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absolutely delighted that you're having a great time in the old Vark.   my next project is an F-111A in SEA Nam and TFX paint job.

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What lurks in the shadows?




Out flying in the AC-119K Stinger over a modified India terrain using Stary's tiles and a modified moutnaintop tile.



This is a big area to fly.



I get a lot of inspiration from all the hardworking folks here at Combat Ace!

Edited by krfrge
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Hal Jordan testing the F-19 with F-2 chase plane



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B aggressive..... F-111B "Bobcat"  for Robert H. Widmer aircraft designer (B-58, F-111, F-16 and Tomahawk cruise missile).


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sorry... please move to the SF2 section...



been reworking the F-111 skins, 2048 x 2048, even redid the bump maps...

uploading soon... just need to do the grey F-111D's



Edited by slick cowboy
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I feel the need, the need for speed !





Now, I feel the retract of my flying licence...


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Super Mystere B2 of the french 12th fighter squadron  EC1/12 Cambresis





released for download Nov.18th 2014

Edited by Gepard
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The dark camo of the SuperMystere B2 of the french 12th fighter squadron EC.2/12 at Savigny in 1977



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Southeast Asia work




A second pass to confirm the target



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Reconnaissance work





Pemba #2



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Nampula Commando Base


Having issues with the trees but I will continue to experiment.

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Gunship arrival at Nampula.


Figured out the tree isssue. Was trying to "plant" trees while tiles were 512. TE likes 256 better.

Edited by krfrge
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MiG-15bis adjusted skins.










(For Pasko's SF1 MiG-15bis.  Original Skins by God Knows Who.  I've seen references to Column5, wpnssgt, volks, whiteknight, gramps, Gepard, Wrench, Steve Rizor, USAFMTL ... and probably a half-dozen I've missed, unintentionally.

Unfortunately, when I redo the panel lines and rivets I have to repaint the skins to get rid of the old lines and rivets.  This means I also paint over the great weathering on these skins.  I suck at weathering.

I used and modified suhsjake's MiG_15_Templates.)


Thanks to all who've created or had anything to do with this plane and skins.  Still gives me much pleasure after all these years.

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Airstrike Java Sea region



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SF2 Stock Skins fit SF1 Planes.  Most need some adjustment but eventually work.



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Vietnam Bronco



North Vietnamese J-6 Farmer


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