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Look at the SIZE of that thing....

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Close up view...



and a little further away...




For those that don't know, the airstrip at runway3 has a length of 1200 meters...you can guestimate the size of this object by that.


With thanks to ErikGen!!!


Coming reaaaallll soon!



kevin stein

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Looks impressive but what is it?


Looks like a giant flying barn with wings...

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AAA fire control radar --- networks EVERY gun in the hemisphere from Tokorev pistols, AKs, to 130mm KS-30


no, just kidding. :rofl:


Let's see if we have someone here that'll come up with the right designation....



kevin stein

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By the threads title... I thought a nude picture of me made it onto the web.



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Is it...


The new Bose super-dooper surround sound speaker system for Red Crown ?


So you don't miss it when she says "Negative...all assets commited"....again. :biggrin:

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Maybe some sort of phased array, but there aren't any aerials the right size to go OTH. Still the designation for that would be SPY-XXX. Other wise I'm going with Kirsten.

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sugar blues has it.... Dnepr OTH radar for ballistic missile early warning.


Although....I DO like the idea of it being a large speaker stack; brodcast propaganda across the Strait at the decadant Americans. "Take THAT, you Guitar Heros!!!!"


Model by ErikGen for the (aborted, apparently) DBS-2 build. It'll be included in my update of DBS, if I can ever get the damn NIKEs to fire....other than that, it's ready to go!


If I could just get CA_Stary's harbor bouys and lighthouses.....



kevin stein

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First thing I thought of was a horse stable. heehe


Next try an experimental 3D cumulus cloud.


...just for experiment. Could be setup as balloon. Could be skinned. Multiple levels of detail. Perhaps for a very large 3D thundercloud, some very small collision points inside to simulate chance of encountering extreme turbulence. Eventually, if the idea works, perhaps changing shape like aircraft landing gear or canopy closing is a change in shape.


3D cumulus cloud should interact with the SF Sun like any 3D object. Very interesting, and a change from the industry standard "fligth sim" puff textures.

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Although....I DO like the idea of it being a large speaker stack; brodcast propaganda across the Strait at the decadant Americans. "Take THAT, you Guitar Heros!!!!"


Yeah, I'm thinking Marty McFly at the start of Back to the Future but turned up to 11!

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(Theme from original '60's Batman series) Batman says"The Wrench has gone MAD!Is he a slave to he's own ideas?Can he be saved?"Tune in tomorrow when Wrench says,"There's a hidden uranium plant near the shipwreck.Find it if you dare!"Robin says"Holy fields of radioactive chaos,Batman!What are we gonna do?The Northwest will be in shambles if someone puts a rocket into it!"


Good lord man!Honestly?Do you ever tired?Love to blow up stuff too but,dang!That's really big....the building.

Edited by WDH

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Another way to practice the ancient art of barnstorming?

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I liked the Bose idea as well. :biggrin:


Since the pic is not 3D, at first I thought it was the "Flying House" taking off. :biggrin:


Now thats what I call MOVING. :rofl:




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