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Russian built a/c for Wild Weasel missions

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I'm at a loss of knowledge for any Russian/Warsaw Pact built aircraft that are used for SEAD missions.I've seen threads on the internet and most are written in a language that I don't understand.Hoping someone could give some pointers as to where such an aircraft info exists.SU-25 Frogfoot could be use for SEAD but,was wonder if there was an aircraft already available for ThirdWire sims?Years of interest;1965-present.


Btw,this has been "bugging" me for sometime!And would like an "Equal" battlefield and would like to build an campaign that experiences Wild Weasel missions for all sides.


The idea came to me from the recent developments for getting NATO SAM's to work decent.


Thanks for your time,


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The MiG-31 was designed with SEAD in mind. IIRC, the Kh-31 is the weapon of choice.


I'm sure some of the other guys will chime in with more info for you though. Hope it helps you get started.






Just did some quick research in a couple of books I've got in my office at home (non-classified).


Along with the Foxhound, the MiG-25BM, Su-22M3/M4 and Su-24M/MK are fitted with the Kh-58U "Kilter" Anti-Radiation missile and are/were used in the SEAD role. Also, China's Su-27MKK has the ability to carry the Kh-58UshE ARM.


So, thats an even better start for you.

Edited by ST0RM

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The MiG-31 was designed with SEAD in mind. IIRC, the Kh-31 is the weapon of choice.


I'm sure some of the other guys will chime in with more info for you though. Hope it helps you get started.




Great!Since a Mig-31A was released today and along with many other variants in the past,would be a good place to start.Thanks STORM!

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No, the Mig 31 was just an interceptor that was adapted to the SEAD role. The Sovs did the same thing with the Mig-25too. If anyone can prove me wrong, be my guest because I'd like to know, but to the best of my knowledge, mud movers like the Su-17/22, Su-25, Su-24, Mig-27 were the primary aircraft tasked with SEAD in the past. I think now the newer generations of multirole aircraft such as the Su-30/34, later generation Mig-29s have much improved SEAD capabilities as they were designed with these tasks in mind. But you're asking if there were specific variants equivalent to the F-16CJ, F-4G, Tornado IDS/ECR, yeah? It was my understanding that the proposed SEAD Mig-31 wasn't built, but the 31BM has a limited HARM firing capacity and can partly fill that role.

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No, the Mig 31 was just an interceptor that was adapted to the SEAD role. The Sovs did the same thing with the Mig-25too. If anyone can prove me wrong, be my guest because I'd like to know, but to the best of my knowledge, mud movers like the Su-17/22, Su-25, Su-24, Mig-27 were the primary aircraft tasked with SEAD in the past. I think now the newer generations of multirole aircraft such as the Su-30/34, later generation Mig-29s have much improved SEAD capabilities as they were designed with these tasks in mind. But you're asking if there were specific variants equivalent to the F-16CJ, F-4G, Tornado IDS/ECR, yeah? It was my understanding that the proposed SEAD Mig-31 wasn't built, but the 31BM has a limited HARM firing capacity and can partly fill that role.


I think it was called MiG-31F and not sure if was built either.Thank you!

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No, the Mig 31 was just an interceptor that was adapted to the SEAD role.


Actually, you are correct. My mistake. I was thinking of the later BM and the Kh-31 combo.


Thanks for the correction.



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There was definitely a wild weasel model, but I've just seen a webpage saying the opposite, that it was/is being built... Now I'm confused! :no:

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Maybe you will need this..


A eraly BETA version,yes,it is BETA version. :yes:

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuaaaa :shout:






Thank you very muuuuuuch, Erwin!!!! I know it is beta, but damn good beta :crazy:


Great model, perfect skin, and that pit :shok: Feel real Sukhoy when I fly it :grandpa::grin:

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Dedicated SEAD airplanes like the Tornado ECR the WP countries does not had. The SEAD job was done by all fighter bombers. In the first time primary by the Su-7. In the FLIEGERREVUE EXTRA No.22 an article about soviet nukes in Germany descriped the soviet way to destroy western HAWK complexes by using tactical nukes. This was in the 70th. With the new generation of fighterbombers Su-17, 22, 24 a new generation highly precise air to ground missiles were introduced. The Cha-25 family (KH-25, X-25) had different seekerheads. TV, Laser, radar guided and Anti Radar. This missiles were widely used and proved lethal in Afghanistan war. Only the Anti Radar missiles could not used in this war theater, but on life fire training sites it was found as good. The Cha-25 family was used for short (to medium) range attacks. For longer range the Cha-58 (Kh-58) was used. While the Cha-25 worked autonom, the Cha-58 need a additionaly sensorpack on the plane. The Su-22 which carried this missile looked thatswhy a little bit "pregnant".

The MiG-23BN were simple dumb iron droppers. For SEAD they had only UB-32 pods or cluster bombs. The Cha-23 missile was only crap.

The MiG-27 was able to use laser guided missiles and so it was a better SEAD plane han the 23BN, but not as good as the Su-17 or Su-22.


SEAD versions of MiG-25 and MiG-31 have never seen active service. I think it were only rumours than real facts that this birds exist.

Edited by Gepard

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Thanks for getting me up to date on WP SEAD aircraft and weapons.This is what is needed to "even" up the WOE.Maybe,we could give TK a shout and next patch or game could include Russian flown SEAD in WOE.



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Great plane man!!!!!!!!do you released the Vikhr missiles too???


The Vikhr's already available I think. Although, the one in Bunyap's weaps pack is just a dumbfire rocket, not guided. Try the more recent weapons pack releases.

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I've a problem on rapidshare, the image of the required code is missing. :dntknw:


I was getting that in Firefox for a bit even though my Java and flash are up to date. I got it to work in Internet Explorer though.

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lol is it a beta?

what will be the final version?a FSX quality plane?




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In the FLIEGERREVUE EXTRA No.22 an article about soviet nukes in Germany descriped the soviet way to destroy western HAWK complexes by using tactical nukes. This was in the 70th.


well, not so long ago somebody posted in a dedicated SEAD screenshot thread a Voodoo dispensing nukes



By the way, what fun is using MiG-25s for SEAD? They´re too fast for SAMs to reach them. It would take

a SuperPatriot shot. Good idea but no funny....

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well, not so long ago somebody posted in a dedicated SEAD screenshot thread a Voodoo dispensing nukes



By the way, what fun is using MiG-25s for SEAD? They´re too fast for SAMs to reach them. It would take

a SuperPatriot shot. Good idea but no funny....

Conccur :good:


i think not this kind of SEAD that you go around hunting mobile AAA as a hunting dog.....

maybe just fly low and hit an Fix radar with an AGM

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By the way, what fun is using MiG-25s for SEAD? They´re too fast for SAMs to reach them. It would take

a SuperPatriot shot. Good idea but no funny....


Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but the MiG-25 doesnt just instantly accelerate to Mach 3. Nor is it impossible for it to fly at normal speeds when required.


As for the MiG-31 not being used in the SEAD role. I wouldnt disclued it altogether. And for this sim, why not use it.


Here's a pic I found of a BM carrying Kh-58 ARMs and you'll notice R-77's also.





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