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OMG, MontyCZ is a STAR!

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We've always needed better fuel tanks...using the A-4's 300 gallon, it's always seemed just a bit tooooo long. I think there was also a 165 for the other 2 inboards as well (have to check my books)


now the cockpit file....oh my... if that could get finished...oh my....


you guys need any of stuff, let me know!!


Something to think about... not every one is going over to the SF2 series all at once; there's going to be a LOT of folks STILL using the Classic Series ™ for a long time to come.

And, it'll STILL be usable in the SF2 series. The ini edits I did for the landing gear and such are all based on the 08 WoE, so I don't forsee any real problems there. A good freeware SPAD will be welcomed by all. Truely. Even if moved over to SF2V or a merged SF2/SF2V, it's a simple matter to rename a few things (just like the Starfighters or SLUFs or Thuds or several others) to diferentiate between a "3W" version and aftermarket.



kevin stein

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Ya know, I was really happy with the 08 patch with weapon drag values and better AI. The new file system of SF2-V is a real turn off, and the cockpits don't show me a thing...I was thinking of porting the new F-105 external model into an 08 patch, and I'm doing all new (well, not NEW but better) Phantom IIs...I may not have the SF2-V install for much longer on my hard drive....


I have not created a cockpit yet, so that's out of my league. I'll stick to reworked max files, tweaks and tanks and such for now. Well, I may have a deuce in the works but don't tell anyone...



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Any chance of getting these also for AD-6 / A-1H. A little chaff seams to go along way in the 60s.


I amagine AD-7 / A-1Js had them also.

:ph34r: CL

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Monty you are da man.

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the detail and scale book dosen't mention a specific year, but those CMs seem to have been added sometime in the early 60s, but no earlier than 63/64


Again, it's a simple data ini edit....go aft 1.5 meter from the belly light, and 0.10 UP from the belly light's up/down position..something like this:


for left side:




right side:




that should place them, hopefully, aft the center dive brake (of course, if I knew the exaxt min/max for the tail gear position, I'd go .75 forward of that)


I'll have to figure out the placements of the 'dispenser chutes' on the skin bmp(s), since there's 2 now -- bmps and dispensers, one set on each bmp.



adding the dispensers to the data ini, is soooo easy as to not be believed....I"ll have to look up the count; easiest would be the match the number of chaff/flares to the number of 'holes' -- looks like 35 each



kevin stein

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yah, I counted the 'holes' wrong....


also, about -6.0 aft


new SystemName= for the Tail section:





(my numbers are different because of the 2 lights on the fin)









MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74

MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15








MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74

MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15


more or less betwixt the tail wheel well and the hook ... more or less



kevin stein




kevin stein

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AN/ALE-29A's. The U.S.Navy started using them all all Aircraft starting in 1959. 30 Shots per Bucket. Chaff and Flares used in any combination for a total of 30 per Bucket. Usually loaded as 30 Chaff and 30 Flares if two Buckets are used. In the case of the A-4, where One was only used. Any combination equalling 30 applied.





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sweet!! I love tech drawings ... all those years fixing cars really helps!



kevin stein

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Sumpting like dis perhaps???


yes, it's a decal .. and left side (tail) is now at the max of 4. I can't make it any bigger, due to the "parting line" (you can see it on the right) between the tail and tail2 meshes; the decal 'disappears' on the right side.



kevin stein


edit: decal has been moved forward, although we might wind up with little bitty holes in the new model .. if not, i'll figure it out :cool:

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Good to see that some life is breathed into this worthy old bird.



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So we have to add a tail section to the data ini.

I found this on an A-6 ini:












MaxExtentPosition= 0.60, -10.20, 0.67

CollisionPoint[001]= 0.0,-10.40,-0.218




Do we need all this?


Again from and A-6, and all the other AC that have ECM, Chaff and flares have simliar lines:


// Countermeasures ---------------------------------------------------------







MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74

MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15














I checked out and A-7 data ini that used chaff and flares. It didn't use a [Tail] or [FuselageTail] entry but still had the

// Countermeasures entries as above between the weapons stations and fuel lines.


:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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I added these lines:


// Countermeasures ---------------------------------------------------------








MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74

MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15








MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74

MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15





The // Countermeasures piece goes in the Data ini.

The 2 SystemName lines go in the [Fuselage] section of the Data ini.

I forgot that I'm flying a Razbam A-1H but It worked great. The chaff and flares seemed to eject at or just forward of the tail wheel well.

I'm Stoked.

