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It's all about the GPU! Max performance at no cost.

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So I've been messing with my system trying to get the most out of it in OFF BHaH (who hasn't?). I read an article that said for most modern games, anything over 2.2 Ghz on the CPU speed starts to have diminishing returns. It said after that, the bottleneck in modern 3D games is usually in the GPU. The three parts that matter are the interface (PCI express (x16, x8, x1), AGP or PCI) the GPU Core speed and the GPUs Memory speed. Whatever interface you are using is what you're stuck with unless you change out your motherboard. But the GPU Core speed and GPU Memory speed are easily increased. On Nvidia cards, just download the NTune software from Nvidia http://www.nvidia.com/object/ntune_5.05.54.00.html and start slowly raising the GPU Core and GPU Memory speeds. Bump them up a bit then play some intense 3D games for 20 - 30 minutes and go back and check the GPU temp. If the game runs stable and the temp stays within your cards safe temp range, bump them up again until you are getting the perfomance you want within the temp range specs.


I raised my GTX280 from Core = 602Mhz, Memory = 1107 Mhz to Core = 665 Mhz and Memory = 1305 Mhz. It's been running stable with temps at full load of 72 C degrees or less. Hovers at 60 C idle. According to Nvidia documentation, GTX 280s are designed to run safely at up to 105 C before it auto backs down the speed to cool the core if the fans can't automatically do it.


The difference in the game? I'm now running 1920 x 1200 16Qx AA with Maximum Ground scenery with all sliders on 4 except for Effects which is on 5 and I don't get a stutter or slow down no matter how many planes are on the screen or how many trees or other ground scenery! It's just so super smooth it's unbelievable! (new drivers helped a bit too). Before I changed the settings I was getting some stutter at 1680 x 1050, 8Qx, AA with medium scenery amount if too many planes were on the screen.


So...if you want to give it a try and have an NVidia card (I'm sure ATI has their own Core and Memory adjustment software tools), you might just be able to upgrade your already awesome experience in OFF BHaH without spending a dime.





3.2 Ghz Duo Core 2, 3GB DDR2 800 RAM, GTX280 1 GB, Vista 32 bit, 28" monitor.

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Aside from the overclocking you did, I wonder if some of your performance gains were because of running at the native resolution over the 1680x1050.

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If you have a bottleneck Hellshade, it's probably your memory. My machine is similar to yours with the exception of the GPU. I run an 8800GTX instead of a GTX280 and I capped my fps at 30 and it never drops below that, never. The devs have said time and again that OFF likes a fast processor (mine's E8500 3.16Ghz) and lot's of graphics memory (8800GTX 384Bit DDR3 768Mb)and since they made the thing, they should know. I'm saving for an upgrade, mobo, memory, and GPU, but for now I'm completely satisfied with the performance of BH&H. Without the fps cap it runs between 40 and 60 fps, but without the cap it will stutter from time to time because of the difference in the high and low fps. With it capped at 30, it runs slicker than snot on a doorknob and looks great at 5,4,4,5,1.



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If you have a bottleneck Hellshade, it's probably your memory. My machine is similar to yours with the exception of the GPU. I run an 8800GTX instead of a GTX280 and I capped my fps at 30 and it never drops below that, never. The devs have said time and again that OFF likes a fast processor (mine's E8500 3.16Ghz) and lot's of graphics memory (8800GTX 384Bit DDR3 768Mb)and since they made the thing, they should know. I'm saving for an upgrade, mobo, memory, and GPU, but for now I'm completely satisfied with the performance of BH&H. Without the fps cap it runs between 40 and 60 fps, but without the cap it will stutter from time to time because of the difference in the high and low fps. With it capped at 30, it runs slicker than snot on a doorknob and looks great at 5,4,4,5,1.




I tried it at 1920 x 1200 before and it would occassionally (not all the time) get stutter, usually over large forests or airfields with FPS locked at 30. I raised the GPU Core and Memory speeds and now nothing slows me down. I have the same E8500 3.16 Ghz CPU you do. So we probably have the same type of system RAM also (3GB of DDR2 800). Just something for folks to try before they invest big $$ in a new motherboard and CPU if they aren't already getting the performance they want out of the game.




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i did the video overclock on my ati4870 too. Thought everything was running great till i flew into a cloud...the artifacts were absolutly unbeliveable...big white squares everywhere as i spun around likka top. Quickly went back and reset the card to factory clock settings.

