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Why I Don't Shop on the Day After Thanksgiving

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One can only hope that they didn't find what they wanted in the store.


What they need is treatment for some perverse disorder. Discounted prices doesn't include the taking of lives.


Hopefully the nightmare of it all will stay with them for the rest of their obviously sorry lives.

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Pathetic and have our minds for her family.Just plain sad.Black Friday indeed!Biting my tongue on the Walmart feelings.Most of the family has or is working for them and thoughts of shear agony of what people will endure just to pay the bills.

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Maybe next time an airlock with CS gas spay and a riot control squad would be more appropriate than "happy thanksgiving" posters, simple doors and scared staff?

Or limit bargain shopping to online stores...

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This isn't the first time this has happen,unfortunately and regrettably,will not be the last.

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you see 1999 other people with you... why don't you go back home to your family?


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This isn't the first time this has happen,unfortunately and regrettably,will not be the last.



Unfortunately, you were prophetic. And this one happened at a Toy's R Us. Seriously, why do you need to bring a gun into a toy store.



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In that shooting it's believed the two that shot each other were rival gang members. If that's the case then it's a good thing............

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- this is f***ing stupid...what is wrong with my country? Thailand has protest over a change in government and people make a big deal saying it is so dangerous...they f***ing stepped on a PREGNANT WOMAN to get into wal-mart...and killed an old dude...not to mention the shootings at a freakin toys r us...

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Discounted prices doesn't include the taking of lives.


Hopefully the nightmare of it all will stay with them for the rest of their obviously sorry lives.


No it does not include taking of lives. There are no excuses obviously. One should interrogate himself why though, what leads this people to want to shop so much for sales to stampede other people down to death. Possibly deep reasons are in the forced , brutal, consumism enforced by multinationals and thei advertisement. On the other side ther eis the current echonimcal crisis ( a US crisis that all world is facing , thanks so veru much to people from Volcano for starting it, if you know what I mean). People nedds to shop aroused to the highest and needing the sales to relieve such arousal, because they don't have the money. Again this does not justify anything, it is jsut an analysis of the situation.

What is worse is that this USA, not a 3rd world country. All USA should take a step back and analyze themselves and tier ways. Which in some ways a, a few weeks ago, the majority of the US population already did


Pathetic and have our minds for her family................. thoughts of shear agony of what people will endure just to pay the bills.



WTF is wrong with people.






See the above, that is what is wrong. Again this is a serious thing I guess that IS NOT supposed to happen , not in the USA.



Maybe next time an airlock with CS gas spay and a riot control squad would be more appropriate than "happy thanksgiving" posters, simple doors and scared staff?

Or limit bargain shopping to online stores...



Interesting, althoguh useless comment. I don't think that suggesting CS spray and riot control at walmart is a good idea. I don't want to live in such a world where we need riot control at variety stores. Like we don't need already or have enough riot control squads over the world,, ranging from Supercarriers CVBG to infanrty platoons, or an overabundance of electronic control,, and police, and freedom limitations, in order to control the terorist enemies. Yeah let's have riot control at sales time in walmart. Are we getting crazy or, what? We should not terorize ourselves..




This isn't the first time this has happen,unfortunately and regrettably,will not be the last.


If WE continue like this,, no it won't be, Will only get worse


Unfortunately, you were prophetic. And this one happened at a Toy's R Us. Seriously, why do you need to bring a gun into a toy store.




Because of the "You have to remove my rifle from my corpse's fingers" philosphy , that is why.


In that shooting it's believed the two that shot each other were rival gang members. If that's the case then it's a good thing............


No it is not a good thing, for two good reason. A: the very existence of "gangs" B: becasue the shootout that happens in the open can kill innocent people. We know that very well on my country with the mod's rival clans shootout


Seriously, we all people of the Western Advanced World, have to rethink a little I guess. This news are really bad news. I don't want to leave such world to my children

Edited by Canadair

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All USA should take a step back and analyze themselves and tier ways.

