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2 hours ago, EricJ said:

Before i used to record videos using the NVIDIA software. I've tried OBS but it doesn't recognize SF2 and AMD doesn't have any software (Other than ReLive, which I somehow can't use). Does anybody know of any recording software that can record SF2?

Would Windows Game Bar work for you maybe? It's probably a bit less sophisticated than the others you have mentioned and settings are fairly limited but it should do the trick, I've used it before on Windows 10 and it records SF2 just fine. Guide here:


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27 minutes ago, Jimbib said:

Would Windows Game Bar work for you maybe? It's probably a bit less sophisticated than the others you have mentioned and settings are fairly limited but it should do the trick, I've used it before on Windows 10 and it records SF2 just fine. Guide here:


Cool, I'll give that a shot, And thanks!

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Hi.  I'm not sure exactly what you folks are working on but you mentioned not being able to record SF2 game play with OBS.  OBS can definitely record SF2 in game video.  I'm not at my home computer to check settings, but I believe you have to add the correct source in the Sources box.  I think the typical default is "Display Capture" which works fine for most apps but not gaming.  It might also have to do with full screen verse window view but I'm not sure about that.  Click the + (plus sign) at the bottom of the Sources box and add "Game Capture" as a source.  That should do the trick.


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Yeah that's what setting I have. I don't think it recognizes it as I wait for it to sense the game, and still it doesn't show. And alt-tabbing is questionable too sometimes. But it may be doable with the latest update as well.

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I really thought that was the solution.  I'll have a look at my settings when I'm home.  If I find anything different, I'll post it here.  But it sounds like you have a backup plan anyway.  Good luck.


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Thanks and we'll see what happens though.

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Here we go, using the game bar:


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Update: I do have the Super Hornet project on my mind as of late, but I've been working on some Arma 3 projects instead of doing much anything else (I'm not even writing either). So it's on the backburner as I'm sure GKABS is busy with his A-6 project. GKABS has the .max files (and so do I actually) for the mod, but I want to feel him out and see where he's at right now. I'll ask him sometime to see if he's busy so he can do some of the stuff I want to happen (I need to make a list again based on what I requested from FastCargo). So I'm just busy working on Arma 3 for now, and wanted to do some skins (That VAQ-144 Main Battery livery is pretty cool) and whatnot, but haven't found the motivation for anything else right now, given I'm running into some problems with some Arma 3 mods that I want to finalize and get to a point where I can work on other things.

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Yeah it is interesting, but not sure how to implement it as I would need an SM-6 model or whatnot.

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Having a go at repainting and tweeking WhiteBoySamurai's RIM-66MR as we speak

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Well, there's that then. PM me when it's finished, and I can probably put it in the pack then. With full credit to WhiteBoySamurai too.

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On 7/07/2024 at 7:47 AM, EricJ said:

Well, there's that then. PM me when it's finished, and I can probably put it in the pack then. With full credit to WhiteBoySamurai too.

Will do mate. WIP:


Edited by dtmdragon
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Looks nice, though I'm guessing range will be what it is?

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Just tweaking the weapon data now, SH AHM pylon stations need editing to take the weight , diameter and length of the AIM-174 as well. Ill send it all to you when I'm done with the missile.


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Okay cool, I'll put them on the Block IIs and IIIs for the future.

As far as model editing for the birds GKABS is a bit busy, so when I get updates I'll update everybody on that.

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On 9/07/2024 at 4:43 AM, EricJ said:

Looks nice, though I'm guessing range will be what it is?

From a discussion over at F-16.net I have gone with this: "when launched from air, we can expect it to reach top speed of Mach 4.83 and max range of 420-465 km" You will need to be very high and very fast at launch to achieve it.

"I think it would be easier if you make comparison with the version of standard missiles without the booster stage.
First let have a look at these version of standard missile where there are significant change in term of kinematic
RIM-66A (SM-1MR block I) with MK-27 dual thrust rocket motor has a top speed of Mach 1.8 and max range of 32 km
RIM-66B (SM-1MR Block V) with MK-56 dual thrust rocket motor has a top speed is Mach 3.5 and max range of 46 km
RIM-66C (SM-2MR Block I) with the same MK-56 rocket motor but with new INS guidance logic increased its range to 74 km but keep same top speed.

RIM-66G (SM-2MR Block II) with the new Thiokol MK-104 rocket motor has a top speed of Mach 3.5 and double the max range to around 150 km (some source claimed the range is 184 km)

RIM-156A (SM-2ER Block IV) still use the same MK-104 rocket motor but with the additional MK-72 booster, range got extended to 370 km
RIM-174 (SM-6) same MK-104 rocket motor and MK-72 booster as RIM-156A but use an active radar seeker instead

AGM-78 which is an air launched derivative of RIM-66A (SM-1MR block I) with the same airframe and the same MK-27 MoD 4 dual thrust rocket motor. The only thing changed is the AGM-45A-3Aa seeker. That missile has a top speed of Mach 2.5 and max range of 90 km. In short, compared to ground launched version, the air launched version of standard missile can increase top speed by 1.38 times and max range by 2.8 times.

Air launched SM-6 doesn't have the MK-72 booster but it still got the MK-104 motor section, so the kinematic when launched from ground will be similar to RIM-66G (SM-2MR block II), when launched from air, we can expect it to reach top speed of Mach 4.83 and max range of 420-465 km."
Edited by dtmdragon
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Good to know dtmdragon, thanks for this.

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so in real life terms, the USN is jimmy rigging a near hypersonic AAM with a 250-300 mile range

i wonder if this is saying anything about JATM (AIM-260) since the Super Bug was to be the Navy's launch plaform for that AAM

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1 minute ago, daddyairplanes said:

so in real life terms, the USN is jimmy rigging a near hypersonic AAM with a 250-300 mile range

i wonder if this is saying anything about JATM (AIM-260) since the Super Bug was to be the Navy's launch plaform for that AAM

Who knows but I don't think the USN is giving up on the program though, I would think they would still need medium range AAMs though.

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the need would be there

but AIM-260 has the same dimensions as AIM-120, so it can integrate with the Raptor easier. which means better ranger through chemical engineering (more powerful propellant)

ther might be some issue with that and the tendency of a carrier aircraft to be flung off of and slam into decks all day long. but who knows. im just noticing all the updates for the last two years concern the Air Force, and now this.

Edited by daddyairplanes

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To be honest with you I don't keep up with most defense related stuff, not even the Super Hornet, so it's news to me, as well as the AIM-174B. I mean I'll find out eventually, but maybe the US Navy will join the program? If so then I'm sure that they'll develop a version to handle the shocks of landing on a deck.

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between half and 3/4's of my FB usage is research. you wouldnt believe how many USAF unit veteran groups im a member of...

that said, it also leads to my news feed popping up with whats new in the world of mil aviation, not just the old stuff.

my understanding is that it was always a joint program. i dont know if there's issues or not tho; literally everything i can find on it for the last two years has been about the USAF version. nothing about Navy

my wondering stems from that silence combined with this. but the AIM-260 is being handled almost the same as nukes when it comes to secrecy.....

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I do follow some Super Hornet groups, but most of them consist of pictures only, so I need to step up the defense news game, at least on Facebook. I follow more on LinkedIn, but I'm not on it that much. But we'll see I can find some later and get better info and such.

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