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Prop-Head Modding and 3d Discussion

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Thats actually in the Beta Uploaded here


Thanks for the heads up

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OK, I have tried reducing the number of active gunners on each bomber to 2, simply a tailgunner and a nosegunner. No dice. My framerates still dip into single figures (3.4, aargh :blink: ) when attacking a formation of 9 Ju-88s. Must be a lod thing.


The good news is that, after applying gregoryp's FM fix to the WW2 birds that need it:-

( http://avhistory.org/communityserver/forums/t/694.aspx for those who missed it )

the old BoB campaign runs passably well in my SFG Oct 08 WW2 test install. Yes, you will still get departures and stalls that you maybe didn't get before, but only at the extremes, and at least you can recover from them now. So it is probably no bad thing.


(Rolls up sleeves) time to start migrating my WW2 installs over to Oct 08. OTOH, maybe now is the time to take the plunge into SF2 series. Didn't I read somewhere that people were getting a framerate increase on XP with the new versions?


BTW, has anyone tried dropping any of the WW2 campaigns into an SF2 series install?

Edited by Baltika

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Um...look in our downloads section for my P-400 mod ... disremember if I incuded the 'new' pit, but it's all set up to use the Hurri pit, as everything including/after the D model used the N-3 reflector gunsight. Not perfect, but an improvement



kevin stein


*note to self: consider adding this line to sig file: WW2 Mod Master* :rofl:


Ah thanks again Wrench! Somehow I always miss those upgrade packs you make.




Seems this uses a DAT pit. I doubt I will be able to get my hands on that. I'll just reuse the pit from the P-39 for now.

Edited by zmatt

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Hey Wrench...Dont I know that plane?




You dont wanna throw that skin our way do ya?We're working on an EFront package- also need a moscow/stalingrad terrain amoung other things... Interested In contributing?-Details to follow

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I just tried the pit form the 'stang, and it worked perfectly. I moved the position and lighting data from the p-39's cockpit in, but otherwise it was a drop in replacement. No clipping, you can see everything, and the mustang pit is great as prop pits go.

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We're working on an EFront package- also need a moscow/stalingrad terrain amoung other things... Interested In contributing?-Details to follow


Well, I can't do Moscow, but I have a Kursk '43 terrain WIP which is fairly well advanced. But, you know the drill, "2 weeks" :rolleyes:


Glad to hear Ostfront is getting some attention :good:

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Thats great - Kursk - need a Elephant Tank huh-Hmmm this could be big

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Needs the number decals, but you all are welcome to it. I"ll have to go over the inis again, as it's a WW2 VVS Nationalized ™ aircraft -Russian only, although it'll still carry USAAF weapons, and uses the Hurricane pit


matt: Mustang framing is wrong, views need more 'restricting', other details; the Hurri is actually a bit closer to placements (believe me, I did all kinds of research for the P-400 mod, including downloading 80 megs worth of books on Airacrobas on pdf --the best one is the Detail & Scale)



kevin stein

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Great Planes you got there Wolf :bowdown2:


Looks like there is a B-26 Marauder arround after all.. Man I cant wait to do the "Big Hairy Bird" for this

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Beast: any idea on the font for those numbers??? Closest I can find is one called "Lexicon Cyrillic", although there's a template I got from simmerspaintshop ©, that MIGHT be a bit closer..



kevin stein

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No-I havent looked into the finer details yet but are these any good?.But im sure the soviets in the field would have used all sorts of stencils-probably the rougher looking the better ..

Edited by thebeast0449

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Thats great - Kursk - need a Elephant Tank huh-Hmmm this could be big


There is an Elefant by Kesselbrut floating around somewhere - not sure if it is one of the terrain d/ls. I will see if I can find it.

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im happy things are taking off now.

later today or tomorow i will post somw wip shots of the fuselages im making

im a two weeks time frame also :biggrin:




ps now we the tanks maker to step in please. :biggrin:

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Needs the number decals, but you all are welcome to it. I"ll have to go over the inis again, as it's a WW2 VVS Nationalized ™ aircraft -Russian only, although it'll still carry USAAF weapons, and uses the Hurricane pit


matt: Mustang framing is wrong, views need more 'restricting', other details; the Hurri is actually a bit closer to placements (believe me, I did all kinds of research for the P-400 mod, including downloading 80 megs worth of books on Airacrobas on pdf --the best one is the Detail & Scale)



kevin stein


Sorry I didn't mean to say that the mustang fit better, but it works as a viable open source alternative to the Hurricane pit, which is memberware. There are a few fitting issues here and there, but on the whole it works fine and makes flying the P-39 much more fun. In that regard I am satisfied.

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ok here gos a buttload of quetions sorry need clear this from my head.


How can deattach a already mappe part? say a flap from a wing whitout losing my mapping?

How to put more then one part of the aircraft in the same bitmap say a fuselage and wings?

Do i need make seat on my aircraft?


guess that this are my main questions for now


thanks in advance




Edited by cocas

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Sorry I didn't mean to say that the mustang fit better, but it works as a viable open source alternative to the Hurricane pit, which is memberware. There are a few fitting issues here and there, but on the whole it works fine and makes flying the P-39 much more fun. In that regard I am satisfied.