Don't condemn the whole country because a few idiots acted same. I've been in places where there were huge crowds (concerts, air shows, etc) and never have I seen people act like this. And I'm old enuf to be the guy who saw Led Zeppelin before Bonzo died.



I don't think that suggesting CS spray and riot control at walmart is a good idea. I don't want to live in such a world where we need riot control at variety stores.

So when are you leaving this planet? Never in the history of the earth and in every region there have been people who act like those in that store. I don't wanna live in a world where I can't use a temporary solution such as CS to stop someone from dying.


No it is not a good thing, for two good reason. A: the very existence of "gangs" B: becasue the shootout that happens in the open can kill innocent people. We know that very well on my country with the mod's rival clans shootout

I meant that if the shooting had to happen, it was a good thing it was gang members. As for your "A" comment: There have always been gangs, and always will be. I salute you for striving for better but many times when people post "shoulda/woulda/coulda" comments they completely ignore the reality.

Because of the "You have to remove my rifle from my corpse's fingers" philosphy , that is why.

Nice! Blame the object. Ignore completely the actions of the two idiots with the guns. If guns were a non-factor, knives would have been. Or baseball bats. Murder rates in countries that have bans on guns see people being killed with other objects as well as guns. Drugs are bad and are illegal in most countries too. So is drunk driving. Blame the person committing the action.


It's the people who have acted wholly inappropriately who are at fault. It's not the multinational corporations, it's not the wholesalers' fault or even how their mommy or daddy treated them bad as a child. We all inherently know the difference between good and bad behavior. Focusing on anything else besides that is just feelgood psychobabble that does no one any good. The only way to correct bad actions are to point them out and learn from them. Not to blame anyone or anything else.

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Thanks for answering and opening a debate. The idea is to figure out how NOT to make things like this happen anymore and live in a better world. the point is that those things can happen at some overzealous relòigious gathering (and they do) but not at walmart, not at toys R us, not in the Western world.


Don't condemn the whole country because a few idiots acted same. I've been in places where there were huge crowds (concerts, air shows, etc) and never have I seen people act like this. And I'm old enuf to be the guy who saw Led Zeppelin before Bonzo died.


I am not condeming USA, not in the least. Don't gey me wrong. It seems to me just a bad symptom that crap like this happens. We have a problem in my country with footbal-fan violence. That should not happen either. No one is innovent. And yes those people were obviously f***ed in the head and obssed by the compulsive shopping,,or whatever..coulòd have been elsewhere, I agree. It is just a bad symptom for our own society, the whole Western lifestyle we strieve so much to protect and cherish.


So when are you leaving this planet? Never in the history of the earth and in every region there have been people who act like those in that store. I don't wanna live in a world where I can't use a temporary solution such as CS to stop someone from dying.


Not anytime soon hopfully. Again mass-riots are known to happen, but I agree I don't think like this, setting aside 3rd world countries, and episodes of war related stravation. BUT NOT walmart or toys r us. And again, I don'w want to live in a wolrd in which apparently we are forced to be ready to control and retailate, 24/7.AAGAINST OURSELVES. What am I telling to the kids in toys r us "honey those policemen in riot suit are ther ein case there is a stampede" ? or.."it is VERY dangerous , honey to be in toy shops" yeah-

One thing is being reay to control and retaileate agaisnt terrorists in airports,, , what can we do, (aside of trying to understand why they are terrorists,, but by the time we figure it oit, they will bomb us anyway), and another thing is guarding variety stores with CS. Which one is the next step?


I meant that if the shooting had to happen, it was a good thing it was gang members. As for your "A" comment: There have always been gangs, and always will be. I salute you for striving for better but many times when people post "shoulda/woulda/coulda" comments they completely ignore the reality.


True. I second that, and I agree. The world is made less of "must" that "shoulda/woulda/coulda", thoguh actually. and prolly this is why a few things don't work. Still you would agree with me that stray bullets are not nice. And if people had no guns, there will be less shootouts, even if gang members would have their illegal guns anyway.

