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heres a question what is a mod?


is it something you the modder should attempt to make a profit off of hmmm NO


if it is release should you release it in full and not need some other file for a different site then the one you release it at logic would dem yes but some have access to file others dont this i can under stand but not release to the public because of the cost to ones personal self to create a mod unless you made the game or were payed to make items for the game.


all that aside it seem as if i may have rambled off on some sort of tangent about nothing or mybe it is something and only a few may know what it is i talking about???


In other words pretty PO about a mod that was release and requires a file yeah cant get.

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heres a question what is a mod?


is it something you the modder sould attemt to make a profit off of hmmm NO


if it is release sould you release it in full and not need some other file for a differnt site then the one you release it at logic would dem yes but some have acess to file others dont this i can under stand but not release to the public becuse of the cost to ones persnoal self to create a mod unless you made the game or were payed to make items for the game.


all that aside it seem as if i may have rambled off on some sort of tangent about nothing or mybe it is something and only a few may know what it is i talking about???


nother words pretty PO about a mod that was release and requires a file yah cant get.



Would you mind translating that into English?

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heres a question what is a mod?


is it something you the modder sould attemt to make a profit off of hmmm NO


if it is release sould you release it in full and not need some other file for a differnt site then the one you release it at logic would dem yes but some have acess to file others dont this i can under stand but not release to the public becuse of the cost to ones persnoal self to create a mod unless you made the game or were payed to make items for the game.


all that aside it seem as if i may have rambled off on some sort of tangent about nothing or mybe it is something and only a few may know what it is i talking about???


nother words pretty PO about a mod that was release and requires a file yah cant get.



Ok, what mod was released that u cant get a file for?

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What mod were you trying to get? We are curious and you bring up a very good point.

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I know of a few skins here on this sight for aircraft not yet released outside the restricrted skunkworks site (rafal/hawk) but those are still being worked on

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I guess I'm not quite sure what the issue is here, but my take on "modding" is that it is the most sincere form of flattery for the work TK and others have done, and intended only to highlight and make existing work perhaps even better, or perhaps a bit more historical. As any form of artwork, I know myself after a certain point I say that I've had enough, and I finish what I'm working on figuring it is as good as I'm going to make it. If someone else wants to take my project and improve it even more, that's super! Or fix the things wrong with it (often due to lack of reliable info when something was being made) - by all means, go for it. Nothing here is offered for a fee - it's all for free to anyone that wants it. My personal feeling is included in every readme I've ever written - feel free to do what ever you want with my mods - it's only a little artwork or whatever...


Mike D.

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I am pretty sure this is about the LODs not being included in the ODS mod for the A-10.


WoV doesn't have the A-10, so it won't show up in ODS if you don't have WoE, which is the sim it was intended for.


At least, I think that is what this thread is about, I would research previous posts, but can't be arsed to, considering the poorly phrased 1st post...

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But the thing is, that even in the readme for the download, before u even download it, it clearly says that its intended for WOE only, so common sense would tell me that if I dont have WOE, I shouldnt download that mod, but hey, common sense is an uncommon virtue.

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I dont think it has to do with that because the DS Mod is all in one.

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i may have rambled off on some sort of tangent about nothing


To say the least, yes.


Could you be more specific about what problem you are having.

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I stand corrected.


I just did a quick look at all 23 posts, and it was not Black Wasp 73 who said that, unless deleted.


I apologize, and will delete my post, if desired...

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I dont think that is anything to be mad about. The aircraft are being worked on ...I think. And secondly some mods use parts of aircraft made by people who dont want their mods destributed like the fine folk of YAP or DIEGO (the guy who made the pilots a looooong time ago). I was going to make a silver skin for the f-1000f but i saw no point in it because so few people actualy had the aircraft besides those with YAP. It sucks but what can you do?

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it is refering to a mod pack that required a file form a differnt site that i am now not allowed acess too because at the time i atempted to regeister i entered the worng emial address for the reg and was denied do to being a spamer how F lame of an excuss but wtf ever i say i can deal with out there work or lack there of and just use any mod releassed here and this GREAT combatsim addon site ill just have to make sure to read to see if i need anyothre files and only use the ones on this site to witch i was not acused of being a "spamer"

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it has nothing to do with non release or not completed mods :no: and im not mad about not useing the mod thats not the issue i have im not going be more specific its a issuse i will deal with just thoght i would post a vent about it to help




P.S. im a blackwasp not a spelling bee so deal wit the typos/non english LOL

Edited by blackwasp73

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it has nothing to do with non release or not completed mods :no: and im not mad about not useing the mod thats not the issue i have im not going be more specific its a issuse i will deal with just thoght i would post a vent about it to help




P.S. im a blackwasp not a spelling bee so deal wit the typos/non english LOL


No worries. Venting is good. And we do understand your frustration.

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Uh, oh.


Some one slipped BLT the Eel pills again.


You know, the kinder, gentler ones?





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P.S. im a blackwasp not a spelling bee so deal wit the typos/non english LOL


It's not the spelling so much as the lack of punctuation. I had to read your post three times to get any idea of what you wanted to say. It's not your fault though... as it looks like you have ca as your location and assuming that stands for the state I'm blaming California public schools. :wink:

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thats puting it lightly its not about the mod its the atatude giveing when atempteing to get the file need to use it Y the heck release a mod/file if its not completed thats like well its payday to day so here yah go oh wait sorry we forgot the paper to print the check on darnit now now lets not be greedy. pfft what ever


common problem around any moding comuinity


least its not like SWG witch has been in beta for 5 years and people pay to play it ever month year in and year out


for this game i do .ini / skining work and im not bad in my opiotion leaning the Gmax so eveutly i can stop asking for and idea to be made and just do it but i have to retrain my thinking i did modding for Operation flashpoint it used a free program called O2 builder to create 3d objects for the game and to me its easy

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It's not the spelling so much as the lack of punctuation. I had to read your post three times to get any idea of what you wanted to say. It's not your fault though... as it looks like you have ca as your location and assuming that stands for the state I'm blaming California public schools. :wink:




oh im sorry that my lack of punctuation. is bad aswell.

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I'm just curious to know if there's a point to this???


Why don't you give us a specific instance, hmmm???


And, please, DO spell/grammer check the posts .... a little punctuation goes a LOOONG way in trying to get a point across. I couldn't make heads or tails of the first post either, and I'm a product of California's education system...



kevin stein

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