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Combination Weapons Pack 2.52 Issues Thread

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That's right, a clean weapon folder. I successfully put all 4100 LODs/BMPs from the Weapons folder in their own respective folders, all you see is yellow folders, 1 ini, and a dat file!!!! So pretty! Wrench, and Raven_Claw007 were an inspiration to me alienating me from life for a good 10+ hours! I went through and placed ABC.LOD with DEF.BMP in the ABC folder. You would think they would name the texture file with the same name as the model! That was true in a lot of cases, but there were a bunch of LODs I had to open with notepad, and find which texture it used, then pair them that way. Merging the 2 packs was a little bit hard, but I used MF pack stuff before Bunyap's when 2 folders were named the same when I merged them together.


Included Weapon/Stuff in there are....

MirageFactory's pack

Bunyap's 06 pack

Weapons from over 300 some aircraft I have on CD,in my current install, all downloaded from here, and at Capun's site

Lindr2's nice additions

A lot of Fast Cargo's stuff

Gabilons mobile SAMs and

Pasko's SAM vehicles SEAD IS NOW FUN!


I made an installer, and I need a few BETA testers! I have been doing a lot myself, I even improved on the zip file I already sent to Dave for an initial look last night. That file was big, and the installer cut the file size in half! 123MB zip to a 68MB installer. Dave, if you did not look at it yet, use this one instead!


So, who has some spare time to test? PM me if you would like to test, I want it ABSOLUTELY perfect before I even think of posting it publicly! Also help with adding stuff that was not added would be nice. I would need you to send me the LOD, the BMP, the INI(if any) and data from the weapon sent. All should be a small file, and would be nice to see in it's own folder, lol! I will send everyone my email address that tests, or send it to me through CA.com's small file delivery meathod.


CombatAce.com Weapon Pack was a temporary title, I would like input from the modders/admins here on what I should name it, as they did most of the work!



An uninstaller is included!!!!!








Edited by WombRaider

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I have some spare time tomorow after school. :good: does it needed a clean install and a patched up game? :biggrin:

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Yes, I would think it needs to be updated. Although I would imagine you could use an earlier Oct08b patch. That has not been tested.





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If you open the WEAPONDATA.INI and notice far fewer weapons, that is because I took the specific country data out of the Bunyap's weapon pack. Seemed kind of useless. Renumbering the whole WEAPONDATA.INI file was fun too, lol! I also went through and properly set the attachment types to NATO/WP

Edited by WombRaider

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I can test it out as well, I have been and still working on a weapons pack right now that is much cleaner. Now I don't have all of my weapons set to NATO/WP as not all "Allied" nations use the same weapons, IE IRIS-T on a US Navy F/A-18???

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True, but you can un-NATO them, which would fix that. I had to do that with the SAMs, was funny to see a Chapparal on your F/A-18A, or an SA-3, or SA-13 on your Mig-29. That is something I could fix, and would only take about 15 minutes to do.


Cleaner than 1,118 folders and 2 other files? Hmm, IDK? A small DATA edit is maybe like 1 spec of dust, let me grab my dust rag..... LOL! And if I did this all in about 4 days in my spare time, what is taking you so long? I even made an installer.



Edited by WombRaider

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I get distracted easily. I've been doing research on which nations use which weapons. I am also working on the Avionics.ini and Data.ini of every single A/C I have installed which numbers 350+. That and real world stuff pops up. Family, work, etc.


Like I said though WR, if you need some help let me know, I've got, I'd say, one legal notepad full of weapons with what nations use them.

Edited by AOCbravo2004

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I would like to test the new weapons if you want. I have been looking for some new weapons and i think you just solved my problem.

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I get distracted easily. I've been doing research on which nations use which weapons. I am also working on the Avionics.ini and Data.ini of every single A/C I have installed which numbers 350+. That and real world stuff pops up. Family, work, etc.


Like I said though WR, if you need some help let me know, I've got, I'd say, one legal notepad full of weapons with what nations use them.



Nice, maybe we can combine our efforts, RavenClaw_007 was also working on something, perhaps he would like something to do with it as well.

