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What's the most realistic FM setting in Wo*

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What's the most accurate representation of real aircraft maneuverability and handling in Wo* games?


Is it easy, normal or hard?


What do you use and why and If I'm interested in trying to capture the feeling of handling real planes which setting should I choose?

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"Hard" is most realistic for FM - explained in manual ;-)

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Some 3rd party models need to be flown in "Normal" aka the YAP choppers to the get the realistic handling but ive read TK say for his 3rd wire models then hard is the "setting" of course its easy to switch depending on what you fly.

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Admit I run everything on hard... no wonder I cant fly the whirlygigs... oh well always though there was something suspicous about those thing 50000 nuts and bolts flying together in close formation waiting for a moment when they can all go off in seperate directions... surely thats against the laws of physics Captain...

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I run most stuff on normal though.

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I play easy, been playing for about over a week ftw :D

Edited by i fight by 1

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Hard, :aggressive:



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I have been playing on hard but it seems a little too hard for me lol :blink:

Whenever I engage in a turning fight I feel like dying while the enemy seems to be able to turn just fine Damn it.

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Hard mode does give you the most out of many of the aircraft, but you do have to know where your plane fights best and try to keep it in that area. Energy management is key, and you have to know where your aircraft stands against an opponent's, where you better perform, and where your opponent does, and exploit those advantages, while nullifying his.


Out of a question, what airplane are you flying in thats leaving you behind in a turning fight?

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Out of a question, what airplane are you flying in thats leaving you behind in a turning fight?


Lately I've been flying these RED planes

Mig-17F, Mig-19S and Mig-21MF.


The worst is Mig-19S with horrid tendency to enter a spin.


Are the AI subjected to the same FM as player?


The problem is how do I know which plane best in what tactics?

I'm aware of energy fighting as I used to play the IL-2 series for a very long time.

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Well now I think it's me instead of the planes.


I tend to neglect the speed when turning hard and thus managed to get my speed down to stall speed soon enough.

Just that the enemy seems to go fast and turn well....and I tend to try to follow them without regard to my decreasing speed as I turn hard.


I set the FM back to hard and with Ai skill at normal I managed to down 2 Shahak in one campaign mission flying the Mig-17F.

I think the AI was rather easy... :dntknw:

Edited by Miracles

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Did anyone just start playing normal or hard, instead of easy?

Edited by i fight by 1

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Well now I think it's me instead of the planes.


I tend to neglect the speed when turning hard and thus managed to get my speed down to stall speed soon enough.

Just that the enemy seems to go fast and turn well....and I tend to try to follow them without regard to my decreasing speed as I turn hard.


I set the FM back to hard and with Ai skill at normal I managed to down 2 Shahak in one campaign mission flying the Mig-17F.

I think the AI was rather easy... :dntknw:


In the Frecso keep it around 300knots. That gives you the optimal turning speed. If you keep it there you should be smoking phantoms left and right.

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I fly hard in all TW sims, hard everything except blackouts. Targetting can be a real PITA but the satisfaction when you get the job done is great.


Learn to fly on hard and you gain a better feel for your aircraft, although I don't advise it if you are new to flight sims.


Paradoxically once you get used to it, hard becomes easy and second nature.

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I'm gonna start a capmaign on normal today then :D

Edited by i fight by 1

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In the Frecso keep it around 300knots. That gives you the optimal turning speed. If you keep it there you should be smoking phantoms left and right.


The Fresco is great at turning fights. Much better than the Fishbeds I must say.

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