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Do not understand WEAPONDATA.INI concept.

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I've been playing WOE, WOV, WOI and even the Yankee Pirate 2 Mod for WOV. I have also successfully been able to add additional objects, terrain and aircraft to each game.


But, the one thing I have never understood is this WEAPONDATA.INI concept. When I download a new aircraft and read the instructions for installation procedures I understand everything except this last detail. What is it? What does it do and what am I to add it to exactly? When I see these long lists of what appears to me to be very intimidating computer code..."weaponDataXXX" etc... and it asks me to add the "following lines" to my "WEAPONDATA.INI".... I get lost. Why would I even need to edit such code in the first place? Why don't the weapons simply work on the aircraft that I downloaded?


I've tried looking for tutorials and definitions on the forums about this subject but, can't find one for this specific question. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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Xxx is the next number in sequence of the weapondata.ini.


Weapondata001 002 etc etc. Make sense?

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Well, you can't just get weapons to simply work on the aircraft if the sim doesn't know they exist.


You add the lines of code, which are amazingly readable by us humans, to let the game know how they work. Spped, sensors, drag, who uses `em, that kind of stuff.


A cut, paste, renumber and compile is all it takes.


Simple, huh?



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Well, you can't just get weapons to simply work on the aircraft if the sim doesn't know they exist.


You add the lines of code, which are amazingly readable by us humans, to let the game know how they work. Spped, sensors, drag, who uses `em, that kind of stuff.


A cut, paste, renumber and compile is all it takes.


Simple, huh?





Thanks guys for the incredibly fast reply! But, I will admit, I am still VERY SLOW at understanding this concept. Back up a little. I do not even understand where I am supposed to find this "WeaponDATA.INI" file. Is it a single file for the entire game or is it an individual file for each aircraft? I understand once I find this file to open it with the Notepad program, cut and paste this data but, re-number and compile?

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In the knowledge base it explains what to do. I think if you see the tutorial in there I think it will click on how the concept works.

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In the knowledge base it explains what to do. I think if you see the tutorial in there I think it will click on how the concept works.


I searched through the knowledge base but, I am unable to find a detailed enough explanation or step by step directions of what to do exactly do to get this to work properly. I have an example below.


I have downloaded the new Tornado F3 jet from the Column 5 web site. I have placed the EFFECTS, SOUNDS and AIRCRAFT in all the appropriate WOE folders. I have also placed the contents of the WEAPONS folder from the download into the Objects/Weapons folder of WOE.


It asks me to add the following lines to my WeaponsDATA.ini and to Change the XXX with the first available

number in the weapons sequence and remember to open the .ini file with the "weaponeditor" to make the changes effective? Whew!


What is the first available number? 1? And do I copy and paste this under the existing code? It appears to be the same code. It also asks that I open this file with a "weapons editor" and not the notepad program? I hope you can understand my confusion.





FullName=Tornado F3 Tank





















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You have to open the "WEAPONDATA.INI" with any text editor (notepad works fine), paste the code for the new weapon under the existing code (it is not the same - it just has the same structure - as everything machine-readable...) and modify the line [WeaponDataXXX] to be consecutive. Just look at the number of the last already existing [WeaponData] (if it is for example [WeaponData0123] you rename the new entry to [WeaponData0124]).

After that you save the "WEAPONDATA.INI" and open it with the Weaponeditor (download the correct version for your game at ThirdWire), click "Save" and close it.

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Just look at the number of the last already existing [WeaponData] (if it is for example [WeaponData0123] you rename the new entry to [WeaponData0124]).


I think this is the root of my confusion. I do not see a number that already exists. It simply states "XXX". I have cut and pasted what was provided in the instructions below. They look identical.




FullName=Tornado F3 Tank
























FullName=Tornado F3 Tank





















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Last entry in your weapondata.ini will look something like this:


[WeaponData1738] <--------- SEE THE NUMBER


FullName=PTB-760 Drop Tank






















[WeaponDataXXX] <------- paste this here and change xxx to the next number in the sequence (in this example 1739)


FullName=Tornado F3 Tank





















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I'm not sure I understand what you did, but let me try it:

You copied the code and pasted it under "itself"???

Not into the WEAPONDATA.INI? (Or did you create a WEPONDATA.INI?)

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Okay, back up.


First, did you have a weapondata.ini file AT ALL before you started adding any aircraft?


