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WW3 Today?


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  1. 1. Will Dear Leader launch its "Satelite"

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who knows? :rofl:

Edited by Silverbolt

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Yes, and good too. That way they wont be able to afford building a replacement. What are they planning to send up anyway, Sputnik?

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anyway....US change the shootwn to some sanctions....


no more Shootdown today

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Dude, it's WW3 EVERYDAY ... 99.9% of people are just too self-involved to notice



kevin stein

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They already put it off until saturday, so no. But at least I can be certain of what the simulated crisis will be in the Model UN security council I'm doing all next week :biggrin:


Saw a hilarious news report, dear leader said they would shoot down any US attempt to monitor the launch! and they specifically mentioned mig-23s that were patroling. We could fly right by in a raptor and they'd be none the wiser! At least find a flanker and put some effort into it.


Japan is likely to sh*t a brick no matter when they launch it (if it works). It'd be cool to modify the push too far modern korea campaign to 2009, but it doesn't work properly for me. Ah the joys of what-if?s in sims, WW3 on 15 different occaisions without having to really see the world become fallout 3's.

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he will launch it within his announced launch window.


how far down range the debris field extends is the question......




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he will launch it within his announced launch window.


how far down range the debris field extends is the question......





some more ABL field tests anyone? :good:

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Why don't we just do what Dr No did 50 years ago and beam bad radio waves at it to make it crash?

Blowing it up is so 80s...just hack it down!

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I'm going to put forth the prediction that this thing blows itself up during launch without anyones outside assistance, and more specifically a 50% probability that it fails to stage properly and crashes into the (hopfully!) Broad Open Pacific




I will further predict, with a 10% probability, that when it does the NK will claim that someone (US) shot it down and not so funny things will result.

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I think the most interesting thing that may happen is that the Japanese have said they'd shoot it down (with PAC-3?) if it threatened there homeland. I suppose with the Obamination already saying the US won't shoot it down under any but the most extreme circumstances somebody has to step up to the plate. Baseball is big in Japan, after all.

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Well it launched and nothing happened except for claims and counterclaims about whether or not it was successful.

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What concerns me is that Japanese didn´t intercept this. With all this boast of power, probably the JMSDF

tried to intercept and missed, but publishing this would be compromising to the reputation and capability of

disuasion of AEGIS systems. Given the investment made in several "western" navies (Japan ain´t western at all :biggrin: )

it would be a mayor screw up

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I think they were waiting to see if debris was heading towards them, and only then would they have fired.

Of course, even if it broken up already as soon as they fired the NK's would accuse them of shooting it down.

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According to NK it supposedly launched a satelite which, amongst other things, was supposed to broadcast propagandistic revolutionary north korean songs. I bet if NK really have built a satellite, I bet the broadcast system consists of speakers... :rofl::rofl::rofl:


So far though no images of the satellite are anywhere to be seen I think... I'd love if dear leader would pinpoint the satellite's position then Hubble would point to the mentioned area and couldn't find it... I bet they'd state they had built it with "special stealth"... :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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