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Happy Passover and Easter.

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Yes, is that time of the year again.

Happy Passover to all the Jewish community here here at CA.

Have a great time.


And in the up coming Sunday its Easter time.

Wishing a wonderful Easter to all the community.

Have a great time.

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Happy Pesach and Easter guys. Don't get bunged up from the matzoh, or sick from the chocolate eggs!

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Happy Passover Mannie and happy holidays to all :)

last night was a great time to spend with the family..!

Edited by Nesher

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Happy Easter to all.

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Happy easter all, i would send you an easter egg each, but i think that it would cost quite a bit, and also the chocolate would melt im afraid by the time it gets to you.

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Happy Pesach and Easter guys. Don't get bunged up from the matzoh, or sick from the chocolate eggs!

Allen you must be kidding.

My favorite Pesach snack is chocolate coated matza. :biggrin:

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hey bros, happy passover and Easter o/

May we all consider carefully the lessons of our various religions and realize that they're more alike than they are different. May we live, learn, and take the time to apply those lessons to our daily lives. We were given the chance at Passover, at the Cross, and at the mercy of Mohammed. May peace dwell in our households and give me the opportunity to experience more intense Wo* sim action.

Edited by Jug

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