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OFF BH&H, future: Work in Progress

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Looks good, Pol! Please pass on my thanks to the rest of the team.

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Oh and we'd need a Snipe for that DVIII WF2 ;) mmm


well, of course we need a DVIII Pol...she's a Beautiful aeroplane...I defo think that should be second on the list... we must surely have the DVIII...I mean, the airwar wouldn't be the same without it surely?... And like you say, we may need something to fly against this most wonderful aeroplane, that you will almost certainly make eh?... With something to fly against her of course...y'know...something a bit like a Camel...but not a Camel...now let me think...hmmmmm :good::biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

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Ok I'll just repeat this bit... "This is not all, or definitive of course." gawd ;)


I did remove a phrase:


"please don't say where is [insert your fav plane here] !"


OK, without naming names, I hope the secret list includes a fair number of 2-seaters :yes: .

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OK, without naming names, I hope the secret list includes a fair number of 2-seaters :yes: .


Yes! Having flyable two seaters is one of the reasons why OFF is so great. I've been learning the secrets of the Strutter in the campaign mode for a few days, and I'm very much enjoying myself. It's a very different experience after flying only scouts for a long time.

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Looks very good Winder and Polovski! Thank you for anyone new aircraft. I hope secretly, that sooner or later german Gothas (as well as Sopwith Dolphin and Snipe) in offline campaign will appear. :wink:

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:lol: :lol: :lol: my favourite Englander really NEVER gives up about his Snipe! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Looks very good Winder and Polovski! Thank you for anyone new aircraft. I hope secretly, that sooner or later german Gothas (as well as Sopwith Dolphin and Snipe) in offline campaign will appear. :wink:


Honestly, I'd lobby Pol and Winder like crazy not to include the Gotha or the E.V. Simply because the Gotha did not have a vast effect directly on the Front as compared to the LVG, Rumpler, Albatros type bombers... and for the E.V/D.VIII, I love it, but I'd rather see the skies of sothern France populated with the Pflaz D.XII. For the very limited amount of time the D.VIII was in service, it would not compare to the need we have of the Southern Jastas flying the Pflaz.


I think Pol had a partially complete D.VIII hiding in the back of the hangar, so if it's something that he doesn't have to slave over, then go for it. But there are only 2 of us modeling now, so time well spent is time building planes that had a direct effect on the war.




PS... I can't wait to see that DH5 in action, that's such a cool looking plane.

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Honestly, I'd lobby Pol and Winder like crazy not to include the Gotha or the E.V. Simply because the Gotha did not have a vast effect directly on the Front as compared to the LVG, Rumpler, Albatros type bombers...



And what about campaign in Home defence units with Sopwith Camel, Pup, SE5a and night fighter units with SE5a´s, Camels, Biffs?


Fly with 56sq in home defence for a month (such as in WWI) would be great as well campaign with night fighter unit with F2B, SE5a and Camel counter Gothas! :clapping:

We are English terrain, aerodromes, british aircrafts... I lack only for GOTHA in offline campaign! :biggrin:



P.S. I can't wait to see Goetha over England in my SE5a. Love BH&H with a load of various current units and missions in campaign!

Edited by Peeppu

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P.S. I can't wait to see Goetha over England in my SE5a. Love BH&H with a load of various current units and missions in campaign!


What we really need to combat the Gotha is the modified Camel nightfighter with the twin Lewis guns on the upper wing, so the muzzle flash didn't blind the pilot. Or even cooler, the Sopwith Comic :good:

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Ok I'll just repeat this bit... "This is not all, or definitive of course." gawd ;)


I did remove a phrase:


"please don't say where is [insert your fav plane here] !"


Parasol was also made by Pfalz so that can be both sides.


Oh and we'd need a Snipe for that DVIII WF2 ;) mmm



Pfalz Parasol sounds great, now I dont have to be a traitor. lol.



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:clapping: Wow - I gotta say that I'm really excited at the opportunity to fly the parasol.


The Gotha is also on my Christmas wish list - but can understand this might be a stretch too far for the developers at the moment.


Guys - Hats off to you! This game is a dream come true to me! :good:

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:clapping: Wow - I gotta say that I'm really excited at the opportunity to fly the parasol.


I see so many people wanting parasols, and I can't help but ask myself, WHY? By all accounts, the thing was an underpowered, unmaneuverable, flimsy, and extremely crank and unstable POS unable to hold its own against DFWs. If that's what you like, why do I seem to be one of the few people to fly the Fee very much?

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I see so many people wanting parasols, and I can't help but ask myself, WHY? By all accounts, the thing was an underpowered, unmaneuverable, flimsy, and extremely crank and unstable POS unable to hold its own against DFWs. If that's what you like, why do I seem to be one of the few people to fly the Fee very much?