If you did NOT, then you need to extract the weapondata.ini file from the Objectdata.CAT file.



Basic definitions found here:





Basic directory structure found here:





Basic instructions on how to use the cat extractor found here:





Now, once all that is done, extract the weapondata.ini file and put it in your Objects/Weapons directory. If you do not have such a directory, make one.


Once you've done that, then add the appropriate lines as above, renumbering as said before. Save the weapondata.ini, then go here:





If you have problems getting the weapon editor to work, go here:





If you are running Vista, you may need to do this:





Hopefully, that will help you out.



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I'm not sure I understand what you did, but let me try it:

You copied the code and pasted it under "itself"???

Not into the WEAPONDATA.INI? (Or did you create a WEPONDATA.INI?)


I opend the "weaponsdata" text documet inside the "Weapons" folder from the downloaded Tornado F3 aircraft folder from the Column 5 web site. The only thing I see called "weaponsdata". I then opened the "QuickStart" text document, read the instructions and copied and pasted the "following lines" (the code listed below this sentence.) to my "weaponsdata" text document I had already opened.

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I opend the "weaponsdata" text documet inside the "Weapons" folder from the downloaded Tornado F3 aircraft folder from the Column 5 web site. The only thing I see called "weaponsdata". I then opened the "QuickStart" text document, read the instructions and copied and pasted the "following lines" (the code listed below this sentence.) to my "weaponsdata" text document I had already opened.


The weaponsdata is not the complete WEAPONDATA.INI!


Follow FC's intructions to get it (extract it from the cat) and add the new weapons there (and dont't forget to use the weaponeditor to get the data into the game - it doesn't read the .ini, its reads the .dat created by the weaponeditor...).

Good night (it is pretty early here :biggrin: )!

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Move whatever says weapondata.ini in the Objects/Weapons folder to somewhere else...anywhere, I don't care where.


Now, go back to my post and read it completely.


Extract the stock weapondata.ini file from the Objectdata.cat file located in the Objects directory.


Put it into the Objects/Weapons directory (the Weapons directory).


You now have a proper weapondata.ini file in the Weapons directory.


Now, open up that file with Notepad...you see all those entries?


Also, open up the file you moved eariler...notice it probably only has 2 or 3 entries? Copy the text, paste into the stock weapondata.ini file, renumbering like above.


Save the file.


Follow the rest of the instructions listed in my previous post.




Concept, so you know exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it.


The sim uses what's in files called CATs (Objectdata.CAT, etc). The CAT files are simply a type of zip file (no, it's not a zip file...don't try to use zip on it) that contains multiple files. The idea is that if the sim does NOT find the file it needs 'in the open', then it will go into the CAT file to find it.


That is what is happening here....you are taking out the particular file you need (weapondata.ini) in order to be able to modify it (you're actually making a copy...the file within the CAT is unharmed).


Now, in this case, the weapondata.ini file is a list of the weapons the sim has. You cannot add any weapon until it is listed in this file. You can copy all the files you want, but until you add the entry into the weapondata.ini, save it, and process it with the weapon editor, the sim will not see it.


So, first, you pull the stock weapondata.ini out. Then you add to it. Then you save the new weapondata.ini. Then you open the new weapondata.ini file with the Weapon Editor and follow the instructions and finally, hit the Save button. The Weapon Editor builds a new file called Weapondata.DAT. THAT is what the sim actually uses for the information for the weapons.


Understand the concept? This will help you in future addons.


Heh, and this has been changed for Strike Fighters 2 and future TW sims. It's actually much easier now.



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Move whatever says weapondata.ini in the Objects/Weapons folder to somewhere else...anywhere, I don't care where.


Now, go back to my post and read it completely.


Extract the stock weapondata.ini file from the Objectdata.cat file located in the Objects directory.


Put it into the Objects/Weapons directory (the Weapons directory).


You now have a proper weapondata.ini file in the Weapons directory.


Now, open up that file with Notepad...you see all those entries?


Also, open up the file you moved eariler...notice it probably only has 2 or 3 entries? Copy the text, paste into the stock weapondata.ini file, renumbering like above.


Save the file.


Follow the rest of the instructions listed in my previous post.




Concept, so you know exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it.


The sim uses what's in files called CATs (Objectdata.CAT, etc). The CAT files are simply a type of zip file (no, it's not a zip file...don't try to use zip on it) that contains multiple files. The idea is that if the sim does NOT find the file it needs 'in the open', then it will go into the CAT file to find it.