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i just upgraded to a new E8400 3 GHz dual core processor, but my stuttering in the game did not change at all after the former 2,33 GHz proc. I have to say after upgrading the sim has become almost unplayable, slide-show like. I have tweaked all kinds of settings, changed graphic card from a 7300LE with 512 Mb to a 8400 with same memory, but i really do not get it. I know the graphic card is not really good, but Phase 2 on an old single core proc. along with an old ATI 9600 AGP card behaved much better than the current system :dntknw: . There are also red rectangular fields on the ground, an even pushing all sliders to 2 (apart from clouds that are on 1) does not cure that.

I have already heard from several people that CFS3 suddenly begins to run jumpy, jerky or however you'd call it, but there is no real reason to be found, it is somehow not reproducable. Sometimes i wish the dev team would have chosen another "engine" :rolleyes: .




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i just upgraded to a new E8400 3 GHz dual core processor, but my stuttering in the game did not change at all after the former 2,33 GHz proc. I have to say after upgrading the sim has become almost unplayable, slide-show like. I have tweaked all kinds of settings, changed graphic card from a 7300LE with 512 Mb to a 8400 with same memory, but i really do not get it. I know the graphic card is not really good, but Phase 2 on an old single core proc. along with an old ATI 9600 AGP card behaved much better than the current system :dntknw: . There are also red rectangular fields on the ground, an even pushing all sliders to 2 (apart from clouds that are on 1) does not cure that.

I have already heard from several people that CFS3 suddenly begins to run jumpy, jerky or however you'd call it, but there is no real reason to be found, it is somehow not reproducable. Sometimes i wish the dev team would have chosen another "engine" :rolleyes: .





What are the rest of your system specs?

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Hello Cameljockey,


it is the said 3 GHz Intel Dual core E8400 on a P5K "lifestyle" board (whatever THAT means), 2 x 1 Gigabyte dual channel Kingston Ram, a GeForce 8400 GS graphic card with 512 Mb DDR2 ram.

There are no service programs or any additional processes running. My graphic settings via cfs3config.exe are the said 2 all over apart from clouds (1). Rest of the settings are like described in the OFF manual and FAQs, AA set to 2 (game and graphic card), resolution 1280x1024x32. I can set no higher resolution than that - it's the highest appearing in the dropdown menu.

Frames are about 8 at aerodrome starts, can go up to 12, but go down to even 7 in rain with enemies around = slideshow.

Thanks and greetings,


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It's not the engine Catfish, most other people have it running well. Your system has something seriously bad there, check cooling for start, get some programs to monitor temps, get a memory tester/checker program and do checks etc.

See the FAQ it has a section on troubleshooting in one of the questions/answers

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how would i go about capping frame rates?



Edit this file:


C:\OBDSoftware\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\default\cfs3.xml


Find the line that contains the string "MaxFPS"


The default value for this parameter is "0" which means Unlimited. Change it to your desired maximum frame rate value.

Edit this file:

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Guest Barnstorm

Hello Cameljockey,


it is the said 3 GHz Intel Dual core E8400 on a P5K "lifestyle" board (whatever THAT means), 2 x 1 Gigabyte dual channel Kingston Ram, a GeForce 8400 GS graphic card with 512 Mb DDR2 ram.



Hey Catfish,

The only weak link I see in your system in the graphics card itsef. The 8400 is no known for being real strong in graphic intenisive games. I'm only running a 2.4ghz dual core Intel E4500 with a 8800 GTS 512 w/3G DDR MEM. If at all possible, I would try to upgrade the GC to get the most out of your system and BHaH.



Edited by Barnstorm

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<br />i did the video overclock on my ati4870 too.   Thought everything was running great till i flew into a cloud...the artifacts were absolutly unbeliveable...big white squares everywhere as  i spun  around likka top.  Quickly went back and reset the card to factory clock settings.<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Sitting Duck,


Those 4870s run hot even at stock settings. I have seven case fans running, and massive CPU & memory coolers, so didn't overheat, but it's very easy to run the temps past 100C. Overclocking wasn't worth the risk for me, since BHaH runs fine.


Best regards,


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So I've been messing with my system trying to get the most out of it in OFF BHaH (who hasn't?). I read an article that said for most modern games, anything over 2.2 Ghz on the CPU speed starts to have diminishing returns. It said after that, the bottleneck in modern 3D games is usually in the GPU. The three parts that matter are the interface (PCI express (x16, x8, x1), AGP or PCI) the GPU Core speed and the GPUs Memory speed. Whatever interface you are using is what you're stuck with unless you change out your motherboard. But the GPU Core speed and GPU Memory speed are easily increased. On Nvidia cards, just download the NTune software from Nvidia http://www.nvidia.co... and start slowly raising the GPU Core and GPU Memory speeds. Bump them up a bit then play some intense 3D games for 20 - 30 minutes and go back and check the GPU temp. If the game runs stable and the temp stays within your cards safe temp range, bump them up again until you are getting the perfomance you want within the temp range specs.


