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Today's menu is pulled pork sandwiches, so if you are Muslim, you might not want to see this. :biggrin:



Here we have in the first picture is our victim. One pork shoulder. Along with my secret dry rub, kosher salt and garlic powder.



In the second pic we got it full covered in our dry rub. Whats in the dry rub....I ain't telling you all s**t! :cool:



Added the sweet onions, it counter balances the dry rub very well. They are a must. So if you don't like them, you better start.



All wrapped up and ready to go. But, you are saying if its going on the grill wrapped up, how are you going to get a char on it? It will come later but even then it will be minimal. You want it fall apart to put on buns. So too much char might add some hard parts not good if you are eating pulled pork sandwiches. Also the foil acts like a convection oven so it all gets cooked pretty much evenly.


Now we place it on our grill with INDIRECT GRILLING for about 4 hours. Slow and low is the key.



So in about 4 hours, we will have to see the result. Going to have to make the slaw next that will go on the sandwiches when they are done.

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Another nice, Kosher dish...what with today being Rosh Hashannah and all.


Can you save me some until after the High Holy Days??? :haha:



kevin stein


(yah, like I follow the dietary laws....)

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Did you get a new hunde?


No that is the first one I got, Bull. He is still around. 7 years old. For those of you who don't know Bull is named after ADM Bull Halsey. The of course my other hunde is Rommel. I mean you can't have a German dog and not give me a German name and since I name them after famous military leadership, Rommel is perfect. He is kind of moody though. I think he is still pissed off about loosing WWI and WWII. :biggrin: j/k

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Ok the end results.



Here it is off the grill with the minimal char as I said. You can see the juice coming off of it.



Now you can pull it apart but that is time consuming as hell. When you got a family of 6 to feed, well no one wants to wait. So a food processor chops up the meat well. Also is the home made cole slaw.



What happen to the onions and the juice from the meat? Well it gets mixed in with Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce. Nothing wasted.



My plate with all the fixin's. Beans are mandatory.



Most of you know I like to cook but BBQing is my passion. I can do it from walks of BBQ life too. Memphis BBQ, North Carolina BBQ, Texas BBQ (my favorite) or Kansas City BBQ. And when you leave, you will swear you were just at one of those places.

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Damn, I'm totally coming out next year!

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I see you have the 'sweetbaby's Rays' sauce excellent choice! :ok:

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Dave why'd you shred it up like that-thats what we do to left overs man-I mean you sweated over that for 4 hours!But yeah I know what you mean, when I cook for my friends( and theres two of them ) it takes quicker to demolish a kg of undercut than it does to cook it!

Thats a pleasant sight compared to the meat we get here-heck ive got wash the meat(beef and pork are taboo here) before I can try anything.

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You have to shred it Stick to be able to eat it on the buns. That big piece of pork only cost me 6 dollars on base. You said beef and pork is taboo? So you all only eat chicken? How does that work?

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You have to shred it Stick to be able to eat it on the buns. That bog piece of pork only cost me 6 dollars on base. You said beef and pork is taboo? So you all only eat chicken? How does that work?


Oh man I could not survive on yard bird alone. I bet they eat seafood though.

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Oh man I could not survive on yard bird alone. I bet they eat seafood though.


Ah I bet you they got some good seafood to boot.

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Urka Durka.......................I keel you!..................Achmed

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You have to shred it Stick to be able to eat it on the buns. That big piece of pork only cost me 6 dollars on base. You said beef and pork is taboo? So you all only eat chicken? How does that work?


Well to get beef Ive its a bit of an excursion Ive got to walk it too because these bloody Hindu's have a problem with us eating the holy cow and all.And I buy it from a mossie whose shop is within a slum area.Best part is the fellow talks to me about tenderloin amid such squalor. Calcutta and Kerala are a different story, there its legal.Im in friggin Shiv f***ing Sena country where they wave orange flags and are as clannish as a viking only with a boot up their backsides;they can be very stubborn people.

Dave my point is why amid the buns?Carve it, knife and fork it you know.Screw the beans(makes you fart too;only thing ill eat beans is with eggs and bacon or at lunch with rice and meat curry and ... ok im going all native) fresh salads the way to go.

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Its an American BBQ thing Stick. Pulled pork sandwiches are a staple in the BBQ world. You chop it or pull it apart and serve it on buns. Beans are also a BBQ staple in the US. Hard to go to a BBQ place and not find some sort of beans. Its a culture thing. But you have it one time, you are hooked.

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Its an American BBQ thing Stick. Pulled pork sandwiches are a staple in the BBQ world. You chop it or pull it apart and serve it on buns. Beans are also a BBQ staple in the US. Hard to go to a BBQ place and not find some sort of beans. Its a culture thing. But you have it one time, you are hooked.

You make it Ill eat sir!

During Easter in Kerala we eat Tapioca and fish curry hot enough to send me into orbit around mars.

Evertime I go to Kerala I come back 5kgs heavier after my grandmoms cooking. In fact as a kid I was really thin.My dad used to send my homeside to put some kilos on.

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You should be at my place for BBQ Curry chicken...

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You should be at my place for BBQ Curry chicken...

When Im fat cat lawyer Ill come calling!

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When Im fat cat lawyer Ill come calling!


Door will be open for you.

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Dave, Just curious...that looks as delicious as all get out. But I dont eat pork myself. How would this method of yours on the coals work with beef? Probably about the same eh? Those coals are all to one side and the meat is on the other? Probably dumb question but I dont know much at all about BBQ. Always wanted to learn more though. The wife and I bought a small smoker for the back porch that we grill links, burgers, and some small steaks on. Wouldnt mind expanding my meat horizons...

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Dave, Just curious...that looks as delicious as all get out. But I dont eat pork myself. How would this method of yours on the coals work with beef? Probably about the same eh? Those coals are all to one side and the meat is on the other? Probably dumb question but I dont know much at all about BBQ. Always wanted to learn more though. The wife and I bought a small smoker for the back porch that we grill links, burgers, and some small steaks on. Wouldnt mind expanding my meat horizons...


Would work just as well with beef. I buy an entire ribeye roll, its about 18 to 20 inches in length. Cost about 80 bucks. I cut half of it into steaks and the rest into 3 roasts. You take the ribeye roast and rub it with olive oil, then kosher salt, pepper, and garlic powder. No other spices. Then you do not wrap it in foil. But you do the indirect grilling. In the pork case I had to add new coals once, in the beef case it depends on how done you want it. If you want it medium rare then one charcoal run is all you need and again slow and low. The olive oil will give it a good crisp but not burnt outside. You want it pull apart then a charcoal change might be in order. What kinsof beef you talking and I can get more specific. If you are talking brisket, the do the same method as the pork.

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Dude, nice work on that pork.


I remember that weekend at you place in the 'Falls in 05 and all the stuff you Q'd up. Good times.

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Dude, nice work on that pork.


I remember that weekend at you place in the 'Falls in 05 and all the stuff you Q'd up. Good times.


Can't believe its been that long Jeff. We need to fix that.

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wow, I had no idea that you were such a barbeque affectionado. Suprised me almost as much as "Kooking with Kruschev" ( :rofl: ) did.


I was feeling pretty good after BBQing up some pork steaks, but my efforts pale in comparison to that grand masterpiece of pig. :notworthy:

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