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Hi everybody!!


I heard that the Su-25 is going to be released for the Thirdwire series. That was several months ago, anybody has any new about this plane?

Anybody is working on it? or they drop the project? :dntknw:


The Su-39 Super Grach is available here but the Su-25 not yet. I think this is a very important plane from the Cold War and it would be a nice addition to this sim, specially for use in WOE.


If anybody is working on it we would like to see pictures of the project. :wink:


Here it is a link to see a video about this plane:



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Nah, it doesn't exist for this series :haha:




Those of you with sharp eyes may notice an interesting effect :wink:

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Is that WOE?? It looks like LOMAC. :blink:


IF it is WOE/WOI...where can i get and download the Su-25 ??

I tried here in combatace and column5 but I cannot find it.


Thank you.

Edited by mono27

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Yup, that's WOE. And that Frogfoot is still a Work In Progress.


Fubar, are you trying to find the full potential of WOE? Or bring it to its knees.

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  mono27 said:
Is that WOE?? It looks like LOMAC. :blink:


IF it is WOE/WOI...where can i get the Su-25 ??


Thank you.



No, it's not LOMAC, it's WoE, and unfortunately Marcfighters has not released the model yet. It still needs a cockpit model.

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Yeah, marcfighters group was working on it. For now, stick with LOMAC if have and su-39. Unless they can rrelease it without a pit and subsitiute one temporarily until finished pit is completed.

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I know it would not work for others, but for my own private campaign modding, I just ini edit the Su-39 in to a very rough Su-25. Is it accurate? No, but since I am rarely closer than a half mile before I send an AIM-9 its way, I don't notice.

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Guest F-16CJ


Su-25 There is no out.....

But Su-39 Isnot = Su-25

Su-39 = Su-25TM


This is since the late 80's plan

insky Groups do not have to do here, Su-25 plan .....Sorry.....

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Well, we have to wait for Marcfighters Su-25. :rolleyes:

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Yeah ! This model rocks ! Are you think to put the sound of the GSh-30-2 ?

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i´m only working on some skins....

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OK but that stay a good work

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Any new about this project?


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Anybody know anything about the project of the Su-25 ?? I didn't see anything since time ago.

Is the project still in proccess?? This plane would be a cool addittion to WOE, and it is much needed because it is a cold war era attack plane.

The Su-39 is OK but it is a "new" plane, it looks like out of the Cold War theme.

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Does someone know how to fix the Su-39 artificial horizon?? It's working terribly wrong!!!!!

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The Su-25 debuted with NATO Fighters 4+ for the SF2 series. If you have SF2E, get NF4+ to get the Grach. To get it to work in the SFP1/WoX series, you'll need to download NF4+ (you only need one part, but I forget what part its in), then extract the Su-25 folder and add the following download to it:




It's flyable and had a full cockpit. It's a fun little mud-mover.

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If I were any good at modding I'd be happy to help, but I'm just getting started with .ini edits.

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Still have some probs with the gear, that`s the reason why ths project stoped, also the same prob on the 33, but I think I have missed a switch in max.


no problem everybody starts with ini editing ;-)

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