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I can send you the 25 weapon INI's I have if you want? along with the combined WeaponData.INI if you want that as well. It has FastCargo's weapons, Lindr's packs up until 3. Waiting for WeaponPack 4 to be finalized as that is constantly being tweeked. TMF's WOI weapon pack, and Bunyaps (heavily edited, doing what you did, taking out nation specific stuff and the inert weapons). PM me your email addy if you want that stuff.

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Okay, I un-NATOed/WPed every non universal weapon. Now, I need to make another installer, at least only 2 people have the original one... Why did you take the inert stuff out? I have all of FastCargo's stuff, sans the MOAB I think. All 3 packs from Lindr2 in there.




Edited by WombRaider

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I would be happy to test, send me some weps! lol

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New installer compiled, need to upload again. I am going to post the link for EVERYONE when it is done, in this thread. All those that want to get in on the project, please send me a PM, and I will get back with you.



Standby for link


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This is now a PUBLIC BETA. I would like any feedback you can give. AOCbravo2004, I would like to get in touch with you about what you think we can do. You sound like you have done some homework. To install, just run the exe. It is a standard InstallPro, so there should be no issues as you have seen these installers 1000s of times before. It is recommended that you back up your weapons, effects, and flight folders. You can add this to an existing install you have at your own risk. I would add it to a clean install, to test it, then move to a modded one. I added it to my modded install, and it worked great! Credit was given where credit was due in the installer's readme file. As this is only a beta, an updated credits file will be added upon FINAL release.







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Okay, I un-NATOed/WPed every non universal weapon. Now, I need to make another installer, at least only 2 people have the original one... Why did you take the inert stuff out? I have all of FastCargo's stuff, sans the MOAB I think. All 3 packs from Lindr2 in there.






I took all of the inert stuff out because I don't ever use the inert munitions.

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Me either, but this is for everyone, not just you and me! That is why I left them in, unless you do not plan on sharing! LOL!




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Oh I can share, if the demand for inert weapons is big enough I reckon I can make two weapondata files, one with and one without the inert weapons, which wouldn't be hard.


Oh check your PM box by the way Warren, I just shot you something.



Edited by AOCbravo2004

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I Would Like to test your wep pack please :yes:

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The link has been posted above for anyone that wants a sneak peek, or to help me out with it. Any feedback would be nice!




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The link has been posted above for anyone that wants a sneak peek, or to help me out with it. Any feedback would be nice!





Looks good Warren. The folder is nice and clean. One suggestion I'd have for you is to reorganize the Weapon Data. The way I did mine was to put in Unguided Bombs first, then Guided Bombs, then the Air to Ground Missiles, then Rocket Pods, then Air to Air Missiles, followed by Gun Pods, Misc Stores (Decoys, ECM, Targeting Pods), Fuel Tanks, then SAMs. I also placed the Weapon Racks close enough to the weapons that will actually be using them so that, say for example, the Brimstone will use it's launcher rather than the LAU-88.


I have a total of 23 INI's I work with to compile my one WeaponData file, they are as follows:

Chinese Air to Air



Foreign AirToAir

Foreign AirToGround

Foreign Dumb Bombs

Foreign Guided Bombs

Fuel Tanks

Gun Pods



Soviet AirToAir

Soviet AirToGround

Soviet Dumb Bombs

Soviet Guided Bombs

Soviet Rockets

Soviet SAM

Targeting and Recon

US AirToAir

US AirToGround

US Dumb Bombs

US Guided Bombs


Edited by AOCbravo2004

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Perhaps you could help me out by re-organizing it?


Chinese Air to Air



Foreign AirToAir

Foreign AirToGround

Foreign Dumb Bombs

Foreign Guided Bombs

Fuel Tanks

Gun Pods



Soviet AirToAir

Soviet AirToGround

Soviet Dumb Bombs

Soviet Guided Bombs

Soviet Rockets

Soviet SAM

Targeting and Recon

US AirToAir

US AirToGround

US Dumb Bombs

US Guided Bombs


Training bombs <---he he he!

Edited by WombRaider

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