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Good Game With Some Flaws

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WOW :o Lock on performs like total s**t on my system. Amd 3200+ @ 2.5 GHz 512 400mhz ddr, Geforce FX 5600 @ 370/450. all seting on medium with blur off. I am talking about 12 fps here. There is also a very bad memory leak in the way the game loads and also it is using memory very infinitely. I hope the Dev. can fix this problem. It looks like a good game but I guess I will have to wait until the next generation of GPU's and CPU's come on the market to play this thing. Thats good in a way because I will have to experiment a lot with this game.


I think it runs like s**t because of my GPU but I am not going to support ATI or Nvidia because they are holding advancement back in GPU technology. I hope the new XGI cards will work for this sort of game.


I reinstalled XP and I am not running any TSR's so does any one else have very bad performance with this game? Any one notice the memory leak too? :)

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Well, since others with a lot less system are getting more than twice that framerate, there has got to be something setup wrong with your system, so let's try to troubleshoot.


What version drivers are you running? What mission are you trying to run? Stuff like that...


I think you will find many that will be glad to help work out issues, but a general "this game sucks" post is not gonna get you too far... :D That goes for everyone here BTW.

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I too have seen this memory leak and its a nasty one. I have alot of the eye candy turned down. Depending on the mission, I can get it to hit 40fps. Fly a mission and then all of a sudden, I take off again and I've got a 3fps "slideshow" going on. Only cure is to exit out and restart.


Dell 4550

P4 2.4 ghz

1024MB @ 333mhz

Radeon 9700 Pro 128meg

Audigy 2

WinXP Pro


If I ctrl-alt-del while running it, I see it eating up 400+ megs of RAM. Ouch.


I've defragged, and I'm running Lo-Mac on a seperate hard drive. Also I rolled back my Radeon drivers to 3.7


Not slamming it, I LOVE the sim.. I just hope they/I can fix it :)

Edited by tc223

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Something that has helped make my gameplay more fluid is to boot the game and then select CTRL+ESC to go back to the desktop. Next, simply click on the LOMAC icon on the task bar to get back to the game. I don't have framerate data to support the difference, but it is significant. Especially when I pan the views.


Also, I have heat blur and mirrors turned off, and I'm using 16 bit color. I have water set to medium, but I have read elsewhere to set it to low.

Edited by Knife21

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TRy turning of AA and AF and see what happens. Also, set Visibility to low.


There is a sound bug which drastically reduces fps when there are a lot of other aircraft in the air.

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I am using all the latest drivers. But I am glad some one has seen the memory leak. It's not very playable for me :( It really sucks for me all well. But I like the game in it's self. One problem I am having is that my GPU is showing it as being assigned to PCI it needs to be on AGP. But it would be nice to get that memory leak fixed. I turned all the settings down to low except the water and textures so it sort of looks like s**t. But I will start looking for new solutions for performance soon.

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One more thing I found is that the game is using WAV files for sound instead of MP3 or OGG. This means that the sound is eating up memory and recources that it really does not have to. They should have done that diffrently because the operating system has to assign memory for wav files to be played. I.e. OS interacting when WAV are being played this slows the game down a lot. So one way to inprove this is to reduce playback quality. ;)

Edited by lexicon

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One more thing I found is that the game is using WAV files for sound instead of MP3 of OGG. This means that the sound is eating up memory and recources that it really does not have to. They should have done that diffrently because the operating system has to assign memory for wav files to be played. I.e. OS interacting when WAV are being played this slows the game down a lot. So one way to inprove this is to reduce playback quality.  ;)

In some of the beta versions, the sound files were ogg but it was actually causing more problems so the devs switched back to wav. It seems that whenever a sound has to load, you are going to get a performance hit it just turned out that the larger wav files worked better than the processing required to decode oggs.


Let's face it, sound processing is going to require more system resources, there is no way to avoid it other than shutting off sound effects. When I started testing Lock On, I was using the onboard sound chip and I turned off hardware acceleration which helped overall performance. I ended up buying a Hercules Fortissimo sound card recently and now Lock On runs better than ever with no pauses when radio calls play and I can turn acceleration back up.


Modern games are going to require that you have your PC running at its best and that takes a bit of work and sometimes a little experimentation. Forums like this have plenty of helpful members that can give tips and point you in the right direction toward optimizing your system for gaming.

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Hey Lexicon...I have a Geforce FX 5950 ultra that was getting about 15 to 20 frames a sec until I went into device manager and uninstalled the display adapter and reinstalled the most current 52.16 driver from Nvidia. I did everything to get my game to work right and was getting PO when my friends were getting anywhere from 52 to 37 fps. It never dawned on me to uninstall the display drivers first then install the most current one. I get 55 to 39 fps now with LOMAC. I think a lot of guys that do what I did will see better results too. I have always updated the driver without unstalling first for some dumb asss reason.

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LOMAC has run without video, sound or FPS problems on my system. Just lucky, I guess.


Athlon 2200 XP + (1.83 ghz, 266 fsb)

1024 DDR (PC2700)

Radeon 9800 (Just vanilla flavored 9800)

Catalyst 3.9 drivers

Windows XP Home Edition

Asus A7V333 mobo

IBM Deskstar 80 gig HD

Audigy sound card

No OC, stock settings


Not the latest and greatest super high end system but LOMAC seems to think it's OK. :-)

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