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I love my Triplane, Although, I will take an Albatros in a pinch!




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Yeah, if you love good turn fights, a Dr.1 is a very good choice, CJ!

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While this is not a screenshot per se, (actually more a long series of screenshots...about 50 per second), I thought I would add it here just in case it was overlooked in the general posts. I think it turned it rather well.


And let me say again how much I like stopping by here in the mornings and checking out all the latests postings, pics, and stories. It is so much more enjoyable than the daily paper. :yes:




BRITISH emPATHEy LIMITED presents the following short film, meant to inspire and excite the folks back in Blighty:








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While this is not a screenshot per se, (actually more a long series of screenshots...about 50 per second), I thought I would add it here just in case it was overlooked in the general posts. I think it turned it rather well.


And let me say again how much I like stopping by here in the mornings and checking out all the latests postings, pics, and stories. It is so much more enjoyable than the daily paper. :yes:




BRITISH emPATHEy LIMITED presents the following short film, meant to inspire and excite the folks back in Blighty:





That was a great movie, Lou. Was that perhaps the downloaded mission that is available from one of the forum members? Thank you. Ras



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Thanks Ras. And yes...yes it is the mission available for download from one of our members. :smile:





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This is 'Fleur'


She is a work in progress, but I already am very fond of her...after six very tough missions, with 2 Nupes and a Sopwith Pup to her guns, we had a very hairy landing back at base last time out... with her engine sounding very bad, and a trail of smoke in our wake.. But she got me home!


I shall get the ground crew to finish their work on her, and she will be held back until completed (when I will upload her to the Skinning section)


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Nice to see you flying one of "my" birds now, Widowmaker. And beautiful design, too.

Yes, I got hit badly too, by a SPAD XIII, half an hour ago, and my lady produced noises like

a sick neighing machine with her broken valves. But she brought me to the nearest field without

failing out. Great aircraft!

Edited by Olham

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Thanks Olham..yes, I am enjoying her superior stats!


Lucky for me, the last mission was a scramble, or I wouldn't have got home I dont think

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What da heck is that!!?? :rofl:



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Thats what you don't want,a wingman who loose's his head.....

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Ah, pilot's from Sleepy Hollow I see.

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(From a distance, through the drone of an inline engine): "...Mmmuahahahahaaaaa!!!"

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Caporal Rene Stella's Nieu 16..


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Screenie from a MP game - loads o' fun!



Edited by saburo

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Caporal Rene Stella's Nieu 16..


Nice skin Red-Dog :good:

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Gothas Along the Thames!




I've just finished up the build on my latest OFF BHaH mission and have sent it to the Downloads section. It should be available soon. And let me tell you, this is one mean mission to fly! In the past when I'd read the accounts of the British Home Defense flyers and their attempts at intercepting the night raiders, I thought they may have been stretching things a bit in terms of how difficult it actually was. They were not! Even with our handy dandy TAC screen on you can fly right by these monsters and never see them. But what a rush to turn the lights off in my little computer room, jump into the cockpit of my Se5, and do my best for King and Country in the night skies over Blighty. I managed to send two down in flames and make it back in one piece, and that was after about a dozen attempts at running this mission, and losing five of my own kites, (and pilots), in the process. :smile:





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me and duck testing out on mp the itlain hanriot and the br 14s worked great well untillthe swarms of austrian albys showed up

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wow those brits will try anything to stop our wonderful kaisers attempt to end britanasa rule

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Spooky, spooky! Did Gothas or other bomber, apart from Zeppelins, really appear over London in WW1?

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Hi Olham,


(Googled, so take this as possible..not 100% researched)

It wasn't until 1917, however, that severe bombing raids occurred. On May 23, 1917, a fleet of 21 Gothas appeared over the English coastal town of Folkestone. On the deadliest day of bombing yet, 95 people were killed, and England began to panic. At noon on June 13, another Gotha fleet dropped bombs onto London. For the next month, the daily raids on the capital city met with little opposition from the Royal Air Force, angering the population of London. Production levels within the city dropped. Citizens felt that their government was incapable of protecting them. They demanded that the military protect them and stop the bombs. They felt exposed and helpless, just as German military strategists had hoped they would.


Unfortunately for the Germans, the effect of the bombing was not a public uprising against Parliament but a strengthening of the Royal Air Force.(pretty much repeated in 1940 I believe?!...lol...Simon)


In July, the large unwieldy Gothas were forced to resort to night raids so the darkness could shield them from Britain’s Sopwith Camels, light, maneuverable planes. By the war’s end, the raids had stopped entirely since the hits were not worth the German aircraft losses. In total, there were 27 Gotha raids. The English reported 835 killed and 1,990 wounded. Damage from the raids totaled £3,000,000, but the loss of production time from workers having to seek shelter in the middle of the day, or suffering exhaustion from having to leave their beds to seek shelter at night, had a far greater impact.


The true results of the Gotha raids are still debated today. But they formed the basis for most of the work of the theorists who addressed air power strategy after the war. More than any other function of the airplane in World War I, bombing created an area for debate and thought in the future.

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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It seems, that bombing cities is always more a psychological effect than that it would irritate

enemy's production much. The victims are mostly civilians. And in all cases, it did not have

the desired effect, that the people would rise against their own governements.

Not even after Dresden - and that raid really destroyed a whole city in a firestorm. If those

generals and politicians would have known the English or German character better, they could

have known that outcome, without dropping a single bomb.

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Caporal Rene Stella's Nieu 16..



Hi Red-Dog


Will we be seeing this great skin as a down load in the future?

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Hi Red-Dog


Will we be seeing this great skin as a down load in the future?


Hi Beanie i will upload it now....

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testing in mp wiht duck, well he survied being my gunner in the gotha lol, but ended early so i sent him a new file and we gave it a go will uplaod soon a nice sea plane tender see hsi sc in the mp postign here for the after efffect http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry290602 also a sneck peek of somehting on the drawing boards ( hmm uss langley perhaps

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