I'm starting to here some rumors that some wiley sailors from AIMD are doing some TDY on the beech installing this system on some A-1Es.


:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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CL, NO, you don't need to add a tail section to the data ini, just the SystemNames (outlined in my post above) for the 2 dispensers.


Using the data for the c/f units I've supplied...see below for corrected positions.


the stuff has been pased on the the Modelers; so maybe a new, Factory Fresh version of the A-1H, with all the new post patch goodies, will be rolling off the El Sequndo Lines in "2 weeks" :rofl: When released, it'll be a complete package, with everything, Even Illustrated Instructions on How To Update Existing Skins For Use With the New Lods. And is sooo super easy, even a Caveman can do it!!! If you can do a 'save as...' in an image program...and edit a decals ini, you're golden!


these are the corrected positions:








MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74

MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15








MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74

MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15


that puts it between the bottom airbrake and tail wheel well



kevin stein

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Ah! I just "field modded" my AD-6, AD-7, and A-1Hs using the old or previous positions.

I'll make sure the crack twidgets on the A-1E / AD-5 countermeasure installation team get the new bucket position before they start cutting holes in the Hobos.

We also have been wiring Right Wing Outboard Station 6(AllowedWeaponClass=BOMB,RP,RCKT,EP)

so we don't tie up a heavy weopon station with an ECM pod.



Perhaps some, wicked, B@d @ss, GTH SPAD drivers also. This Package sounds epic all ready.


:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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Ok maybe a nob question but where are the main differences between A-1E/H and the AD-4,6,7 versions? why the AD??? and not A-1.. a bit confused, I tried to consult wiki but could not realy find a good answer!

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Ok maybe a nob question but where are the main differences between A-1E/H and the AD-4,6,7 versions? why the AD??? and not A-1.. a bit confused, I tried to consult wiki but could not realy find a good answer!


AD-4 = A-1D

AD-5 = A-1E

AD-5N= A-1G

AD-6 = A-1H

AD-7 = A-1J

Sometime in the 1950s they changed the Nomenclature system for Military AC to be workable for all branches.

Check out these Links: http://abledogs.com/



:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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Blame McNamarra :rofl:


The "AD" designation replaced the old, WW2 style. In those days, navy aircraft were assigned 'number names' based on what it did, what version or mark number, and who built it. Each manufacturer was suppled a 'letter' by (disremember exactly--) either the War Department or each sub-department (AAF, BuAer for the Navy/Marines)






F= fighter

6= 6th from manufacturer

F= manufaturer, in this cas Grumman

-3= 3rd variant of F6


So, in this case, SBD-5




D=Douglas Aircraft

-5= 5th variaint of the Dauntless.


Sometime in 47 (??) the newly formed Department of Defense changed the nomenclature; as most of the WW2 birds were being retired/scrapped, the "Scout Bomber'' and "Torpedo bomber" designations were replaced with "Attack", ie = A

So, in our case, the BT2D became the AD-1. Each imporved or follow model gets a new number; AD-2, AD-4 (and 4B), etc.


The (newly formed) US Air Force made some changes as well, but mostly replaced P for Pursuit with F for Fighter (ie: P-51D-30 to F-51D-30).


we're not even going near the Utility/Transport/etc birds.... of the time period. Suffice to say, the R4D is STILL a C-47.


Then McNamarra and his Whiz Kids came along with JFK, and made sweeping changes to make all the tri-service designations. So the F-110 for the AF became the F-4C. and so on and so forth.



kevin stein

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Wow Wrench, I just now czeched out the CA Skyraiders for the first time in this sim --- SUPER Sweet. The initial download has a cockpit that was never finished? Its very nice so far.


76, Joe B. has good intro Skyraider stuff here ~> http://home.att.net/~jbaugher/uscombataircraft.html


specifically, under

US Attack Aircraft ///// US Navy/US Marine Corp Attack Aircraft (1934-present)..etc..

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OK changed my AN/ALE-29A's locations to:








MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74

MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15








MinExtentPosition= -0.23, 1.60, 0.74

MaxExtentPosition= 0.23, 2.99, 1.15


Looks great. The chaff and flares don't look like they are ejecting out of the tail wheel well or the lower dive brake. Thanks Kevin.

:ph34r: CL

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My pleasure, CL. I"ll make the adjustments in my data ini, for when the Package gets re-released



kevin stein

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My pleasure, CL. I"ll make the adjustments in my data ini, for when the Package gets re-released



kevin stein


Good to hear the El Segundo plant is still making SPADS and Sandys

:ph34r: CL

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