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Panama Red

Yankee Air Pirate Website up

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Its looking good. Deuces magic?

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There is an MiG-17 mission in 3th set and 2 CIA missions....

nothing bad!

but i don't think it's for VPAF....

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I really like the layout of the site, but there are a few broken bits.


Mission sets 1120 - 8190 say "Mission set overview content would go here," and have a pic that says 400x197 on it.


On the YAP Overview page, neither link on it works.


Just in case 8lein or anyone there wants to know.


The mission descriptions are a very cool idea for isolating a package you might want...



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I really like the layout of the site, but there are a few broken bits.


Mission sets 1120 - 8190 say "Mission set overview content would go here," and have a pic that says 400x197 on it.


On the YAP Overview page, neither link on it works.


Just in case 8lein or anyone there wants to know.


The mission descriptions are a very cool idea for isolating a package you might want...



First of all, is this awesome or what? Second, how do I become a member? I have all of the YAP1 missions, but don't have login and pwd set up for this new site. Anybody got any ideas or contact URLs?

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First of all, is this awesome or what? Second, how do I become a member? I have all of the YAP1 missions, but don't have login and pwd set up for this new site. Anybody got any ideas or contact URLs?


Some sections are still UNDER CONSTRUCTION so there are missing pics etc. The member registration/member access is not yet up. We are trying hard to make a Christmas deadline happen.


The mission sets are done. Most of the carriers are done, with just minor tweaks to be taken care of. The "E" is in the shipyard close to completion, then off to the paint shop and to get her air wing and then trials.

Edited by eightlein

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A lot of the missing content will be going active over the the next fews days. 05 is feeding me tons of content to get on the site. I'll be working hard to get all of this formatted into site content over the w/e.

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