They actually were quality planes in their day (1913-14). It's just that they were not intended for military purposes so much as general flying. They're an example of the "pioneer" or "early" birds that really were just early general aviation planes. They're a unique experience, even compared to an E.III. Late war D.VII and Spad pilots will be in for a rude surprise with them, but the Morane L and N aircraft along with other early birds represent a unique experience apart from what you might find later on. These are even primitive and low-powered compared to a Fee. But they're just a different experience. I don't think you can compare to later craft with accuracy.

Edited by SirMike1983

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These are even primitive and low-powered compared to a Fee.


Sure, but that begs the question. What did the Parasol go up against? Best I can tell, it was the rare E.IIIs and otherwise 2-seaters, and not too many of either. If you find it a turn-on to fly an obsolete 2-seater against more capable opponents, the Fee over Arras IMHO offers way more of that feeling than would a Parasol over the Somme. Somehow, finding the sky full of D.IIIs twice a day, most of them flown by very dangerous people, not to mention the odd encounter with MvR and his homies at the top of their game, seems rather more challenging. But everybody hates the Fee and wants the Parasol instead. I just can't figure it.

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I like the fact that early aircraft such as the parasol would offer you the chance to truly span the whole war through the air. More older stuff the better in my opinion. I would really enjoy some early war missions in a strictly reconnaissance role where Id just be flying over the enemy lines even knowing there would be no air combat. The feel of flying in 1914 just seems way different than that of flying in 1918 and itd be fun to experience some of that I think.

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But everybody hates the Fee and wants the Parasol instead. I just can't figure it.


Hey, I love Fees! After Quirks, they're the best helpers in my quest for Pour le Merite! :biggrin:


But seriously speaking, I think OFF has a chance to become an even more extraordinary WW1 sim than it already is by including all those planes you never see in any other sim by any other developer, and the best part is you can actually fly all these weird and primitive crates and not just watch as the AI pilots them. There's something really fascinating about the early air war (1914-1915), and I'd eagerly fly in campaign mode in 1915 if there were more planes of that period included in OFF. Variety is one of this sim's greatest strengths.

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I have to join the bemusement regarding the Parasol!...I can only think that it's the RB3d throwback that's attractive about it. (same as my Snipe I suspect)


I can understand the argument against late war aircraft like the Snipe, which is why I feel the need to push it at every opportunity, as I can see why the devs haven't done one as yet.


If I am totally honest, I guess it's the Two Seaters which are begging for more reinforcements

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i agree with ovs,


first more two seaters, who were the primary prey in ww1 and the reason why there were scouts in the air. then again more two seaters. in any case scouts and twoseaters/bombers, who had historical impact.

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"If I am totally honest, I guess it's the Two Seaters which are begging for more reinforcements"


Er, yes.


I'd be delighted to see a largeish number of personal favourites that aren't currently in BH&H, but the real need is to - as has been said - fill the gaps where 'common' aircraft (and we are talking primarily about recon/bomber planes here) that saw extensive service are currently prominent by their absence. I think that most people would probably agree that an Albatros 2 seater would tick that box, as would Voisins for the French, and perhaps even Big Acks for the Briddish.

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I too would like to see more early war planes. But there are some considerations. In 1914, there was virtually no air war mostly due to the short time of the year for the war. So we're in 1915. Even with the early planes included, flying historically, you'll fly many many missions without enemy contact. Remember, most of the aces made it to 1917 with only a few kills and many had been flying either before the war or since 1915. so, if you're a purist, in 1915, you'll be mostly flying recon or scenic flights. It's 1916 when things begin to really heat up in the air. But, I do support the early planes as well as two seaters so we can enjoy experiencing the Fokker scourge.


It really is challenging to fly in this sim when the other side has you completely outclassed in aircraft. How does one survive without becoming a coward or professional crash tester? i.e. EIII v. N11 and 17

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Mr. Lucky: (EDITED) ... It really is challenging to fly in this sim when the other side has you completely outclassed in aircraft. How does one survive without becoming a coward or professional crash tester? i.e. EIII v. N11 and 17



" Its a fine line between cowardliness and retreat."




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I think that most people would probably agree that an Albatros 2 seater would tick that box, as would Voisins for the French, and perhaps even Big Acks for the Briddish.


Definitely on the Albatros 2-seater. And, of course, the Rumpler.


The Brits have a pretty good stock of 2-seaters already, but perhaps a DH4 (with a working level bombing sight).


The French, however, need the most work. They have no 2-seaters of their own at all right now. But what I'd really like to see them get are the big, twin-engined Caudrons :).

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Gotha bombers get my vote as being a missing aspect of our sim that would increase sales and interest among the fence sitters. I appreciate all your opinions but I do think the larger bombers have a place in the hearts and minds of many of us. England "Home Defence" is a wonderful role-play type of scenario to have included. If the bombers could be flyable would be fantastic. I'm not well informed about other WWI offerings that may be released in the future but if the large bombers and zeps were in our sim that may give OFF yet another point of advantage and attraction. I will welcome any additions as my faith is totally in ODB and I am grateful for anything and everything they have offered us. There's my $.02.

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The Parasol 2-seater will be a wonderful addition indeed! Thanks OBD!

Edited by Gous

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