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Handley Page Halifax

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File Name: Handley Page Halifax

File Submitter: Veltro2k

File Submitted: 08 Nov 2008

File Updated: 25 Mar 2010

File Category: Allied Bombers


The Handley Page Halifax was one of the British front-line, four-engine heavy bombers of the Royal Air Force during the Second World War. A contemporary of the famous Avro Lancaster, the Halifax remained in service until the end of the war, performing a variety of duties in addition to bombing. The Halifax was also operated by squadrons of the Royal Australian Air Force, Royal Canadian Air Force, Royal New Zealand Air Force and Polish Air Force.







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Great work Veltro. This is a nice surprise.

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Great work, thanks very much :biggrin::good:

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I am getting an immediate CTD on this A/C when any function is selected after the initial cockpit view. I am running it in a WOE install for WWII only, NOT patched up with the October 08 patch. All other recent add-on A/C work fine, including the new Wellington. Is this a patch related issue? If so, is there a fix to allow it to run in my current set-up, without the new patch. I'm holding off on that to look at the feedback on how the new patch will affect my WWII game.


I like the A/C and would like to have it in my game.



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Hi Veltro, guys here...


The New Halifax looks fantastic but unfortunately im having a CTD everytime i select it..im running an SFG based WW2 Install without the latest October 08 Patch..ive tried different Terrains, no Joy, anti- Ship and Bombing/Strike Missions but still crashing to Desktop..ive also adjusted Base sises to small but..still no luck..been through the Date and the Ini file as the Wellington works just fine and my Lanc has no problems? Any further Ideas what it might be guys? Ive been waiting for more U.K. Bombers and I really love the model from the pic, its looks a Quality fly..great Work Veltro (any plans for a Hampden,Stirling,Swordfish,Gladiator,Albemarle,Manchester,Albacore,Whitley,Barracuda,Avro Anson,Skua or Short Sunderland in the future mate? love your work..)


Any help greatefully appreciated..only currently flying my WW2 Install and my beloved First Eagles (which I recently patched Nov 08) and really enjoying them, hi fellow Prop Heads!!!


All the best and keep up the great work..


Rab ;0) (sockboy)



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For those who are getting a CTD, have you tried using it with the standard GermanyCE terrain ?

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For those who are getting a CTD, have you tried using it with the standard GermanyCE terrain ?


Hi Veltro..


Just tried it with my SFG Default 'Desert' Terrain but still CTD when it reaches 100%..weird..tried the wellington again and it worked first time!! got me stumped..


Best wishes..






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Hi there Dave..


Cheers for the suggestion..tried changing bases to 'small' but still getting the Crash..thanks for the help anyway though mate...


best wishes..


Rab ;0)




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Hi Veltro..


Just tried it with my SFG Default 'Desert' Terrain but still CTD when it reaches 100%..weird..tried the wellington again and it worked first time!! got me stumped..


Best wishes..








begining to sound like a video problem

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and my vid cards are 2- sli 8800gts


welington is fine

running with sp4 thats about 2 patches ago

thats all my ww2 mod will run properly in

it's the ww2 eeuro conversion mod available on this site


btw keep up the great work

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Hi Veltro,lads..


Sorry to hear you are having the same issues DaSpungie..im running an old ATI Radeon 9800 Card mate and my WW2 Install is patched the same as yours i.e to about two patches back SP4..My system is well old and pretty past it...lol..Athalon 1800+ and 1 gig of RAM DDR Memory although BF1942 and all mods and traike Fighters gold,First Eagles and my WW2 installs and work very well apart fron now!! Arghhhh!!!


Wellington and Lanc and all German,Italian,Russian And U.S. Bombers working no problem, as is the Beaufort,Beaufighter and Blenheim...most strange..been through the Data.ini and cant see any glaring differences, even comparing the Wellington and Lancasters Data.inis to see if their are any major differences i may have missed..wish I could figure it out as i love the Wellington and really want to fly the Halifax!! tried different terrains, changed Loadout and Bombloads,Base sizes,weight,Nationalities,Attachment types, Service Dates..still no luck!! even tried swapping cockpits!!!


At a loss to my next move..id adjust my ingame settings and Video Settings if none of my other Aircraft worked but its only the Hali im having bother with!! Dont get it...I hope that when the Stirling Comes I dont have any hassle with it, I love all your planes Veltro!! (Could a Setting be to high for my system to cope with some how in the Data.ini pal? know nothing about modelling!)


Any help gratefully appreciated and..thanks for your time and most execellent work Veltro..


Best wishes...


Rab ;0)











and my vid cards are 2- sli 8800gts


welington is fine

running with sp4 thats about 2 patches ago

thats all my ww2 mod will run properly in

it's the ww2 eeuro conversion mod available on this site


btw keep up the great work

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