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Guest pfunkmusik

Black Sea v2.0 Status Update

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Guest pfunkmusik

A couple of screenies.








Much more work to do. Removed the power plant target areas and added industrial parks in all major cities. Most of the military targets were fine, but the urban areas needed help. They were so sterile.


Anyhow, there are some nagging HFD issues to fix and and I want to go over the coastline of the Black Sea to insure there is no more 'creep' issues.


Onward and upward...



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hey pfunk! nice job!

i'd like to suggest you to use the Stary's .TOD files in the cities and jan's trees , because those are very good and IMO should better the immersion

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Guest pfunkmusik

Currently using Stary Forests and Farms Mod. Would REALLY hate to mess that up.



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Guest pfunkmusik

Here is a shot of the Industrial Parks I've ginned up for all the major cities.





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Nice work.

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Guest pfunkmusik

I am also adding about seven or eight Red SAM sites to make getting into the Caucasus just a little bit harder.



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Guest pfunkmusik
Nice work.


It's a learning process. I hope that the next one I do will be better.



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Guest pfunkmusik
MOST EXCELENT :clapping::clapping:




Here's a shot of Sevastopol.





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Guest pfunkmusik


The Montreux Convention of 1936 states that aircraft carriers are not authorized in the Black Sea. tsk tsk tsk...




See you can't be a full fledged modder if you do not know all the treaties and rules. Duh. :lol:


Campaign's in 1992. Don't think those treaties were signed and settled until 1997.


Now when I do a campaign set in 2010...



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Also, since when we really care about not allowing carriers anywhere? Also, with the new Flankers...WOEMAC.

Edited by kct

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Nice work, i really like the blacksea terrain! :good:

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Guess I've been jetsetting too much and missed this topic... looking great! :good:

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Campaign's in 1992. Don't think those treaties were signed and settled until 1997.


Now when I do a campaign set in 2010...




actually they were


but who cares - who's going to stop us?




I've got a couple of missions in the Black Sea just because.

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Guest pfunkmusik
actually they were


but who cares - who's going to stop us?




I've got a couple of missions in the Black Sea just because.


And thus, we see the true draw of the Third Wire series.


We do it because we can.



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Too bad there isn't a Kuznetsov.. or it'd be "true" to use carrier ops in that region to be "true to reality" but still nice stuff.

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