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Weapon Pack breaks install

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Hello all, this is my first post. I have found your site to be very thorough and helpful. But on to my issue;


When I install the 2006 weapons mod into WoV the game begins to crash. I get different errors. Sometimes it says WoV.exe has failed, other times it says there was an error with the weapon data file. I have tried several times and I have narrowed it down to the weapons pack. I would really like to get it working, because I know several air craft rely on it. So far the only mods I have are a few additional aircraft that I got from here. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

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Not sure.. as I would think that a weapons pack wouldn't make a difference.. but then again, methinks WoV has specific weapons for that particular sim. So the 2006 pack you're using, doesn't have those weapons in there. That's the only thing I can think of as I use a mishmash and haven't had much issue..

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which weapons pack, exactly?


You have WoV patched up through Oct?

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First: To which version did you patch the game?

Second: Which weaponpack did you use?


I'm assuming you've patched WoV with latest Oct2008 patch.

And i assume you've installed Bunyaps Weapon pack.


If so then get the latest weapon editor from the thirdwire site and drop that into the weapons folder.

Open the weaponeditor and open the weapondata.ini.

Then save and exit.


Report back if it still fails.



Bunyaps weaponpack installs now outdated data.ini files into the stock airplanes folders.


Never ever install a weapon pack directly into the game folder, even if the installer says to do so.

Install into a temporary folder and then move the things you need into your game install.


Also there are now various threads on wepon packs and oct2008 patches, try the search function...



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When I install the 2006 weapons mod into WoV the game begins to crash.


Bad, bad, bad things man.


The 2006 weapons pack was only for installs patches to the August 2006 standard.


If you patched your install before you installed the weapons pack, it was patched to October 2008...by installing the 2006 weapons pack, you probably have broken several things in your install.


My advice...delete and reinstall your WOV install and patch it to the latest level (Oct 2008).


Then, either use the Mirage Factory's weapons pack with the latest version of the weapons editor...or edit and install weapons one by one.


You need to start here:




Learn about the game, and learn about adding weapons.



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Yes I am patched to oct 2008, and yes it was Bunyap's weapons pack. Sorry for the confusion.


I chose that one because many of the addon aircraft had in the readme's that they needed his weapon pack to work right.

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Yes I am patched to oct 2008, and yes it was Bunyap's weapons pack. Sorry for the confusion.


I chose that one because many of the addon aircraft had in the readme's that they needed his weapon pack to work right.


Misleading unfortunately - the Aircraft will work fine they just wont have the weapons, drop tanks, and maybe effects and sounds but there is no dependency - ie you can stick any weapon with any jet if you like.


See the threads above for sound advice and start again - dont worry everyones screwed an install at some point.

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Will the January 2008 Mirage factory weapons pack work with the October patch?

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I was able to use the weapon editor to add the weapons to the weapondata.ini, but how do I put the weapondata.ini back into the .cat file?

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Will the January 2008 Mirage factory weapons pack work with the October patch?



I don't think so. The new one in work though is built for it. In testing.

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I don't think so. The new one in work though is built for it. In testing.


Of course does the MF Jan WP work with the Oct 2008 patch. Older weapon packs will work just fine once you install them using the instructions (LINK) found in the knowledge base. What's so hard about that to understand?

Edited by Gocad

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Of course does the MF Jan WP work with the Oct 2008 patch. Older weapon packs will work just fine once you install them using the instructions (LINK) found in the knowledge base. What's so hard about that to understand?



true, I took his question as whether the weapons pack would install on top of an October patch without further effort. In that respect, no. The MF Jan patch will absolutely work if one follows the prescribed additional steps. Sorry for the lack of clarity.

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ok thanks for the help everyone. I tried launching the game after adding the weapon data and lo and behold the game crashes again. I'm really bad at this....


I did a quick reinstall so it works again. So what order should I go about this? Aircraft, weapons pack, then update? or weapons pack, aircraft, update or some other combination?

Edited by zmatt

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wow thanks, that one worked. But now I have another problem. My F-16s have amraams finally but whenever i make a MigCAP mission with a 3rd party aircraft there are no migs, and now when I try to use The AIM-7 they dont work. They don't launch and there is no error to indicate that the game made them fail to be realistic. I just pull the trigger and nothing happens. Also now the F-4 stalls in turns with full afterburner and flys like it has a rock on its back. I know it was not dog fighter but isn't that a little pushing it?

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Maybe MiG´s don´t appear because of their service start and end years.

For example: you fly an F-22 which entered service in 2005, and you have a MiG-23, but it´s service end year is 2000. If that´s the problem, you can edit the mig´s service end year or get a more modern enemy plane.


When I patched the game I was also surprised because of the Phantom´s new flight model, while in a dogfight at 1700 feet I entered a spin and had to eject.

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ok then. I just edit the flight year by manually changing the info in the aircraft's .ini in notepad right? Also how do I label an aircraft as one that can be hostile?

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for some reason the board wont let me edit posts.....


I changed the end year on the Mig-21PFM to 2010. And I started a sortie with the F/A-18A in 1983. No bogies. Also as soon as the mission started I got a mission Accomplished RTB over the radio.

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Try adding some later model MiGs like the 29 or 31, or the Su-27. They should be more common in later years anyway.

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Will do. But why are my radar guided missiles not working? Is this a known bug with the October patch? All of my Radar guided missiles, AIM-7, AMRAAM, and the missiles on my Mirage 2000 and my soviet planes don't work. Anyone know why?

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1. Check your key assignments.


2. Do you have radar lock when you try to fire?



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Yes. I have RADAR lock. But nothing happens. Before I updated it worked fine, now it doesn't and I haven't changed a thing. I made sure my key assignments are correct. IR missiles work, just not radar guided.

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