You can always download the BoB campaign here at CA :biggrin:





The following files are included in this download. I am extremely grateful to the devs and modders concerned for allowing me to include their work in this package. My thanks to them.








Hurricane 1 - SFP1 Dev A-team (Capun, Gramps, Charles, Kesselbrut & The Wrench)

Hurricane 2B - SFP1 Dev A-team

Hurricane 2C - SFP1 Dev A-team


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For the avoidance of doubt, permission was sought and granted from all modders concerned prior to release of the BoB package. Subsequently the DAT download policy changed. I have not received a request from capun to remove DAT files from that package, although we are in touch occasionally in relation to other matters. If I receive such a request, I will of course comply with it. I hope that will not be necessary.


However, the Spit and Hurri pits are Kesselbrut's work, and it was not my understanding that those were "exclusive" in the manner suggested. But Kesselbrut would have final say on that, of course.

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It's just a pity we can't get ahold of Daniel (Kesselbrut). His ww2 pits are OUTSTANDING!! I know he lives in Munich, and is an IT guy for the city.


Beast: I've found something "close", and hope to run off the tgas today. Expect a release of the 16 GIAP Airacobra this week sometime. Minus the aircraft LOD still, of course, as per Wolf's directive.


all users take note of Baltika's statement -- It'd be a REALLY smart thing to grab it now, while still available.



kevin stein

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This looks a little better...had to do a new skin. The decals still need some size adjustments, but it's nearing completion. And yes, those ARE real P-39N serial numbers (just don't know which goes with whom, excepting for #45)




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This looks a little better...had to do a new skin. The decals still need some size adjustments, but it's nearing completion. And yes, those ARE real P-39N serial numbers (just don't know which goes with whom, excepting for #45)





Very nice!

Which insignia version will you finally use? I have seen both on pics (well, couldn't identify the circle as blue in b/w pics :biggrin:), but those "in the field" looked like the simple star (the version with the circle looked like facility/"official" pics...).

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Sort of a comglobmeration of several pics, including the painting you posted. The profile in Osprey's Airacrobra aces, shows the white outined star in all 6 positions, looking like they just overpainted the USAAF star on the upper left/lower right wings, and fueselage. Serial stencling looked like stock AAF too, which is what I used.


I really don't know a whole lot about the Eastern front, either Luftwaffe OR VVS markings ... most of my ww2 has been for the west, or PTO/CBI (personal stake -- my father was in the Pacific, so...)


I know there's some SERIOUS experten around for the East, so, I'll let them do most of their thing.



kevin stein

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Beast: I've found something "close", and hope to run off the tgas today. Expect a release of the 16 GIAP Airacobra this week sometime. Minus the aircraft LOD still, of course, as per Wolf's directive.


:blink: Dude - I put a pic up of a soviet p-39 I was working on and now days later you want to release the same plane? So you are jumping the gun on me- which is fine But why are we both working on the same plane when there are very few soviet fighters FOR WW2 AT CA?

We offered people to join our efforts to present a really good EF package-instead of a drizzle of planes and skins for a mod that doesnt even have a menuset yet-To encurage people to have a dedicated ostfront modded game.

Ok so I'll drop my p-39 now-I have the soviet brown skin template If you want it.


-Id still encourage you or anyone interested contributing in a TEAM effort and help produce a mod really worth while.

Well I guess If we're injecting interest into ostfront then I thats a good thing.

Edited by thebeast0449

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I started that P-39 like a year ago, and set it aside as we'd no terrain for it to play on. All this talk of Eastern front got me motivated to finish it off. There IS room for more than one skin set, ya know!! :wink:


as to other airplanes....


There's Pakso's Yak-3, at his site (still --grab it while the site is still up. Or I can always upload it here)




And his Yak-9 here at CA (ww2 aircraft/allied fighters)


I-16 is in Wolf's Planes pak, with an update kit my me (albeit Chinese usage, but easily adapted)


What we we lack are the others as freeware; Mig-3, Lagg-5/7, Stromovick, Pe-2 and all the Luftwaffe bombers.


You new guys don't know this, but just looking at the shear amount of WW2 mods -by me- should say something. I pretty much carried the whole PropHead WW2 modding by myself for over 2 years or longer. And not ALL of them are here at CA; there's s**tloads over a my site, for mods of DAT products. The only others that are major contributiors are AllenJB with skins/ini mods and Baltka with campaign creation, the original maps by fng2k & Edward -dating from 2005!!!, and the most recent for ETO would be Gepard's BoB terrain from 2007.


I don't know what else to say. But I do know the 3rdWire WW2 setups



kevin stein

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:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy: We know u da man Wrench - We fly your planes everyday - your's I'll be better anyhow


Well let me finish the brown skin and I'll send it to ya as yours is gonna be a add-on aircraft isn't it and I would still like to include it in a package if its ok with you-I guess It wont make a difference if its uploaded seperatly-I was hoping for a package completely original ie-not available outside of the package so people dont have to "double dip" downloading 2 copies of the same plane thats all, but hey - its your plane.


-on a side note-you think this feud will ever blow over-Im sure everybody has their reasons but its the community at large that pays the price-If we could all join forces - we could rule the world together -and what a great EF ww2 package we could produce then.... pipedream?

Edited by thebeast0449

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