That is what is happening here....you are taking out the particular file you need (weapondata.ini) in order to be able to modify it (you're actually making a copy...the file within the CAT is unharmed).


Now, in this case, the weapondata.ini file is a list of the weapons the sim has. You cannot add any weapon until it is listed in this file. You can copy all the files you want, but until you add the entry into the weapondata.ini, save it, and process it with the weapon editor, the sim will not see it.


So, first, you pull the stock weapondata.ini out. Then you add to it. Then you save the new weapondata.ini. Then you open the new weapondata.ini file with the Weapon Editor and follow the instructions and finally, hit the Save button. The Weapon Editor builds a new file called Weapondata.DAT. THAT is what the sim actually uses for the information for the weapons.


Understand the concept? This will help you in future addons.


Heh, and this has been changed for Strike Fighters 2 and future TW sims. It's actually much easier now.





WHOA! Wow! After reading ALL of that information I have decided this is far and beyond the scope of my current capabilities or desires. This process is much more complicated than I could have ever imagined. I simply wanted the weapons and fuel tanks to appear on the aircraft I had added to my game. I didn't realize I needed a degree in computer programing to do it. LOL!!! I'm sorry. I joke. But, seriously... THANK YOU ALL VERY VERY MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING. This is a wonderful, warm and friendly community and I honestly appreciate everyone who tired to help me and point me in the correct direction. This process simply requires someone much more technically savvy and with a lot more patience than I.

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the thing is, its so simple once you see how its done, youll be kickin yourself in the butt when it all clicks, pffft, even I can do it, lol The thing that got me is a lot of the VERY helpfull people here failed to point out (as fastcargo did point out) that sometimes you need to extract it if it already hasnt been extracted. I was pullin my hair out cos I coudnt find the mystery file anywhere!!,, Just dont give up, it'll hit ya like a ton-o-bricks here soon,

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Check your Private Messages and yes, ensure you are not putting a .rar or .7z file into your weapons folder.

Edited by Vampyre

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ktickner6767 - The guys have invested some serious game-playing time with you already so don't let them down!


It's easier than you think and if I can do it anybody can.

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By opening the weapondata.ini file with the weapons editor does that constitute extracting it? And is a "configuration file" an "ini" file? Because I can not find anything with a ".ini" file extension. I haven't given up yet and still trying to wrap my head around this.

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By opening the weapondata.ini file with the weapons editor does that constitute extracting it? And is a "configuration file" an "ini" file? Because I can not find anything with a ".ini" file extension. I haven't given up yet and still trying to wrap my head around this.


You have to go to the downloads section of this site and find the .CAT file extractor (its under WOE/WOV/WOI->utilities, towards the end). Then use that utility and navigate to the objects folder and open objects.cat. There, you will find weaponsdata.ini. Extract that file (it will go into the objects folder, you have to drop it into weapons). That's where you paste your tornado fuel tanks. Then you just need to use the weapon editor to open the modified weapondata.ini and then save it (I know that may not make sense, just do it). Then your tanks should show up.


From there, every time you want to add new weapons, you just have to add the lines to weaponsdata.ini and then open and save with the weapons editor.


Try this, if it doesn't work, read through the posts that FastCargo linked to again, and then try it again. Like someone else said, once you get it, it takes about 1 1/2 minutes to do. You just have to "get it" once first.


Good luck :good:

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You have to go to the downloads section of this site and find the .CAT file extractor (its under WOE/WOV/WOI->utilities, towards the end). Then use that utility and navigate to the objects folder and open objects.cat. There, you will find weaponsdata.ini. Extract that file (it will go into the objects folder, you have to drop it into weapons). That's where you paste your tornado fuel tanks. Then you just need to use the weapon editor to open the modified weapondata.ini and then save it (I know that may not make sense, just do it). Then your tanks should show up.


From there, every time you want to add new weapons, you just have to add the lines to weaponsdata.ini and then open and save with the weapons editor.


Try this, if it doesn't work, read through the posts that FastCargo linked to again, and then try it again. Like someone else said, once you get it, it takes about 1 1/2 minutes to do. You just have to "get it" once first.


