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Anthony W.

Legalizing Pot for Money?!? What Has Happened to America?!?

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I remember either John Lennon or Paul McCartney stated the Beatles NEVER played while high because "you'll sound like crap." They would write the initial passes of songs while high, then polish them up and play them later when straight again.

In other words, it was great for the initial ideas, but you can't be "professional" when high which is what a good song requires for polishing up.


As for the CA get together, I won't be going anywhere until my daughter is at least a couple of years old! She's not ready for travel and the wife won't accept me going off by myself while she has to stay home with her.

I've been around people who drink many times, I just don't like it when they get drunk. :wink:


Lol, I've had my experiences with drunk people... My sister in law can get drunk after only 5 beers... That was one...Ehh...Creepy reunion...

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2. Hell No! The best guitar players have all been stoned while writing and playing. That's one social effect statistics can't measure.


I'm not talking about being high or stoned. I'm talking about being drunk.


I've found that a few beers (or whatever your equivalent qty to get you to a "beer buzz" is) can help you relax and play a little more from the heart and put a little more into it. But what I was talking about is 2/3 a fifth of tequilla drunk. :drinks_drunk:


I'm going to put a breath-a-lizer on my guitar case so I can't open it after a certain point. :biggrin:


And to keep this slightly on-topic, I only tried smoking weed once. I was already kinda drunk and all it did was give me the dry-heaves.


But, a few years down the road, my girlfriend's roommate came home from Petaluma once with a tub of green margarine. He baked it into some cookies (green foul smelling cookies). I should've had maybe one cookie at the most, but I went ahead like an idiot and ate 2 1/2. I was stoned out of my mind for more than 12 hours and can say it was not a pleasant experience at all. I haven't tried it since.


That isn't to say that if the right time, place, and company comes along I might not give it another try (not eating, just smoking it!). But it's definitely not on my bucket list. I don't have any issues with it being legalized, though.

Edited by malibu43

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As for the CA get together, I won't be going anywhere until my daughter is at least a couple of years old! She's not ready for travel and the wife won't accept me going off by myself while she has to stay home with her.


Oh, you have so much to learn young Jedi. :good:

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What scar? Think of all the music we wouldn't have had without pot in the 70's, imagine there being no Dark Side of the Moon!...


There is no dark side of the moon, as a matter of fact, its all dark, I think Ill go burn a hooter now,,

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I remember either John Lennon or Paul McCartney stated the Beatles NEVER played while high because "you'll sound like crap." They would write the initial passes of songs while high, then polish them up and play them later when straight again.

In other words, it was great for the initial ideas, but you can't be "professional" when high which is what a good song requires for polishing up.



LOL, that reminds me of a statement I heard about Cypress Hill and how they discovered that it was much easier to perform on stage without being high from pot because they remembered the lyrics much better... :rofl:

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Talking about legalizing vices.. legalizing prostitution would be a good idea as well

And NO-ONE ever got sick after well,, that thing.

Unless the lady in question is sick herself..but under strict goverment control it would be clean and medically controlled

While, indeed, goverments in the world make money out of scientifically-proven unhealty stuff, such as tobacco, alchool, and now..pot

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Talking about legalizing vices.. legalizing prostitution would be a good idea as well

And NO-ONE ever got sick after well,, that thing.

Unless the lady in question is sick herself..but under strict goverment control it would be clean and medically controlled

While, indeed, goverments in the world make money out of scientifically-proven unhealty stuff, such as tobacco, alchool, and now..pot


Great... Government houses of ill repute... Whats next? A state sponsored US airline?

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Nah, more like licensed houses of ill repute like bars and liquor stores have licenses for selling alcohol.

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Nah, more like licensed houses of ill repute like bars and liquor stores have licenses for selling alcohol.


Now that would be really shocking!

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Legalize this such of thing is very good for population and for the government, but the religion taboos still stop us to evolute untill today.


i'm not saying we shouldn't have religion yet, because i think it had a very good participation in discipline trought the centuries and didn't let the current worlds societies dive in rampage.Sometimes it simply stuck us in same place forever, most of time still brainwashing the people with religious argue and we still stuck when outside the drug smugglers are killing in the streets and the prostitutes are distribucting STDs in the population.



i seriously doubt Holland legalized this such of thing just to be the world's favourite thematical park, it seems the the society still harmonically even with drugs(not all, ok?) and prostitution legalized.

Edited by Silverbolt

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On the topic of religion, did you hear the study that says belonging to a religion makes you healthier?

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On the topic of religion, did you hear the study that says belonging to a religion makes you healthier?


i'm pretty sure it will end closed but, let me drop my 2 cents.



Offcourse! it's better to your self-motivation, spirit , karma, whatever.I love my religion, but sometimes when the religion demmand something trhought laws and politics, it's simply madness because we don't really need somebody to point the finger in your face saying what you can and can't do using the excuese of god's sake.


I think what you do it's just yours and god's buisness, and if you go to some religion center i'm pretty sure you want hear concils , and don't want anybody dictating your life.

IMO it's a retrograte let religion keep the finger in pollitics(even stimulating the mass like the media do today) ,because we had saw it in middle age, and we still watching it today.


no offense nobody,if somebody got offended just tell me, ok?


it's just what i think :good:

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On the topic of religion, did you hear the study that says belonging to a religion makes you healthier?


Yeah right, and cigarettes make you free and cool, having an Audi gets you the girl and I'm the Grand Duchess Anastasia...


Just close this and the incest one already, here anything interesting and reasonnable has already been said, it can only go downhill, there (incest thread) the tone of the discussion is not into a detailled examination of the legal, patrimonial, moral or genetic implications, it's more about tabloid stories and moral panic... it has no worth whatsoever, close it before someone brings up Leviticus.

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Yeah right, and cigarettes make you free and cool, having an Audi gets you the girl and I'm the Grand Duchess Anastasia...


Just close this and the incest one already, here anything interesting and reasonnable has already been said, it can only go downhill, there (incest thread) the tone of the discussion is not into a detailled examination of the legal, patrimonial, moral or genetic implications, it's more about tabloid stories and moral panic... it has no worth whatsoever, close it before someone brings up Leviticus.


Well, you have a point... Lol, maybe I shouldn't trust youtube for research... No wonder I failed my last project for school...

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Don't worry, it's very difficult to set aside your own point of view to try and examine things as coldly and clinically as possible, it's the natural state of things to be biased. :-)


If you really are interested in a topic, try to search not only what confirms a data, but also what debunks it, or offers another explanation.


It might end up a little schizophrenic as you might end up able to believe in everything and its opposite, and defend contradictory positions (or end up defending positions opposite to what you believe in, because you "know" that it's the solution most likely to work), but it's a good exercise and a great way to look at life (except you may end up being irritated by people not sharing this outlook).

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