I raised my GTX280 from Core = 602Mhz, Memory = 1107 Mhz to Core = 665 Mhz and Memory = 1305 Mhz. It's been running stable with temps at full load of 72 C degrees or less. Hovers at 60 C idle. According to Nvidia documentation, GTX 280s are designed to run safely at up to 105 C before it auto backs down the speed to cool the core if the fans can't automatically do it.


The difference in the game? I'm now running 1920 x 1200 16Qx AA with Maximum Ground scenery with all sliders on 4 except for Effects which is on 5 and I don't get a stutter or slow down no matter how many planes are on the screen or how many trees or other ground scenery! It's just so super smooth it's unbelievable! (new drivers helped a bit too). Before I changed the settings I was getting some stutter at 1680 x 1050, 8Qx, AA with medium scenery amount if too many planes were on the screen.


So...if you want to give it a try and have an NVidia card (I'm sure ATI has their own Core and Memory adjustment software tools), you might just be able to upgrade your already awesome experience in OFF BHaH without spending a dime.





3.2 Ghz Duo Core 2, 3GB DDR2 800 RAM, GTX280 1 GB, Vista 32 bit, 28" monitor.



Do you run the application each time after the computer is shut down ...did the program determine your safe temp ranges for you or do you have to research it

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<br /><br /><br />


Sitting Duck,


Those 4870s run hot even at stock settings. I have seven case fans running, and massive CPU & memory coolers, so didn't overheat, but it's very easy to run the temps past 100C. Overclocking wasn't worth the risk for me, since BHaH runs fine.


Best regards,


Seven case fans: holy moley! That must add to the games ambiance when flying!

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The article that stated that the modern game's bottleneck is the "GPU", is talking about FPS. I read the same articles and did some more research and found some more tests that actually included some Flight Sims. When you look at Flight Sims, its the CPU that is the bottleneck because of all the flight models that are being calculated and various terrain objects that you see from overhead.


I reciently purchased a new PC and all my Flight Sims FPS increased due to the faster CPU (RAM and video card the same). Make sure you have enough RAM to handle the game too. I usually have 4 GB of RAM since that is the max that XP will recognize, and my swap file is located on a different disk from any of my games (helps stop stuttering).

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On Nvidia cards, just download the NTune software from Nvidia http://www.nvidia.com/object/ntune_5.05.54.00.html

I'm going to offer my 2 cents worth about Nvidia oc software. Be very, very, very careful when using Ntune, especially when running EVGA, Foxconn or Sparkle NV gpu cards. The forums are full of "borked" oc's and trashed boards.


I use Riva Tuner, and imho, it's the best, most trouble free oc tool for Nvidia video cards out there.


plug_nickel (Al)

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I can't recheck my old settings because I have done a system overhaul since I tried bumping up my GPU clock speeds. I now have a 2.66Ghz Intel i7 Quad Core - OC'd to 4Ghz, 6GB RAM, PT6 Motherboard, 1TB 7200 RPM hard drive with 32MB cache and still using my GTX280 card in a PCIe 16x slot and running Vista 64 bit edition. Additionally, as noted by many others, since installing the 1.32 Superpatch, OFF BHaH runs smooth as glass at all times now. Hopefully this system will last me for the next 2 - 3 years, although I will probably get Windows 7 -64 bit edition when it comes out.



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The article that stated that the modern game's bottleneck is the "GPU", is talking about FPS. I read the same articles and did some more research and found some more tests that actually included some Flight Sims. When you look at Flight Sims, its the CPU that is the bottleneck because of all the flight models that are being calculated and various terrain objects that you see from overhead.


I reciently purchased a new PC and all my Flight Sims FPS increased due to the faster CPU (RAM and video card the same). Make sure you have enough RAM to handle the game too. I usually have 4 GB of RAM since that is the max that XP will recognize, and my swap file is located on a different disk from any of my games (helps stop stuttering).

Excellent points!. I was running XP32 with 2Gb with my swap file in the middle of the platter with BHaH loaded last. My proc is a X6800 @ 2.93. I had the fps capped at 35 with sliders set 5-4-3-3-1.


I'm now running XP64, 8gb of ram, proc at 3.45 capped at 50 with sliders set 5-5-4-4-2.


CPU and ram make a tremendous difference in performance. My vc is still my venerable 8800GTX.


I think with a GTX 280, BHaH would literally fly when paired with fast proc and 8gb of ram.


plug_nickel (Al)

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