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It's a crazy idea, but it just might work......

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Guess I'd have to grab one of our MPRS jets, so I could keep the boom and have drogues in the pods.


You guys get the ship and fighters, I'll see what I can do for a tanker.

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Since I don't think I'll be able to grab the X-29 and turn it into an F-29, I guess I'll bring in something to move mud along - cause I bet those pirates will be running out of boats real quick if we do things right. So my pick will be a Su-39. With western avionics and Bitchin' Betty warning sounds... :rofl:

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I'll take a SLUF!

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Can we make a stop near Iran? Gotta reposes some Tomcats....

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Can we make a stop near Iran? Gotta reposes some Tomcats....


you do know that Grumman sabotaged them and they suck now... Only A models anyway

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you do know that Grumman sabotaged them and they suck now... Only A models anyway



Who really cares? A Cat is a Cat, therefore even if it is Iranian, it still is an F-14 and is a sexplane.

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Who really cares? A Cat is a Cat, therefore even if it is Iranian, it still is an F-14 and is a sexplane.


Not with their paint job, but give it a jet black VX-4 style job and that thing isn't a sex plane, it's sex itself!

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I don't know...the current blue/grey scheme looks good on the Cat...and MiG-29 and RF-4E

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I don't know...the current blue/grey scheme looks good on the Cat...and MiG-29 and RF-4E


I like to stick old school... As in big gray kaboom

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Count me in! I can fly F-14´s if you want (you only need to teach me how to :biggrin: )

I think the Tomcat looks great in the VF-31 paint scheme.

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Catapult info for the Clem


BS5 151ft 220ft 50,000lb@91kt (33,000lb@150kt) Eagle 1964 & Ark Royal 1970 [bow only]; Foch & Clemenceau


For reasons that are too long winded to go into I have a handy graph of weight vs take-off speed using said catapult so if anyone has a list of carrier aircraft weights we can come up with a shopping list! Personally I reckon a Skyhawk'd be neat.


Oh and my Bridge Watchkeeping Ticket is only about a year out of date so I could probably drive it without hitting anything...

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I love it when a plan comes together....(always wanted to say that! :smile: )






Oh, we might need some financing. Do you think Mk2 would be gracious enough to assist, or are we going to have to rob multiple Vegas casinos on the same night?

Edited by allenjb42

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come pick me up, ill be at the gold coast, saying that it might be a bit tad out of the ordinary if you saw a french carrier passing by surfers paradise?

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Sounds like we have a whole CAG / Airwing now. Cats, SLUFFS, Bucks, Scooters, SPADs, And Typhoids wicked new concept A2A capable Hummer. Did I miss any? I move we convert the brig into a "wet" debriefing space.

:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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You forgot my 'Sader.


BTW, hi-viz US Navy paintjobs FTW!


Second, (Or, Third) the motion on the brig.

Edited by gbnavy61

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Can I bring 2 planes ??? an A-4 and a Buccaneer...


And to the Brig I will run the bar... and can we not bring any lawyers or if we do can they be loaded into the Chaff rockets ???


Sorry about mentioning the L word there....



Edited by PACMAN

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I'd be down for mission planning and intel. I could also be a navigator. Though I've never done any of those things before, I've got the mind and the knowhow to do it! Now we have to appoint a Captain and engineer and an air wing commander. I vote we actually do this! I've always wanted to be arrested for doing something this crazy! I'm goin out with a big*** KA-FRICKEN-BOOM! "HERE WE GO!" "OH GOD NO!!!" hehe, quote 1 from me, and quote 2 from my friend Alex.

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One problem: eels

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One problem: eels


Eels? Torpedos? I guess there's one way to stop em, but we'd have to overhaul the ship... Create a huge air bubble... We need a damage control and aircraft handling team...


Eels? Torpedos? I guess there's one way to stop em, but we'd have to overhaul the ship... Create a huge air bubble... We need a damage control and aircraft handling team...


I can find us an ATC team

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Eels? Torpedos? I guess there's one way to stop em, but we'd have to overhaul the ship... Create a huge air bubble... We need a damage control and aircraft handling team...




I can find us an ATC team

If yall find me either a CH-46 Sea Knight, a CH-53 Super Stallion, or a UH-1Y, I am there, cause U have to have ur Amphibious Marine Landing Force. Also gonna have to put in a small well deck that is capable of being flooded and drained for my AAV, or Amphibious Assault Vehicle for all that dont know what it is. :good::biggrin:

Edited by Jarhead1

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EELS? Guess I'll take an ASW S-3 Vikings before they all end up in the graveyard... wouldn't be able to hunt Eels with the Su-39, would I? So Su-39 Frogfoot and S-3 Viking for me...

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If yall find me either a CH-46 Sea Knight, a CH-53 Super Stallion, or a UH-1Y, I am there, cause U have to have ur Amphibious Marine Landing Force. Also gonna have to put in a small well deck that is capable of being flooded and drained for my AAV, or Amphibious Assault Vehicle for all that dont know what it is. :good::biggrin:


Now now, we aren't here to invade South Africa... No artillery please...

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