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(Sinto, estou matando a lingua Portuguesa).

Açaççinou( :rofl:) o Manoel


Não foi tão mal! :good:

Edited by Silverbolt

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AFAIK, All the Animation Controllers Should be TCB (noted By TK Since like SP1 i think), as for the Vertex and Animation Mis-Positioning, shouldn't adjusting the Pivot Point Axis' solve that problem? moving the Pivot Point to the Center of the Scene (0.0,0.0,0.0) or more Forward should do the same thing as adding a Offset Vertex Point (which would move the Nodes Pivot Point because the default position for the Pivot Point is the center of the Node unless you adjust it manually using Heirarchy Tab, And Affect Pivot Point Only Option, then move the Pivot Point Axis' to where you want center to be for the Vertice's Scaling Animation.


Example, if the Deployed Chute's Negative most rear Vertex is -8.5 Meters, Move the Pivot Point of the Chute's Node forward to about +5.0m on the Axis, which is not 100% opposite the but if you move the pivot point forward, then the Object's Scaling is effected, the Object will Scale To and From the Pivot Point in max, so setting the pivot point forward or around the actual Chute's Compartment, will allow you to just globally scale the entire Node to and from the Chute's Compartment.

Edited by Digital-Overload

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Actually, moving the Pivot Point doesn't work...because that's what I tried first. I move Pivot Points around all the time for my meshes. But this doesn't work for vertex scaling.


Try it yourself and you'll see that the scaling center has nothing to do with the actual pivot point location unless that's changed in MAX from version 9 or later.



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Actually, moving the Pivot Point doesn't work...because that's what I tried first. I move Pivot Points around all the time for my meshes. But this doesn't work for vertex scaling.


Try it yourself and you'll see that the scaling center has nothing to do with the actual pivot point location unless that's changed in MAX from version 9 or later.




Oops My fault, just tried, was unaware that the pivot point had no effect on the Vertices....

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FastCargo,thanks for the tip.Now,gonna try get the chutes on those F-4's.OMG!Is that two-seater gonna be released in the future or is that for... for... *GULP* your amusement,sir?

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Someday I will complete and release the Northrop 2 seaters. I just have no motivation at the moment.



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What'll it take?




Ain't got any.




Damn, maxxed out.


Love? :blink:


Er, no. So whenever you're ready bud...



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Someday I will complete and release the Northrop 2 seaters. I just have no motivation at the moment.





sad news FastCargo... :blink:

have hoped that the release of your great 2 seaters isn´t far away.

is there a way how we can motivate or help yoù?

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I made a lot of attempts and I did what vary people they suggested.

The fact is that doesn't still work.

Here has some screens, see if somebody detects the error.








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Hi Marcelo.


Can you tell us exactly what doesn't work? Does it not show up in game? Does it crash the game? Does it just look wierd?



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Marcelo, in the last image, try to erase the red and green (posistion and rotation) keys.

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How to do that?


Marcelo, in the last image, try to erase the red and green (posistion and rotation) keys.

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How to do that?


In the dope sheet select with the mouse red and green squares ... then right click and select something like "erase", "cancel" or "deselect" ... i dont remember ... or simply try to hit canc key.

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Wow, the aircraft looks great, i hope this aircraft will be finnished soon, hopefully it wont come out at the same time as Bobrocks tornado F.3 as i will not be able to choose which one to fly :P

But anyway, keep up with the good work, i wish i could give you advice on the Chute, but im crap at all this modding :( haha, ahh well



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Yup.... I NEED this one for my WOE :diablo:

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Marc...animate by scaling the chute as a mesh....manually...from sides,then top and bottom to get it to look like its opening correctly.....then do same to the chute ropes....then animate them both together with move tool....moving each so they are together...you can fool the game into "thinking" they are joined...

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I think I'll resurrect this one as it has a variety of methods on making a chute.


I'm running into the same problem as Marcelo. I can make all the animations but it (the chute) never shows in the game. I've tried FastCargo's method, Erikgen's suggestion and even a few methods that aren't in this thread. All deal with the animation controller settings and they vary widely.


I've made one chute before for the LAPES "weapon" and it works ok. If I use that chute on a flare I've made, the chute doesn't show up...just the flare mesh. Can someone please lay out a step by step on making a basic chute animation and have it posted in the knowledge base? Heck, if I can get mine to work, I'll do it.

If someone with Max8 is willing to take a look at it and make the needed changes it will save me from putting my fist through a monitor.

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