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Its personal preference guys. All planes are clean at some times and dirty at others (except Greek planes, which always seem to be dirty). I tend to prefer my planes cleaner with lighter panel lines, but there is no wrong or right in this.


Anyway, my general scale of cleanliness, from usually pristine to usually filthy:


1. ADC

2. SAC

3. TAC

4. USN


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Anyway, my general scale of cleanliness, from usually pristine to usually filthy:




You mean to tell Me that all that Time I spent on the Wash Rack was in vein?........LOL :biggrin:

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Hey, at fifth place, there's nowhere to go but up!! :biggrin:

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First of all, Our Birds were ususlly "Hand Me Downs" from the Navy.....They'd have many layers of Paint on them. Second, We fly the He!! out of them. Third, Since have "Low Viz" Nowadays, That don't do us any justice. But I must admit, Just by the type of Aircraft We have, They are on the Piggy side.......And We clean them too....

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Hi, pappy. thx for ksin. Any chance on a SEA skin? They served in Vietnam as well. See here;




Vietnam service


The F-102 served in Vietnam, flying fighter patrols and serving as bomber escorts. A total of 15 aircraft were lost in Vietnam: one to air-to-air combat,[12] several to ground fire and the remainder to accidents.


Initially, F-102 detachments began to be sent to bases in Southeast Asia in 1962, when radar contacts that were detected by ground radars were thought to possibly be North Vietnamese Il-28 "Beagle" bombers, which was considered a very credible threat during that time period. F-102s were sent to Thailand and other nearby countries to intercept these aircraft if they threatened South Vietnam at any time.

F-102As of the 509th FIS over Vietnam, November 1966.


Later on, B-52 strikes, codenamed ARC LIGHT, were escorted by F-102s based in the theater. It was during one of these missions that an F-102 was shot down by a North Vietnamese MiG-21 using an AA-2 Atoll heat-seeking missile. The MiGs approached undetected, and one of the F-102s was shot down. The other F-102 pilot managed to shoot off some AIM-4s at the fleeing MiG-21s, but no hits were recorded. This was the only air-to-air loss for the F-102 during the Vietnam War.


The F-102 became fairly heavily used in the air-to-ground role.[citation needed] The interceptor was equipped with 24 x 2.75-in FFARs in the fuselage bay doors, and these weapons were used to good effect against various types of North Vietnamese targets. Additionally, heat-seeking Falcon missiles used in conjunction with the F-102's nose-mounted IRST (Infrared Search & Track) were employed on night time harassment raids along the Ho Chi Minh trail.


Operations with both the F-102A and TF-102A two-seater (which was used in a Forward Air Control role because its two seats and 2.75-in. rockets offered good versatility for the mission) in Vietnam until 1968 when all F-102 aircraft were sent back to the United State

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I've got one in the Barn.....Should be done Tonight....

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cool, thx. Just bought sf vietnam 2 so it will go well here.

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I've got one in the Barn.....Should be done Tonight....

Hey Gunny...those templates help?????

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Anyway, my general scale of cleanliness, from usually pristine to usually filthy:


1. ADC

2. SAC

3. TAC

4. USN






Edited by SidDogg

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Hey Gunny...those templates help?????


Ah Yhea! Saving Me all kinds of Time and many Thanks, Pappy! I'm on Decals now and need to track down a few more Bru. Nos. .......... Timeframe for Upload looks like in the Morning..(If I don't Sleep in...LOL)

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Ah Yhea! Saving Me all kinds of Time and many Thanks, Pappy! I'm on Decals now and need to track down a few more Bru. Nos. .......... Timeframe for Upload looks like in the Morning..(If I don't Sleep in...LOL)


Get some sleep Gunny....wouldn't want to see you crash and burn...LOL!!!!!!

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yeah...that skin will look good on a HAF version, too!!!


I MUST have other books on the 102 around here someplace.....



kevin stein

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Well, Project "Stove Pipe" will be done soon.....




But I did Sleep in.....lol I was up late looking for proper Serials for the 509th FIS. It'll be soon though.......

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LOL.....I've got My GREENS Backwards......Easy Fix though......

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I always loved the way the 102 looked in the SEA camo.It looked to me like some sexy women dressed in camo.One thing though.I always wondered why the 106 wasn't tried in SEA at all I know it's an interceptor but I would have thought they would have at least wanted to see how it would do in a combat enviorment.

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Well, Because at the time, the 106 was the Front Line Interceptor in the Air Defence Command. 102 were getting replaced by them. the 102 and 104 were used in Vietnam at first, as Bomber Escort for the B-52's.......

Edited by 331Killerbee

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