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the achievable p4 wishlist

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Here are the various gameplay changes and improvements I would love to see in phase 4:


Easiest (as far as I know) to implement:

1. More lone two seaters in the campaign, especially in the early period


2. More realistic German ops- Jastas should mostly stay on their side of the lines, Jastas rarely given ground attack assignments


3. Some night missions, maybe? This is mostly for two seaters, like night harassment bombing, etc.


4. More variation in the number of aircraft in a mission. As it is now, the # of aircraft in fighter flights is almost always 6-8. I know there is a workshop setting to scale it down a bit, but it would be nice if the game threw in a little more variation- sometimes there should be 3 aircraft, sometimes 7. It shouldn't be fixed at a certain number range.


5. Tying into the above, are lone wolf missions still in p3? I haven't gotten one yet. I'm OK if I don't get any as an regular pilot, but aces should definately go flying out alone sometimes, and I should be come across a lone ace sometimes in the campaign, rather than always a flight of them.


6. Add a transfer squadron option, so we don't have to go into the game files and do it manually.


AI improvements (I realise that these are probably the hardest to accomplish):

1. The AI should be worse at seeing things. I think their vision is a bit to good, in terms of how far away they can spot things. Making them see less would result in more aircraft surviving, which is more historicaly accurate than what what we have now, which ends up in two sides fighting to the death, until one side is completely destroyed.


2. The AI should be better at deciding when enough is enough, and choosing when to run. Right now, they don't try to disengage unless they are damaged, even when they are at a disadvantage or heavily outnumbered.


3. Better ground attack code for the AI. As it is now, the AI does not survive. They keep making passes until they are dead. Aircraft should make a maximum of one or two strafing runs at the highest possible speed, dropping their bombs/rockets on the first run, and then reforming and exiting the target area quickly.


Other harder changes

1. Maybe it would be possible to track the kills/deaths of your wingmen. With the above AI improvements, this would make the AI survive longer and this would be possible to impliment without ruining gameplay due to too many of your buddies getting killed in each mission.


2. This has been discussed before, but it would be awesome if the player could be "promoted" to fly with the aces in their new planes?. I understand this would be difficult to do.


Other changes that aren't as important:

1. I'm no expert on the topography of France, but it seems to me that rivers are far too narrow, and resemble creeks and streams more than rivers. Would it be possible to make the rivers wider?


2. Realistic Le Priurs (spelling?). I know this is hardcoded too, but I'm rooting on the devs. It would be nice if it was fixable.


3. Fix the AI landing. This has already been discussed too, but it would be very important if the tracking wingmen deaths feature is implemented.




That's all I can think of. Thanks for reading, I just wanted to let the devs know what I consider the most important.





Edited by andqui

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Good ideas, and without giving specifics away most already have been discussed internally, considered/or being done.

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nice, thanks.


How is the number of aircraft within a flight assigned? Is there a simple number value in a config somewhere for it? If so, can I change it?

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I'm still waiting for Phase 3 to be delivered! Don't tell me Phase 4 is out soon...

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very good points. most important would be AI vision reduced to somewhat 2nm if at all possible to alter.

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nice, thanks.


How is the number of aircraft within a flight assigned? Is there a simple number value in a config somewhere for it? If so, can I change it?


No the manager does it.

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so the number of AC in the flights is controled by the manager? OK then. Is it possible for me to know where the files are that control the # of planes in the flight, or is that encrypted or not easy to get at?

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And one more thing for P4...have the AI pilots turn their heads from side to side and look up like they are looking around for enemy aircraft unless they are actively shooting. I'm quite sure that isn't even remotely possible with the CFS3 engine, but man I bet that would add to the immersion to see an enemy AI pilot turning to look at you as he banks around trying to get a bead on you. Barring that, would it be possible to put a scarf on them or perhaps a flight leader flag on the wing of flight leaders planes? Regardless, I'm sure the Masterpeice will only get better for P4. Just let me know when I can warm up my credit card.




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Hi Guys,


I havn't even got my head around P3 yet!!! :blink:


I think the Dev's deserve some time to R & R before tackling P4. :yes:


However, if they are Workaholics.....BRING IT ON :ok:


No, seriously guy's, take a break & smell the roses (or maybe, poppies).


We got lots to play with, have a life. :clapping:





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No Andqui it is not possible.

Hellshade their heads should move around as is - probably too small to notice though, but they don't track you. It would likely be a lot of work to make that small effect to happen.

Scarfs and streamers we have experimented with in P1 don't look all that good though.

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A small screen in QC that would let you see the 3D plane with the selected skin...

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No Andqui it is not possible.

Hellshade their heads should move around as is - probably too small to notice though, but they don't track you. It would likely be a lot of work to make that small effect to happen.

Scarfs and streamers we have experimented with in P1 don't look all that good though.


If you zoom right in on your pilot you will see his head move in the direction you turn.....

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Very good to know those improvements are being worked on. Your dedication continues to amaze me! :good:


Recently I've been flying (and dying) a lot for Germany, and the frequence I've been given missions deep behind the enemy lines (and ground attack missions even though I fly in Jastas) is bad for the immersion. I've noticed defensive Jastas are better in this because they tend to stay more behind friendly lines. If OFF can some day simulate this difference in the air war strategy between Germany and the Entente, it will make the sim even better than it already is. Good thing there's the option to choose alternative targets. And of course getting more two seaters is a much more important addition to the game, but if something can be done to this... :yes:

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