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besides the standard 3 thats is

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At least, AmericaNW (4 seasons) and DBS (current version) are compatible with the latest patches (not sure about the rest, because I never flew on them). Not sure about the rest, although most of the terrains released in the last 6 months should work, since they are being constantly updated.


I want an updated EAWEuro...

Edited by kct

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I'm running DBS, ANW 4-Seasons, SoCal, Greece 1.1, Range, Red Range, and the Black Sea map and really no issues are showing up. I do however have issues with DRV, as I'd really like to fly that map with modern SAMs and stuff, would make it interesting.

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I just use the cat with the latest patch and it pretty much takes care of any problems I have with the terrains. As long as the tiles are there, then its good to go.

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I am running just about every single terrain in my late patch installs with no problems.

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What problems are you having Ed?

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What problems are you having Ed?



CTD's after 100% loading

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Midway , BOB not working after patch B can anyone explain how they got theirs working please ?

Edited by Veltro2k

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Well m8 I just installed mine lol really...


BTW you do know that some planes can't use some terrains due to base requirement?

I mean I see you are mentioning WW2 terrains mostly, they all have small airfields and planes that need larger runways will CTD on a terrain without them...

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Hmmm...none of my WW2 installs are patched, so I've got no problems with them. (due to the FM issues). I do have a fully patched WoI WW2 that I 'experiment' with...


In patched WoE (my all is everything modern-ish install), everything seems to be working..34 terrians, not including the ww2 one, however.


Ed, when it crashes, does the Micro$oft error reporting box pop up? If so, what error message does it say? (the 'click here to see what this report says' thingy). Usually will tell which dll is releated to the crash.



kevin stein

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Hmmm...none of my WW2 installs are patched, so I've got no problems with them. (due to the FM issues). I do have a fully patched WoI WW2 that I 'experiment' with...


In patched WoE (my all is everything modern-ish install), everything seems to be working..34 terrians, not including the ww2 one, however.


Ed, when it crashes, does the Micro$oft error reporting box pop up? If so, what error message does it say? (the 'click here to see what this report says' thingy). Usually will tell which dll is releated to the crash.



kevin stein


get this



AppName: woe.exe AppVer: ModName: singlemission.dll

ModVer: Offset: 00001d48

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AppName: woe.exe AppVer: ModName: singlemission.dll

ModVer: Offset: 00001d48


THAT's what I wanted!!!


Usually, when I've gotten that, it's for a mission type not supported (anti-ship on The Range, say) or as mentioned above, the airbase size issue. That's why I've tried to add a least 1 medium airfield for each side in my WW2 rebuilds/updates.


Ed, what plane, what mission type, and just the BoB and Midway terrains, or others???


BoB COULD stand to have some larger airfeleds -- at least a runway1 for the bombers, most definately on the RAF side (probably for the LW too...)

Midway we're kinda stuck with what we got, due to the size of the island.



kevin stein

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THAT's what I wanted!!!


Usually, when I've gotten that, it's for a mission type not supported (anti-ship on The Range, say) or as mentioned above, the airbase size issue. That's why I've tried to add a least 1 medium airfield for each side in my WW2 rebuilds/updates.


Ed, what plane, what mission type, and just the BoB and Midway terrains, or others???


BoB COULD stand to have some larger airfeleds -- at least a runway1 for the bombers, most definately on the RAF side (probably for the LW too...)

Midway we're kinda stuck with what we got, due to the size of the island.



kevin stein


Hudson BOB antiship

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I have BOB & WW2 terrain and have flown the Hudson antiship missions. The target is usually Lorient and I think it's actually off the map. It loads ok here but if I try to ALT-N to target IP I get a CTD. However, I can fly there normally no problem...til I hit "the wall" !

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That's odd...just got the same thing in my non-patched version!!!! :shok:


Methinks that it's a terrain issue, as strike and recon are working fine. Maybe there's not enough Axis shipping routes? I must admit, I haven't spent any time really looking at the targets and movements inis in BoB -- to busy intercepting bombers!!


EDIT: hmm...BoB (original - not the campaing versions) only has 2 shipping routes. the EAWEuro WW2 has several. I'll transfer the Hudson over, and see what gives in the Pacific, just for s**ts and grins...



kevin stein

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I can't seem to get the Hudson to work in my BOB install either.I tried unpatched and patched to the "2006" and no go just a CTD after the loading screen gets to 100%.It does work in my WOE install patched up to the oct08 version.

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any progress on this ?

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on my part the hudson will fly on my "newest patch" installs but I still get CTD on WOE 2006 patch.It happens in both the Stock german and the BOB terrain.

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Bumping this Up...there has to be a fix to this :this:

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It's only the Hudson BOB antiship? Probably what Wrench said:


Methinks that it's a terrain issue, as strike and recon are working fine. Maybe there's not enough Axis shipping routes? I must admit, I haven't spent any time really looking at the targets and movements inis in BoB -- to busy intercepting bombers!!


EDIT: hmm...BoB (original - not the campaing versions) only has 2 shipping routes. the EAWEuro WW2 has several. I'll transfer the Hudson over, and see what gives in the Pacific, just for s**ts and grins...



kevin stein

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Ok, been testing these over the last couple of hours....


copy/paste the items below at the bottom of the BattleofBritian_Movements.ini:


///--new routes, added by The Wrench, 1/14/09----///




StartArea=Port of Le Harve

EndArea=Port of Cherbourg






StartArea=Port of Dieppe

EndArea=Port of Le Harve







StartArea=Port of St Malo

EndArea=Gurnsey Fliegerhorst






StartArea=Port of Calais

EndArea=Port of Le Harve






I claim aboslutely NO historical acccuraty, just took a 'logical' bent, and went Port-to-Port, except for Gurnsey


Been testing with the Beau Mk.1, Mossie FB6 (and FB6 633 SOE sepecial :wink: ) and Hudson. The only oddity I get it sometimes a CTD with the Hudson with a "DxD9.dll" fault -- which is odd, as I'm up to date.



kevin stein

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It's only the Hudson BOB antiship? Probably what Wrench said:




no . any type of aircraft any mission all WWII type terrains

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OK FOLKS HERES A GOOD ONE :fie::bad::blink::dntknw:


I changed the base size from Medium to small and it worked

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