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SF2 and Directx 10

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I just downloaded Strike Fighters 2 and to my dismay was told that:

"The program has failed to initialise because d3dx10_40.dll could not be found."

I presume that means that I need to download Directx 10, although I thought it was already on my laptop which

operates Windows Vista.

Where can I find it for download on the Microsoft website? I don't seem to be able to find it there.

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I'd love to know how the game looks in Vista with DX10.


I can 'upgrade' to Vista for about £90 but some people reckon Vista is a COS and there's also talk of Vista's replacement coming sooner than expected.

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yeah Windows 7 - nothing to say when it will actually be released thou - and they are always delayed anyway.

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I've seen the internal beta of Windows 7. I know a guy who is an M$ beta tester. It looks just like Vista visually but is a lot faster. They shouldn't have the speed issues that existed with Vista at launch.

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Yea - Windows 7 rocks in beta 1 stage - OS needs about 15 seconds to start. Looks like Vista (my favourite OS btw), and have speed comparable with XP >








If I can judge about present look and feel of beta 1, we can expect final version in 2009, (I hope so :yes: ) but.........Windows has always drawn speculation; probably because it is so intrinsic to everything that we do with computers. Windows 7 was originally time-lined 2011, later reports put it at 2010; and now 2009 ?!? All this smoke of Windows 7, being released in 2009, may have led to confusion in the minds of the Windows Vista user. Did he make a mistake in upgrading? Or should he have waited? Microsoft feels that there is STILL a lot of innovation and value that needs to flow to the customers, from Vista.


First - there will be SP2 for Vista (in beta testing for some time), then Windows 7 release.

Edited by starfighter2

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