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Seasoned WOE GermanyCE

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Airfield on farms is indeed not realistic, why I had a problem with GermanyCE is that those empty areas were streching not only under airfields but also over hundreds, even thousands of square kilometers over map, such things simply do not exist in Europe and especially in Germany.

IMO VietnamSEA solved airfields much better, specialized "airfield" tiles connected as a group of 4 for an airfield, other terrain independant as it really is.

Either way CA_Stary is doing an awsome work that will match all preferneces, that's very cool

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CA, clearly I think, would be impossible! Thanks for the information!

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Hi CA Stary,

This really is five-star stuff. I haven't seen anything this good since the 'Forest & Farms' mod.

I have some info for you that may be of help when 'tweaking' things:

I was preparing to fly a recon mission from Bruggen airfield when I looked out the cockpit and got a strange surprise=






I did a bit of checking while flying and after looking through the Targets.ini file I noticed that this seems to happen in the

german_airbase1.ini and soviet_airbase1.ini type airfields. There also seems to be what appears to be small bushes on the runways

of a lot of airfields.

Apart from that I'm really impressed. Two seasons down, two to go :biggrin:

BTW, thanks for your earlier info on how to make the autumn terrain separate from the default.

Keep up the good work :good:

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Hi CA Stary,

This really is five-star stuff. I haven't seen anything this good since the 'Forest & Farms' mod.

I have some info for you that may be of help when 'tweaking' things:

I was preparing to fly a recon mission from Bruggen airfield when I looked out the cockpit and got a strange surprise=






I did a bit of checking while flying and after looking through the Targets.ini file I noticed that this seems to happen in the

german_airbase1.ini and soviet_airbase1.ini type airfields. There also seems to be what appears to be small bushes on the runways

of a lot of airfields.

Apart from that I'm really impressed. Two seasons down, two to go :biggrin:

BTW, thanks for your earlier info on how to make the autumn terrain separate from the default.

Keep up the good work :good:


Delete GermanyR1.tod and GermanyR2.tod files... Leftover from my test install :sorry:

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HR Winter edition uploaded, avaiting approval by our fellow Moderators :smile:


By default enabled are the empty grass areas (those seen around airbases), but there's folder with additional farmlands replacement as some prefer those, just copy


and overwrite. Also trees are standard and double in size for you to pick the ones you like more.


Also with instructions and GermanyCE.ini to make seasons changes working :yes:

As dedicated spring tiles aren't ready yet, I decided to do 3 seasons version available now (spring and summer being the same), read the included readme please, frankly the installation couldn't be simplier


Edit: it's up

Edited by CA_Stary

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pablito: from the ANW 4 Season Readme: (if you haven't got it, you're seriously missing out on some very fun stuff!)


Seasonal changes are based upon the date a mission is flown, in single mission (month/day - year makes no difference), and probably in campaigns as well


Those 'dateline variables' are set in the terrain's MAIN ini, ala First Eagles. Dates (season start/stop times) are easily adjusted by simply changing the month/day entry. Just like the example shown above.


Since I'm not a Campaign Guru, I can only assume if you set the start date for a campaign in say, September 1st, you'd have the summer tiles...if the campaign continues on through say Feburary or March, you'd see the change to winter.


I defintely like the 'clear zones' around the air bases, to me that a lot more realistic looking (as photos of the Real World ™ places would show.



kevin stein

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Looking forward to trying this out!


Is it possible to link an environment system to each season which would allow for shorter/longer days and also snow vs. rain?

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Looking forward to trying this out!


Is it possible to link an environment system to each season which would allow for shorter/longer days and also snow vs. rain?


every terrain can have it's own environmentsystem.ini attached to it via entry in terrainname.ini




I *think* the day/night duration is calculated by the Longitude= and Latitude= entries in main ini file, based on real sun movement data..? have to check it out

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I *think* the day/night duration is calculated by the Longitude= and Latitude= entries in main ini file, based on real sun movement data..?


Yes, they are. As are nightime stellar constellations and moon phases (although those are based off time of the month)


Example: DBS, with it's Midnight Sun.


Hence the importance of adding the Lat/Long = lines in the terrains main ini.


from ANW's environmentalsystem ini:




InclinationAngle=23.5 <-- Terra's axial tilt

Latitude=49.08 <-- lat of ANW



Acceleration=9.81 pull of gravity; one wonder how aircrft would react with lighter/stronger G pull,mps/ps










[Fog] <--for clouds, etc



StartOvercast=-2000 <---

EndOvercast=38000 <---altitudes in meters ASL











MorningEndTime= <-- all these variable adjustable, for local time, based on latitude (?)


everything below this point looks almost identical to a stock, freshly extracted environmentalsystem ini, found in the /Flight folder, in either the FlightData.cat or MissionData.cat -- can't remember which.


note on gravitational accleration; one can't but wonder if we lower it, and create reddish-brown terrain tiles, if we couldn't simulate Mars...although the atmosphere may still remain at Earth standard (14.7 psi @ sea level -- is that 1 Bar in metric?)



kevin stein

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Yes, they are. As are nightime stellar constellations and moon phases (although those are based off time of the month)


Example: DBS, with it's Midnight Sun.


