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Seasoned WOE GermanyCE

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For quite some time now I was bored by standard green of Euope in Wings Over Europe. Of course there are great repaints by Deuces, Brain32 and Max188, but as campaigns takes place not only in late summer...


This one was sitting on my HD in very early state for some time now, I did winter and autumn versions of GermanyCE map. I'm not much of a texture painter, so it's based on stock tileset:








And here's the winterized version, currently without trees:






All trees to be corrected, added and repainted with better textures, im going to introduce GreenHell2 style cities too :smile:


Generally replacement pack with few better things in it

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Veeery nice :yes:



Stary, you are still updating your great mods to better and better and better and best :biggrin: WOE/WOV will be nicer than real nature :biggrin:

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A question: are you going to be using the correct sized trees or the larger sized trees ???

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A question: are you going to be using the correct sized trees or the larger sized trees ???


New, corrected, smaller versions with new higher resolution graphics

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looks great!

Edited by Signum

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Guess I'm going to have to put the all in one on hold until you get done... :biggrin:.


Shouldn't affect too many things...please keep JSF_Aggie's road airfields in mind when you do the TODs so there aren't any 'trees' in the wrong places...



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Stary it's great!!!

Do you think is it possible install it in an unpatched version too of woe?I don't trust new patches,better stick on my 60 fps

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Stary it's great!!!

Do you think is it possible install it in an unpatched version too of woe?I don't trust new patches,better stick on my 60 fps


Yes, it's now running in unpatched WOE install, I think the final will be for both old and updated versions (two sepatare inis)


@FC: got it!

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To get the 'all in one with seasons', you'd need to patch up to 10/08. Unfortunately. Or just have 2-4 terrain folders with the differing seasons.


XRay, you ever get that issue resolved with DBS? Did you try reusing the original data ini? I know I added all the new bits from post-patch (far terrain fx, the height changes, etc).


While I was testing it, I got a constant 40-50 fps (depending on flak bursts, of course)



kevin stein

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Yes, it's now running in unpatched WOE install, I think the final will be for both old and updated versions (two sepatare inis)


@FC: got it!


You're the man!!!!! :good:

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To get the 'all in one with seasons', you'd need to patch up to 10/08. Unfortunately. Or just have 2-4 terrain folders with the differing seasons.


XRay, you ever get that issue resolved with DBS? Did you try reusing the original data ini? I know I added all the new bits from post-patch (far terrain fx, the height changes, etc).


While I was testing it, I got a constant 40-50 fps (depending on flak bursts, of course)



kevin stein


Kevin Original Bering Strait,or mine,points straight to germanyCE.cat,I didn't found any data in the original one!

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Oh boy...Here we go again!Anyone want to see a 5'11'' at 310lbs do a cartwheel to a backflip?Just seeing these kinda ideas makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over!Am I scaring anyone yet? :wacko::swoon: :tomato2:

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To get the 'all in one with seasons', you'd need to patch up to 10/08. Unfortunately. Or just have 2-4 terrain folders with the differing seasons.



kevin stein


Wrench, thanks for info, it's just few days since I came back, hadn't time to test all the little benefits from patching. I'll have to look into the new ini files after updates. I know the seasoned terrain was a feature introduced in FE or it's expansion, I don't know how exactly this works.


But it'll take a week or so, don't want to release version I'm not fully satisfied with.


Other note, I think I may be able to add specular reflection on the winter terrain to look more like it should, like in Jane's WW2 Fighters. That one had nice soft specular on snow IIRC. Tested with trees in the past, works, looks weird :rolleyes:

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Ok here is a man with to much time but I love the result, can you pls make some skyscraper style buildings?! only some for the downtown of the cities?

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Good to see you back in action, CA :good:


This one looks great :yes:

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Nice! Love the autumn tileset; matches the overall feeling of the widesky mod :)

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New autumn woodland, all trees correctly sized and set to nicely fade in the distance, I've discovered nice GermanyCE_data.ini settings that reduces the sudden "pop-up" of ground objects:




And some more new objects:






After finishing the fall version, I'll continue work on the winter.


Screens captured in October WOE version.

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That's really nice! What's the data.ini setting? Want to play, want to play! :)



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First I recommend seting DetailmeshSize=7 or 8 in flightengine.ini, and then in terrain_data.ini set these:





















TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE_BLEND_TEXTURE_ALPHA <-- this is important, I guess never used before setting


Works best with correct sized trees (eg. GH2, Israel2 or default), another benefits is the subtle soft look of trees, slightly different than TW originals

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I like that fade in effect...much less jarring. I'll check it out...



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