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Anyone want to Beta test the Wyvern?

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I'm getting to the stage where it's pretty much working according to plan so if anyone would like to beta it and point out where I've been a moron reply to this thread and I'll send the first five the file. If I take any more I'll lose track of what's going on, but hopefully it'll be out for everyone in two weeks.....



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Looks somking hot, unfortunetly I have no time. Hope you get good testers :)

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Hey Lt, how about an old priest and a young priest.... j/k do not know why that movie reference popped in my head.

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Dave, Triple,


Check your PMs. And Dave which one of us is the old priest!?



Edited by SkippyBing

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I had an interest in this plane a while ago. Became my favorite post-war prop. I'll gladly test it.

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I'll take a crack at it.....

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Cool, that's five by my borderline adequate maths. Check your PM's for the download link, happy for any feedback to go here then everyone can see rather than having the same stuff reported five times. I'm now going to iron what appears to be everything I own before I hit the sack, something about forward planning...

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Really Really nice plane Skippy, she handles well and is a very stable weapons delivery platform, she looses speed fery fast though... and accelleration isn't what i thought it would, especially as she has a 3667hp engine :lol:

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Handling is pretty decent, like you said, she's no fighter. I think the viewpoint in the cockpit needs some adjustment, but that's all I came up with :)

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This would be a honour!! claudiowilches(the odd internet symbol)dot gmail dot com :good:

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Handling is pretty decent, like you said, she's no fighter. I think the viewpoint in the cockpit needs some adjustment, but that's all I came up with :)


Yeah could do with being a bit higher....

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Just took her up for a spin on WOI.. ( had her on WOV before... ) she looks and handles like a dream m8....

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Correcting my email - claudiowilches(internet symbol)gmail dot com - Send me one for test please! I´ll give a feedback. :good:

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Flies real well. Like dwcace and Dreamstar said, the view point could be a little higher.


To all who can't wait for the final release: DO NOT try to dogfight in her. I think I'm on my third Wyvern now from losses air to air combat.

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Flies real well. Like dwcace and Dreamstar said, the view point could be a little higher.


To all who can't wait for the final release: DO NOT try to dogfight in her. I think I'm on my third Wyvern now from losses air to air combat.


Ive taken out a MiG-15 or 2 with it..... its not totally useless in a dogfight :lol:

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Flies real well. Like dwcace and Dreamstar said, the view point could be a little higher.


To all who can't wait for the final release: DO NOT try to dogfight in her. I think I'm on my third Wyvern now from losses air to air combat.


Well, given the Wyvern was essentially a strike aircraft, not too surprising that her dogfighting capabilities leave something to be desired.


Now, if only we had a Sea Venom to get this Suez thing rolling. :yes:

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Has anyone had any issues with the AI taxiing post patch? The only thing stopping me releasing it at the moment is there desire to just drive around in circles rather than taking off!

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check the spring and damping functions in the landing gears, also make sure if the tailwheel is steerable, it has a postivie value





hate that "driving miss daisy disease"....



kevin stein

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Thanks Wrench,


It turned out to be my fix to stop them tipping onto the nose under braking, move the CG back a lot, was causing the problem. Changed it back and then reduced the brake coefficient!

Edited by SkippyBing

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Has anyone had any issues with the AI taxiing post patch? The only thing stopping me releasing it at the moment is there desire to just drive around in circles rather than taking off!


Yeah I did, wingman did circles.

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It deserves a custom cockpit, don´t you agree? :rolleyes:


Current pit works for me. I am sure the LT is busy with things other than this fine model.

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