Especially wher eI am bringing my children.


Nice! Blame the object. Ignore completely the actions of the two idiots with the guns. If guns were a non-factor, knives would have been. Or baseball bats. Murder rates in countries that have bans on guns see people being killed with other objects as well as guns. Drugs are bad and are illegal in most countries too. So is drunk driving. Blame the person committing the action.


The two idiots are idiots, that needs no comments. About murder rates we could open a whole topic. and yes would be some other kind of weapons true. You know, I also, seriously, (I am not kidding) second the idea that an armed man is a free man. Being trained in martial art and japanese fencing, kenjustsu, I came to love blades, respecting the time in which a man had the right to defend himself and carry that freedom pride at his side in the shape of a beautiful sword. The problem with guns is that any idiot can pulla trigger. A kinfe, baseball bars, or table dishes thrown at you, require an intention to kill, a definete WILL. Cutting one head with a sword, or a throat with a knife, or breaking heads with baseball bats, requires much more effort than jys "trigger happy " idiots




It's the people who have acted wholly inappropriately who are at fault. It's not the multinational corporations, it's not the wholesalers' fault or even how their mommy or daddy treated them bad as a child. We all inherently know the difference between good and bad behavior. Focusing on anything else besides that is just feelgood psychobabble that does no one any good. The only way to correct bad actions are to point them out and learn from them. Not to blame anyone or anything else.


Again I agree. As I wrote in my post "there are no excuses" And yes pointing them out (which we are doing) and learning from them (which we are trying) . Why those people behaved inappriopaetly and what ignited such behaviour? How can we prevent that, before having to resort to ahve anti-riot squads and CS spray at variety stores? This is not psychobabble,, this is trying to prevent instead of curing. For everyone of us. I don't want to go to a shopping mall which is defended like a fortress. I have been working ofr a few monmths in a country in which in order to get into shopping malls you had to do x-ray security, for terrorist prevention, but this is even worse. In this case the protections are there against ourselves. This is not good, and needs to be understood at a deeper level than blaming this mass of people that acted lethally, even thoguyh obviously each of them will respond to himself, to the law, and to God.

Edited by Canadair

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"Because of the "You have to remove my rifle from my corpse's fingers" philosphy , that is why."


-- SERIOUSLY? Do you really think that either of the gunmen are members of the NRA? Then I think that you have a demented view of reality... :minigun:

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"Because of the "You have to remove my rifle from my corpse's fingers" philosphy , that is why."


-- SERIOUSLY? Do you really think that either of the gunmen are members of the NRA? Then I think that you have a demented view of reality... :minigun:


obviously not members of NRA, althoguh is not the first time that a shootout erupted because of "trigger happy" people. That was an aswer to question in initial topic that I quoted. "Why bring guns to a toy shop anyway?"

the evidence that those two guys where mob or gang members doesn't change the danger of big numbers of firearms in the hand of untrained, emotional, potentially dangerious people- The right of being armed should not overlap the right of daily security.

I don't know very much NRA, but I bet it is a reputable association, even if with debatable slogans as the one I quoted. I alos bet that the average NRA member is a very responsible gun-owner, and that the very association strives in that direction. If anything we/you need more of NRA, and less "trigger happy" people, or much worse gang-members. After all training with weapon usualyy brings responsabilities about their usage.

And please keep out comment as my supposedly "demented" view of reality. I don't say that about yours, nor I would. thank you. :biggrin:

