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Memorable Missions

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We all have them, those Missions that we just can't forget. Good or Bad, Lets hear them!


For me it was over Korea, I'd hit my target and got jumped by some MiG-9s. I should have dropped tanks, but instead i tried to outfly them. At last i had them almost in guns range, when out of nowhere a pair of Sabers zipped in and stole my kill, i have never wanted to shoot down a friendly so bad. :rofl:



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I got one most recently couple of weeks ago. In 1990


4x F-111F, 494TFS (LN) in strike to an airfield (Paran, two runways). I also picked two F-4G 23rd TFS (SP) as AAA was "Intense".


As we entered low, i got my RWR mad 12nm away from target. Made F-4Gs to Attack Ground, and they started to loose off HARMs while i activated ECMs.


As i got the runway, ordered my Varks to Attack Ground. Heard SAM LAUNCH!!! pressed R and told my wingman to strike the SA-13. I saw a burst of sparks coming into me, so i made nose down over the air field to avoid the ZSU-23. We all launched the snakeyes, and when i made sure we wasted all bombs, ordered to regroup.


Then i heard "Enemies inbound". Ordered Varks home and Weasels (seems an air Zoo) to fight against MiG 29 with their couple of Sparrows. Know i made madness, but i activated my AIM-9Ms (M&Ms XD). As one of the Migs aimed at a Phantom, i throwed the winder at him, wich exploded mid-air


Now alone, time to get back home. Tried to avoid SAM zones, but at a narrow gap was hit by IR SAM, wich left me without thrust. using my speed,

i kept flying until D10, the closest airfield to the border. Once again a good vark mission, and once again had to land on D10.

Edited by macelena

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Had one a couple of weeks ago flyin an Israeli F-4E during Yom Kippur. Locked onto a Syrian Mig-21 while he was about 20 miles of the coast haeding for the Northern Border. Set up an extreme long range shot with an Aim-7E, fired at about 20 miles. To be honest I thought I was probably a bit far out but if it worked I'd have time to take out another 1 or 2 of his flight BVR. After over a minute in the air my missile was about to get a hit maybey a quarter mile out an the B****** ducks behind a hill. Was really looking forward to the kill after watching the missile track for so long... ended up targeting his wingie with another 7 got him then took the lead with a winder.


I also vividly remember my firt mission n the 6 day war, bombed a hanger with my two wing mounded 500lbs bombs in Cairo west then used my centrlin 500's to take out a fuel tank and then an IL-28, was hoping to get the bombers on either side of the one I targeted unfortunalty they were to far apart. Made my last pass straffinga row of Mig-21's and got 3 or 4. When I pulled up the control tower was about half a miledirectly ahead so I emptied my guns into it.



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This one time, at flight school....

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This one time, at flight school....





I have one. When I first downloaded the F-15 and Su-27, I tried an intercept mission one of my friends made. Just to see what would happen, I selected as many pilots as possible to fly with(I believe it was 16)and started. We were on our way there when I checked my radar and saw a large mass of green. Since I was still new to the game, I thought it was radar jamming or omething. Oh boy was I wrong, suddenly, I heard this odd horn-like noise(which at the moment I did not realise was a warning). My wingman said missile inbound and I rolled inverted and released chaff/flares. The missile missed me by one wings length and I realised what I had seen on my radar. I pulled up and leveled off with less than 500 ft left. I told all my allies to break and engage. What followed was a mass ball of confusion. Tracers and jets(and parts)flying everywhere. I managed to get on the tail of the lead Flanker and got a gun kill only to realise his wingman was on mine. Luckily, I had not known that my wingman responded to orders individually and he soon got on the tail of that flanker and got his kill. I kept him by me at all times after that. The battle continued chaotically and ended with just my damaged plane(got shot up a little but my wingman saved me again) my wingman, and 3 other allied planes. One Flanker got away possibly(he was smoking so I figured hed crash before he made it home)and what was left of my team chased after the MiG's we were to intercept. We took them down easily and RTB. I got some medal but I cant remember what it was.


That was the best flight ever.

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We all have them, those Missions that we just can't forget. Good or Bad, Lets hear them!


For me it was over Korea, I'd hit my target and got jumped by some MiG-9s. I should have dropped tanks, but instead i tried to outfly them. At last i had them almost in guns range, when out of nowhere a pair of Sabers zipped in and stole my kill, i have never wanted to shoot down a friendly so bad. :rofl:



Please, tell me:the Korean mod is working right with the last patch?

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Its working ok for me, but i don't know if the correct Heightmap issues have been worked out or not.


I have Vista so im used to turning off the shaders, i still don't use them because i get better framerates with them off.


What i think i did was to go into the korea_data.ini and delete the height map info from each texture entry that said HasWater=1 or 2. I did that for almost all of my terrains and i'm pretty sure Korea was one of them.


It was the only way i could get the Aircraft Carriers working on the Cuba Terrain.

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