane is a lot more flyable and the AI handles it better. Note that the exhaust positions for these jet engines still needs to be fixed. You'll see a big black cloud coming from the side of the plane right now. ;)


Attached you will find updated data and cockpit INIs. They are far from being finished and are only good for testing. Any feedback is appreciated--together we can make it soar. :good:


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Thanks C5. Will test it today.

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May we include armament and such in this discussion?

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May we include armament and such in this discussion?




In order to turn this into a featherweight mod B-36 we have to remove all but the tail guns...


PS - I forgot to mention in the first post, the cockpit view angles were messed up so that by default you were looking out out of the left window. I fixed that as well.

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Hmmm. Didn't we have the X-15-on-B-52 a while back? Was toying with Thunderstreaks as weapons just now.

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Sorry, know I have been away for awhile...what B-36 ?!?!!?!?!? You guys made an Aluminum Overcast and I missed it? So what did the F-101 get released as well?



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B-36 from A-Team dude. Only got released in the last couple of days.



I thought I noticed the reports from the turrets above and out by the outer parts of the main wing. Only problem is that I can't seem to get close enough to any fast movers again to see if it was just me or if the muzzles were displaced.

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Refer back to this post for weapon info (It'll be a live post)



36 removable racks of 15 different types were furnished with each a/c.

Bomb weights, in #'s. -> 500, 1000, 1600, 2000, 4000, 12000, 22000, 43000.

Lighter bombs of 100, 115, 125, 250, 325, and 350 pounds could be accommodated on the 500 pound stations.


Aux fuel tank-> 3,555 Gallon AvGas.


Limitation for B-36A-> Only one 43,000lb unit could be carried due to the 72,000lb limitation




86,000lb bomb load limit (allowing carriage of 2x T-12 43,000lb bombs)

18 B's were equipped with guidance equipment for 2x VB-13 Tarzon 13,000lb guided bombs


General Bomb Bay Info

Starting with the D model, the snap action doors opened in approx 2 seconds.

Capable of carrying 67 types of conventional, incendiary, cluster, chemical, mines, and nuclear stores.

Only one type of munition could be carried per bomb bay (max 4 different types).

Bays 1 & 4 could carry a max of 38x 500lb, 19x 1,000lb, 8X 2,000lb, or 3x 4,000lb

Bays 2 & 3 were limited to 28x 500lb, 16x 1,000lb, 6x 2,000lb or 3x 4,000lb (this was due to the wing structure)

* up to 7 XGAM-71 Buck Duck decoys would of been carried between the 4 bomb bays

*there were aux fuel tanks, more info later

*there are diagrams for loadouts, will scan later



Gun Info

Selectable fire rate of 550-820 rpm, later fixed to 700rpm for the tail guns and 600rpm for all others.

Capacities (# of rounds): Nose->800, each other turret had 1,200.




Source: Magnesium Overcast by Dennis R. Jenkins (Really, I suggest you buy it! )

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Sorry, know I have been away for awhile...what B-36 ?!?!!?!?!? You guys made an Aluminum Overcast and I missed it? So what did the F-101 get released as well?




B-36 is A-Team release--hence the reason for this thread: we are trying to fix it.


F-101 is still WIP but coming along really nice.


Don't worry, I've got the books! :)


I posted a bit of info over at the Wep Wiki a few years ago, here's the link:




I'll be posting more info here to help with the mods.


Can you go ahead and correct the weapons stations and loadouts and post them here? :clapping:

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Also Joe Baugher, our faithful online resource has some good info. He also lists his references for his research.


Always compare Baugher with other sources--he is not 100% accurate. For example the cruise speeds he lists for most aircraft are way too high. B-36 info looks pretty good though.

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Always compare Baugher with other sources--he is not 100% accurate. For example the cruise speeds he lists for most aircraft are way too high. B-36 info looks pretty good though.


That is why I always like to check the references he lists. Its a good thing he does that. I think he might be getting 3 or 4 from his research and making an average...

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Can you go ahead and correct the weapons stations and loadouts and post them here? clapping.gif


Just did :)

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Just did :)


You are...the man.

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Currently tweaking the D weps....

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Currently tweaking the D weps....


Does your book have any info on the actual location of the fuel tanks? Also, the plane is equipped with chaff and flares, 60 of each. I would think that for a plane of this era, chaff would be the only countermeasure, but it would carry a lot more than 60. Anything on that in the book?

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Here's a better cockpit fix:


Make sure to change "ShowFromCockpit=FALSE" to "ShowFromCockpit=TRUE" under the "Nose" section of the data.ini

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The book talks about both. It carried A-LOT of chaff (well, at least the recce versions). I'll scan what I can, but FC has some stuff in the queue before -36 stuff.

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The book talks about both. It carried A-LOT of chaff (well, at least the recce versions). I'll scan what I can, but FC has some stuff in the queue before -36 stuff.


I think I'll order a copy for the library, I've actually had that book on my wish list for a while.

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Well bang goes my evening I shall be shortly settling down to rewatch my copy of Strategic Air Command with James Stewart in readiness for flying this glorious bird.




To wet everyones appettite here is a clip.



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Well bang goes my evening I shall be shortly settling down to rewatch my copy of Strategic Air Command with James Stewart in readiness for flying this glorious bird.




To wet everyones appettite here is a clip.





I yearn for it on Blu-ray.

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Saw it years ago. I'd love to find short videos of where the movie showed B-36 flying high near sunset, with giant golden cumulonimbus in the background, and B-36 pulling long thick contrails.



Initial results of stargetic cockpit lab tests are in...











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