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finishing the last last touchups



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Alright!Found them a pleasure to fly.This will be the xmas Bear?Sorry,couldn't help myself.



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2 weeks? :lol:

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Oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh... :good:



Do you actually sleep Veltro?




again I say it ....The only plus about being unemployed

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With all the releases recently, I'm kinda surprised your already working on another. THANK YOU! :good:



some of these project have been started over a year ago erg ( Mig-31 ) ...not until a few months ago when I also fell victim to this declining economy did I have all this time to finish my projects ...again as soon as I am employed again it will go back down to a trickle ,,,enjoy it while it lasts :crazy::tongue:

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Another Bear comes out of hibernation.


Looking forward to this one as well Ed.



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Maybe these will assist in a portfolio for a new job.


Heck, if you do this stuff for fun, given some time off, I'd hire you as a 3-D modeler.


People with passion are better'n wage slaves...



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finishing the last last touchups


Sweet. Thanks so much in advance.

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Having a bit of a problem finding the correct length of the weapons bay and weapon station and load out of this varient...any help would be appreciated.

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Having a bit of a problem finding the correct length of the weapons bay and weapon station and load out of this varient...any help would be appreciated.


Tu-95MS can use 6 kh-55 or Kh-55sm or Kh-555 on rotary clip on fuselage

Tu-95MS-6 can use 6 kh-55 or Kh-55sm or Kh-555 on rotary clip on fuselage + 4 that missiles on wing plylons (2 missiles on one pylon).

Tu-95MSM(MS-16) can use 8 kh-101 & kh-102 or Kh-55 family missiles on wing pylons. & 6 missiles on rotary clip on fuselage.

Also Free falling bombs can be used



NOTE: on Tu-95M-16 all AM-23 guns changed by Gsh-23L. In this moment all MS updated to MS-6 and MS-16 standart.


Kh-55,55sm updated info and models and new Kh-101,102 placed in my weaponpack part 4 and in AOCbravo2004 weapons megapack.


Tu-95MS-6 pylons







Tu-95MSM (MS-16) with Kh-101



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Sorry! this is Tu-95K-22


my fingers is too fast...



Edited by lindr2

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Veltro2k,I decided to keep all a/c models that are same name by renaming to their respective authors.Like this;TU-95M_V2K that way there's no more confusion one who's a/c is who's and will be able to report/add skins/.ini fixes.Nice and simple.But be careful,there's some that turn out like this F-5F_FC and looks like your cursing the author! :rofl:



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what about the lenght and location of the internal weapons bay ??

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