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reminds me of the video where an early F/A-18 dropped some kind of bomb that got trapped in some kind of turbulance and slammed into an a-4 chaseplane proceeding to rip its wing off and send the sob spining and spewing fuel.




By the shape and the unstable aerodynamic behaviour (denoting that it´s light or mis-equilibrated) it could be a half-empty drop tank.

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It was a Mk-82 Snakeeye that was still attached to the bombrack, the whole thing came off the pylon together, and as we all know, a bombrack has no aerodynamics AT ALL.

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Actually Dave.... Can you do a VFA-32 F/A-18F first? Line bird preferably though.


See what I can do.

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It was a Mk-82 Snakeeye that was still attached to the bombrack, the whole thing came off the pylon together, and as we all know, a bombrack has no aerodynamics AT ALL.


Hes right. If you look at one of the clips you can actualy see the unopened snakeye leave the hardpoint with its bombrack. Unaerodynamic yes but i wouldnt expect it to pull up like it did.

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Looking fantastic over there.


So the slimers would be made as separate decals?


Well, you can do that, but they won't really illuminate.




Before you release the skins (once I get the model to you), send a skin to me with the slimers in place. I'll then use the skin as a template to cut the slimers out so they illuminate.



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Well, you can do that, but they won't really illuminate.




Before you release the skins (once I get the model to you), send a skin to me with the slimers in place. I'll then use the skin as a template to cut the slimers out so they illuminate.




Roger that, and cool beans Dave, would appreciate it :smile:

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Guess the only "update" is that the aircraft (F model) is mapped to like 99.5% I'm going on leave, so I'll be a few days out of contact, or however depending on the flight schedule and weather, so once FC finishes the model I'll be able to have some more free time to do alot more (thank god, need the break! :smile: So once I get it in my hands I'll start working and posting shots. Still planning on doing the KU skin triplethr3at, just have other things going on, and be able to do more once I get on vacation.

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Guest pfunkmusik

This might've been asked...is there an E-model being considered?



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Yup and the images I looked at last night, I want to say all are mapped, though methinks the gear is left for all of them. Thankfully mapping is generically the same, so the process will hopefully be faster (with of course adjustments on the E version).

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Sorry man, I ran out of time. I was close...


All models are mapped (including gear). Basic animations complete (gear cycle, shock, and nozzle).


Control 'links' will need to be added before they can be imported into game.





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JAT81500 has joined the "team" in offering FM help and ini tweaks, and it's in a format right now where it can be done. I figure it would help speed up the process allowing FC to focus on the modelling aspects, while updates will be done to the ini, and right now submitted was the E version.

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Nice.... though maybe a rescale? Because the winders shouldn't be shorter than the rails. Here's something to maybe go off of the MF Hornet.. Scratch that, could be positioning..


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Nice.... though maybe a rescale? Because the winders shouldn't be shorter than the rails. Here's something to maybe go off of the MF Hornet.. Scratch that, could be positioning..


actually, that picture is about right..... :ok:


the Sidewinders ARE positioned a bit forward on the the wingtip launch rails... :good:

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Yeah after I uploaded and posted, I was like "duh" :smile: But FC was kind enough to hook me up so I'm gonna check it out real soon, and now dont' have an excuse to be a slacker....

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Actually, the original model is scaled wrong. It's about a foot short which isn't that noticable...but about 4 feet too wide...which is noticable. I've rescaled it and going to try to reexport it and see what happens. The main thing I'm concerned about are the hardcoded animations and pivot points...worst case, I'll have to redo all of them.



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Hope the best, I was rescaling the J-8II from inskye t ocreate the JJ-8II I had to move the front gear. there was no prob only moved the animation axe too and it worked good.

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Well might have jumped the gun but... prelim work.






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As I suspected, reproportioning the aircraft messed up the flight control links...I'll have to redo them (though the rudder links are still okay...).


Fixed animations are good...even the wheels didn't go out of round enough to cause a wobble.


I have the original unproportioned MAX file, I may import particular parts if I don't like any results I see.


I will have to redo the flight control links though....not hard work, but tedious.


The mappings won't change, so the majority of your work will remain the same. I'd hold off on any insignia though....



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Okay cool enough :good:

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Starting the other tedious process, panel lines:



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