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The fact is that it's legal to own firearms in this country, our founding fathers guaranteed that. Anyone (especially someone from another country) that comments on that just doesn't "get it". People abuse anything they can get their hands on. How about the woman that entered the contest Wee for a Wii and drank too much water and died? Not the water's fault, it was her stupidity. Drivers licenses are incredibly easy to get here and there are 2x+ more deaths in this country related to automobiles than handguns. How about McDonalds? High fat foods contribute to heart disease, everyone knows it. Yet they eat at fast food places 5x a week. A person with a can of gas, some matches and intent is much more dangerous than the idiot gang member in a store with a gun. As for your "untrained" comment Canadair, who decides who is "trained"? I was a CCW instructor in Arizona for years, one of the first in this state and the state requested to use my lesson plan as an example for other CCW instructors. I also shot professionally for many years. In fact, I wrote off 17 grand worth of guns and ammo one year I was so busy making a living with my prowess. Clearly I'm trained but do I have the right to say that someone else who shoots once a month maybe 100 rounds downrange shouldn't have the right to protect themselves or their family? The answer is no. In fact, you should fear me more if I'm driving a car with intent to kill on a crowded street. I can do more damage in the same amount of time than I can with a firearm. I've seen morons do stupid things with guns all my life. In an advanced pistolcraft class I was taking some idiot shot himself in the leg, ignoring at least 3 rules the instructor laid out. Even after that I believe the moron should be allowed to own guns to protect himself.


Blame how the people act, not the object. If anyone remembers the ethnic cleansing in Africa between the Hutus and the Tutsis there were millions killed, the majority of them hacked to death with a machete. Should we outlaw those? Or should we punish those that would take a benign implement and use it for bad? One last point I need to make: Out of all the registered full auto weapons owned by civilians in the U.S., there has been exactly one crime committed with a full auto firearm. An ex-cop gone bad did it. Those percentages are akin to the odds you get if you win the lottery, which are low.


You only punish those that have done wrong. There is rampant welfare fraud, does that mean that we punish the many because of the actions of the few? To go a bit further if I've been wronged by a person of a different race, is it right to condemn everyone of the same color? I believe in judging the person. We're all individuals and a firearm sitting on a counter top has never injured anyone. It's the individual that pointed the firearm and intentionally pulled the trigger who did the harming. Placing blame anywhere else but on where it truly lies continues the cycle of stupidity. And the people who stampeded that store are responsible for a homicide. Yes, it was an accident but the law allows for that, it's called manslaughter. I'd like to see someone punished for that but I doubt anything will come of it. Hopefully Wal-Mart will institute different procedures or will stop Black Friday sales altogether.

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just look at washington, dc...has the most strict gun control laws in the US (have to have the weapon disassembled)...and DC continually sets the bar higher for numbers of violet crimes...control does anything but control violence...not my opinion, it is readily available information...

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Here in Sweden, in 99.9% of all murders involving firearms, it's a matter of rival criminals killing eachother, and those do not count because they are by definition not law-abiding gun owners. I suspect it is about the same in the US.

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I hate Black Friday, always have, always will.

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My first and last Black Friday was last year when i worked at a Target store. I informed my supervisors that i would go as far as deliberatly injuring myself to avoid being placed on the roster for that day ever again.

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After all that Thanksgiving goodwill... this news SUCKS. My view son bringing guns out in public are already known and need not be repeated. I agree with Ruggbutt here, it is not the object that is at fault in the incidents that involved guns, but the sick mental attitudes of those that pulled the triggers. Less gangsters is good, although I would prefer a social answer then again so wouldn't we all.


If we had the answer to why people act like retards, the world would be an amazing place but as is, we need stop gaps, and if extra security measures such stor lock down even if by CS, then so be it imho. I am a security guard and have NEVER heard of anything so stupid as a shopping spree stampede before now.


Black friday... irony turned to pathos. I am so sick of this world, not only we have the idiots (particularly islamists at this time) in the "east" to contend with but are reminded that so called civilised "westerners" can be just as abhorrent in their lack of common decent bon home towards their fellow citizens!


If consumerism means this, I don't want it in my country.

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Guns dont kill people, people kill people.


If I take my 9mm and throw it on the floor and leave it there.....it will do nothing. Nothing at all. It will continue to do nothing until a person does something with it.


The number 1 assault weapon in England is the beer glass. So should beer glasses be banned? So Canadair, its the people that are the jack ass'es. Ok I am in a pub right now having a pint with a few friends so lets keep the thread civil please.

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