Good luck :good:



1. I have downloaded and installed the SPF1E_Extract_Utility.

2. I have opened the program and navigated to: C:\Progam Files\ThirdWire\Wings Over Europe\ObjectsData.CAT

3. I have scrolled to the bottom of the list looking for anything called "weaponsdata.INI and I can not find anything with that name. The only thing that starts with the letter "W" is WALLEYE 1.BMP, WALLEYE 1.INI, WALLEYE 1.LOD etc, etc... but, NO weaponsdata.INI file.


I want to thank you guys again from the bottom of my heart for being so patient with me and not getting frustrated with my inability to understand this but, what am I doing wrong? You're telling me it should take just a couple minutes to accomplish this task but, I have already spent 6 hours between tonight and last evening trying to figure this out. All I want is the fuel tanks to appear on my Tornado. LOL!!!! I have read through the links that Fast Cargo posted over and over again. I have many different windows open in my browser re-reading this information as I try to deduct where I am going wrong with this procedure. I must be missing something small that I just do not see.

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1. I have downloaded and installed the SPF1E_Extract_Utility.

2. I have opened the program and navigated to: C:\Progam Files\ThirdWire\Wings Over Europe\ObjectsData.CAT

3. I have scrolled to the bottom of the list looking for anything called "weaponsdata.INI and I can not find anything with that name. The only thing that starts with the letter "W" is WALLEYE 1.BMP, WALLEYE 1.INI, WALLEYE 1.LOD etc, etc... but, NO weaponsdata.INI file.


I want to thank you guys again from the bottom of my heart for being so patient with me and not getting frustrated with my inability to understand this but, what am I doing wrong? You're telling me it should take just a couple minutes to accomplish this task but, I have already spent 6 hours between tonight and last evening trying to figure this out. All I want is the fuel tanks to appear on my Tornado. LOL!!!! I have read through the links that Fast Cargo posted over and over again. I have many different windows open in my browser re-reading this information as I try to deduct where I am going wrong with this procedure. I must be missing something small that I just do not see.


The files aren't just in alphabetical order. They're grouped by different types of files (aircraft related, vehicle related, etc...). So it will start at A and go through Z and then start at A again and go through a different set of files. Just look carefully...

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The files aren't just in alphabetical order. They're grouped by different types of files (aircraft related, vehicle related, etc...). So it will start at A and go through Z and then start at A again and go through a different set of files. Just look carefully...



After an exhaustive search in a sea of other files I found the weapondata.ini file. I followed all the directions to the letter, yet still no fuel tanks or guns. Guns are a grayed out selection and fuel tanks are not available at all in the load out screen.

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Okay, next question, which version of the sim do you have, and which version of the weapons editor do you have?



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You have to go to the downloads section of this site and find the .CAT file extractor (its under WOE/WOV/WOI->utilities, towards the end). Then use that utility and navigate to the objects folder and open objects.cat. There, you will find weaponsdata.ini. Extract that file (it will go into the objects folder, you have to drop it into weapons). That's where you paste your tornado fuel tanks. Then you just need to use the weapon editor to open the modified weapondata.ini and then save it (I know that may not make sense, just do it). Then your tanks should show up.


From there, every time you want to add new weapons, you just have to add the lines to weaponsdata.ini and then open and save with the weapons editor.


Try this, if it doesn't work, read through the posts that FastCargo linked to again, and then try it again. Like someone else said, once you get it, it takes about 1 1/2 minutes to do. You just have to "get it" once first.


Good luck :good:

Being somewhat of a lazy butt, I like to take what ever new weapon's INI entry from the source (Readme file or other in the install package), copy the entry to a blank notepad file, replace the XXX with any numbers, put the notepad file in a folder I call MergeWeaponINIs. Then I change my new notepad file's extension to "INI". I then open up the Weapons Editor and open my game's WeaponData.ini in the editor. I click on the merge button in the editor and through the folder dialog that appears, I point to my notepad INI file. Click SAVE in the editor. Bingo Bango Done. I then preserve and add to my notepad INI file all the new stuff as it comes out and go through the same process. I also keep a sub-folder titled WEAPONS in my MergeWeaponINIs folder that has all of the additional files that come with a new weapons install. That way, when I screw up some other install (usually because I fail to backup properly) and have to start with a new install, getting the weapons up to current status is a matter of copying all of the files from my WEAPONS folder to the new install and doing the merge thing with my notepad file. There are lots of weapon mods out there and this way makes it easy when you also want to make a stand alone game such as our fine new Desert Storm campaign without trying to find all of those weapons again.

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