Hence the importance of adding the Lat/Long = lines in the terrains main ini.


from ANW's environmentalsystem ini:




everything below this point looks almost identical to a stock, freshly extracted environmentalsystem ini, found in the /Flight folder, in either the FlightData.cat or MissionData.cat -- can't remember which.


note on gravitational accleration; one can't but wonder if we lower it, and create reddish-brown terrain tiles, if we couldn't simulate Mars...although the atmosphere may still remain at Earth standard (14.7 psi @ sea level -- is that 1 Bar in metric?)



kevin stein


Thank you for explanation Wrench! You saved me some crashtest dummy work

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Hats off to CA_Stary :hi: .......the King of lanscapers



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note on gravitational accleration; one can't but wonder if we lower it, and create reddish-brown terrain tiles, if we couldn't simulate Mars...although the atmosphere may still remain at Earth standard (14.7 psi @ sea level -- is that 1 Bar in metric?)


I actually on a lark played around with this variable some time ago.


What I found is that the air remains at the same standard pressure, and that the AI has some difficulty once you start messing with the GC of the sim 'universe'. Because all the airfoils have the same forces acting upon them, the AI was flying as if the GC was Earth standard. Which typically manifested in getting too 'high' on manuvers and not ever being able to get 'down' if the GC was lowered to about lunar level because the AI wouldn't aim 'low' enough.


It's too bad...the idea of a Mars or open space combatsim (the aircraft using RCS jets) could actually be supported by the sim engine (make all your aircraft have no aerodynamic properties). The problem is that the AI wouldn't take advantage of it, and the controls don't exist for 'translation' in all 3 axis.


But back to the matter at hand...another nice release CA_Stary!



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How do I mate the buildings in these mods with the stock ones so that I can have those magnificent cities in the stock summer terrain?

My experimenting went awry!

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Wow, this terrain looks good, is it just going to be an update to the terrain, or will it be a whole new terrain based on the WOE one. Because i only have Strike fighters, and i require a WOE terrain to make some of the downloaded missions work :(

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This is based on the GermanyCE terrain included with WOE. If you don't have this, you're out of luck.


CA_Stary, question:


Have you attempted to integrate your seasons (Winter, Autumn) with your summer stuff (Trees mod) yet? I'm having issues...the terrain keeps reverting to the stock data.ini with all three...I'm wondering if the sim only allows one data.ini per terrain.


The AmericanNW terrain doesn't have those kind of issues, but then again, it only has the one data.ini.



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This is based on the GermanyCE terrain included with WOE. If you don't have this, you're out of luck.


CA_Stary, question:


Have you attempted to integrate your seasons (Winter, Autumn) with your summer stuff (Trees mod) yet? I'm having issues...the terrain keeps reverting to the stock data.ini with all three...I'm wondering if the sim only allows one data.ini per terrain.


The AmericanNW terrain doesn't have those kind of issues, but then again, it only has the one data.ini.




Hmm... Not sure at the moment, FC I'll check using this with Forest and Farms + Jan Tuma's repaint, if this doesn't work, I'll have to make summer version (new graphics for new and reworked tod files)


@scourserlad13: this should work with terrains outside of WOE, if they were created using WOE tiles (Iceland, Black Sea, Taiwan Straits to name few)

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Thanks for that...it's kind of show stopper for the 'all in one' terrain mod unfortunately.



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Hmm... Not sure at the moment, FC I'll check using this with Forest and Farms + Jan Tuma's repaint, if this doesn't work, I'll have to make summer version (new graphics for new and reworked tod files)


@scourserlad13: this should work with terrains outside of WOE, if they were created using WOE tiles (Iceland, Black Sea, Taiwan Straits to name few)


I tried all sorts of combinations of Forest and Farms and the 3 seasons mod using different data.ini's in or not in folders. What I found was that the game only looks for a data.ini in the main terrain folder. If it doesn't find one there, it pulls the one out of the .cat file. Therefore, all three seasons need to share the same data.ini. Since forest and farms uses a different data.ini, it's not compatible with the 3 seasons mod.


What I did (CA_Stary, I think you suggested this) was put the autumn data.ini and all tree and building files in the main terrain folder as well as the autumn folder (even though the data.ini doesn't need to be in the autumn folder). The results was autumn and winter during the right seasons, and during summer/spring I get the default tiles with the autumn trees placed per the autumn data.ini. It still looks pretty good, but some summer trees that are compatible with the autumn data.ini would be ideal!

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I'm beginning to think that only the textures and actual lods can be different across seasons and that everything else (tods, inis, etc) has to be the same.


I won't swear to that though...I've only just scratched the surface of the multi seasons integration.



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I'm beginning to think that only the textures and actual lods can be different across seasons and that everything else (tods, inis, etc) has to be the same.


I won't swear to that though...I've only just scratched the surface of the multi seasons integration.




Yeah, I think that's the jist of what I figured out.

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After little hiatus this mod comes back to life. I think I'll be able to upload remaining thaw/spring (full highres textureset and objects) and summer (only objects) after the weekend depending on free time. So be patient few more days :smile:








Currently I'm testing the four-seasons data settings to make it working w/o anomalies, and doing little color corrections to make the trees blend as good as possible.

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