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Well can never disagre with the experts can you? Thanks! :smile:

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What a nice bird hope its freeware or have your decided to go payware ?!


You have to pay...everyone else gets it free.





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Yup the "76.IAP-Blackbird Special" we forgot to mention.... But look at the bright side! You get an eel too!



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lol yeah but be reminded that you're talking to two moderators who talks to the admin.... :wink: Pay up :smile:

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More weathering/Detail work. Did some more weathering to the top of the wings, as well as detailing (so to speak I guess) for the pylons when not mounted. And I'll admitting in having to purchase the VRS F/A-18E for most of the references for this project. While alot exists some of the reference work had to be used in order to get more detail. And no witch hunters, no unlicensed texture work is used on this project. Believe me the gear bays would be more detailed than as I could get. I've honestly bounced the idea of using some by askjng, but overall I think I have done a good enough job without them.




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Updated model for the buddy refuelling pod, and new feature:






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Finally got the drop tanks weathered. Not perfect but doable. And you were right yet again FC, the refuelling pod only has one green light.





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More gear touchup...



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Hard to tell from the photos as they are dark, but I see you've got the Buddy pod lights to work. That is awesome.


When does the green light come on and vs when the red lights?


Love the work you guys have put into this. It's coming along nicely.



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...been underneath a Rhino myself.


looks about right. :good:


I commend you. :biggrin:



Um the only Rhino is the F-4, everything else is just wanna be's. :biggrin:

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Um the only Rhino is the F-4, everything else is just wanna be's. :biggrin:




Seriously.. FC added that little trick. They're red when it's deploying and green when it's extended. And of course Red while retracting. FC has some documentation on it so he'd be the better person to ask really.

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Um the only Rhino is the F-4, everything else is just wanna be's. :biggrin:


yeah umm, sorry. :rolleyes:







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yeah umm, sorry. :rolleyes:









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You have to be kidding, they make that kind of smiley? Next thing it'll be an EEL one.....

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What do you expect from the same people that think the greatest thing to hit naval aviation is the Super Bug. They needed a name to differientiate it from the baby Hornet in the pattern and the F-4 wasn't around anymore... an unimaginative name for an unimaginative aircraft. I can think of a hundred other names to call it but they had to take the nickname of a known cool plane as if the SH could be cool by proxy... They should have left the Rhino moniker with the F-4.



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What do you expect from the same people that think the greatest thing to hit naval aviation is the Super Bug. They needed a name to differientiate it from the baby Hornet in the pattern and the F-4 wasn't around anymore... an unimaginative name for an unimaginative aircraft. I can think of a hundred other names to call it but they had to take the nickname of a known cool plane as if the SH could be cool by proxy... They should have left the Rhino moniker with the F-4.




well, if you look at it another way...


...unlike the Legacy Hornet, the Super Bug has a FAR more imposing appearance, all around, if not straight muscular like the Tomcat's.


perhaps that's how this dubbing came to be around once more... :dntknw:

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Well, it seems like both of the new Bugs are sneaking their nicknames from former airframes:


F/A-18E and F - "Rhino" - the F-4 Phantom II is the REAL Rhino.

E/A-18G - "Growler" - The E/A-6B Prowler is the REAL Growler.


I'm just hoping new derivatives don't show up and take "Hummer," "Hoover" and "Turkey"!!!


EDIT: BTW, friggin' sweet work on the F/A-18E (for the game)! Really brings to light how much work goes into these projects, and I have to say that even as a Tomcat guy, I can't wait to try out your Super Bug when it arrives!

Edited by Caesar

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well, if you look at it another way...


...unlike the Legacy Hornet, the Super Bug has a FAR more imposing appearance, all around, if not straight muscular like the Tomcat's.


perhaps that's how this dubbing came to be around once more... :dntknw:


Well, like that "Rhino" is taking up all the roles; actually more roles than the rhino. I wonder if they are thinking of a Antisubmarine version of the superhornet. By the way, what is the operational range of an AMRAAM, in the latest versions?? And what are the plans to contrast the very long range AA threat by missiles of the K-100 series, assuming they are operational?

Also, as much it is considere reasobale aerodinamically, those angled pylons are really.. well,, weird..

(maybe it is OT and distracting thoguh. This post is admirable and surely is raising the anticipation for the superhonret, a plane that one likes it or not, is actually the biggest thing to hit naval aviation recently, aside from maybe the french rafaleM.) thanks ericJ, thanks FC

Edited by Canadair

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Well, it seems like both of the new Bugs are sneaking their nicknames from former airframes:


F/A-18E and F - "Rhino" - the F-4 Phantom II is the REAL Rhino.

E/A-18G - "Growler" - The E/A-6B Prowler is the REAL Growler.


I'm just hoping new derivatives don't show up and take "Hummer," "Hoover" and "Turkey"!!!


Yeah, the only thing more unimaginative than Rhino would be to take an official name, change one letter and call it a day.



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What do you expect from the same people that think the greatest thing to hit naval aviation is the Super Bug. They needed a name to differientiate it from the baby Hornet in the pattern and the F-4 wasn't around anymore... an unimaginative name for an unimaginative aircraft. I can think of a hundred other names to call it but they had to take the nickname of a known cool plane as if the SH could be cool by proxy... They should have left the Rhino moniker with the F-4.






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