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Need some thoughts on this...

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Say you guys, wherever you live, had a politician who was once a leader of one of the two major parties in your country (assuming your country had 2 main parties), who turned into a bit of an arsehole after losing the leadership of said party and became known as being a bit 'caustic' and then came out and said this about your contry's defence force (or whatever)...




...how would you take it??



I'm curious.

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...how would you take it??


Par for the course. This guy is labour, same as our Democrats, which means socialist. All socialists loathe the military. Now that I think about it, this is a rare moment of honesty from the left.

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Now that I think about it, this is a rare moment of honesty from the left.


Since when lefts become truth-speaking? :huh:


(grabs his right-folded wings, runs to a cave)

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Bulloney. Historically, the Ussian Democrat Party was the War Party. Welfare and Warfare go hand-in-hand like banks and debt.

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Par for the course. This guy is labour, same as our Democrats, which means socialist. All socialists loathe the military. Now that I think about it, this is a rare moment of honesty from the left.


Nah, it's not that I think. You'd have a better chance of finding a 'Socialist' type in our Democrats (RIP :sad:) or Greens or one of the fringe parties. Thing is, Labour has a history of spending (sometimes big spending) on the ADF... except for bloody Bob Hawke in the 80s who decided to sell off our last remaining carrier and not invest in a new one!!! HMS Invincible was on the table too!!! :threaten: The Liberals here (conservative party) had a tendency to spend big on obsolete equipment, bad tenders or screw the military in other ways...



I'm just curious because we're not really a militarised society (not when compared to somewhere like the US or UK), and by that, I mean, there's more of a detachment between civilian and military lives... I dunno. But yeah, I don't think I could imagine anyone getting away with that in another country... They'd prolly get nine shades of poo kicked out of them.

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who turned into a bit of an arsehole after losing the leadership

Yeaps he lost. Did he complain before the loss?


The Fox and the Grapes is a fable attributed to Aesop...


...A fox, upon failing to find a way to reach grapes hanging high up on a vine, retreated and said: "The grapes are sour anyway!" The moral is stated at the end of the fable as:


It is easy to despise what you cannot get.



~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fox_and_the_Grapes

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Is this the arsehole who assaulted a Flight Attendant because something he asked for wasn´t aboard in the RAAF one?

At least the same kind of hole

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Is this the arsehole who assaulted a Flight Attendant because something he asked for wasn´t aboard in the RAAF one?


LOL, no, that's the new one! :no:

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Par for the course. This guy is labour, same as our Democrats, which means socialist. All socialists loathe the military. Now that I think about it, this is a rare moment of honesty from the left.


Utter BS, you're generalizing maybe a handful of comments by even fewer people as representative of a whole. Democrats support the military wholeheartedly :salute: , anything otherwise is just a hate filled myth. The same crap thats been floating around since the original iterations of limbaugh and hannity back in the 60s.


Besides, real socialists are even more militaristic. We generally don't parade the entire army through the streets showing off Scuds and ballistic missile launchers in front of a leader like the soviet bloc did so frequently. Hell NK practically does it weekly.

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Democrats support the military wholeheartedly



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the line to college students about


study hard or you'll get stuck in Iraq


comes to mind.


par for the course from that side of the political spectrum. Oddly the same side of the political spectrum that pulled our country into


The US Civil War







and somehow gets away with calling the other side of the political spectrum the "militaristic war-mongers"

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Don't forget Murtha throwing the Haditha Marines under the bus before any facts were known. Note: they have all been acquitted.


Don't forget that the Democrat-controlled media has completely covered up the fact that a US Army recruiter was killed by a radical muslim in Little Rock (just an hour and a half from me) last week.


Hell this list could go on forever.

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Limbaugh and Hannity have been broadcasting since the '60's?


pretty cool considering how old each of them were at the time. Hannity was a negative age in 1960



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You may not like it, but its true. Lex is right, we actually have a longer record of bombing the s**t out of people.


WW1- Woodrow Wilson (D)

WW2- FDR (D), Harry Truman (D)

Korea - Truman (D)

Vietnam- Johnson (D) with Nixon continuing it.


It's only been since Reagan really since the Republicans have tried to be the dominant "military" party...and most of that is marketing, simply being louder about it.


Edit: I said the original iterations, different people, same style. Just don't remember their names.

Edited by eraser_tr

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WW1- Woodrow Wilson (D)

WW2- FDR (D), Harry Truman (D)

Korea - Truman (D)

Vietnam- Johnson (D) with Nixon continuing it.


You are confusing the willingness to use the military with respect for the military. I think its safe to say that the party that is more eager to deploy our troops could have less respect for those same troops.


Also, I love your pithy little aside about Vietnam "with Nixon continuing it." What the f*ck do you expect? He was elected in the middle of the war! JFK (Dem) started it, LBJ (Dem) escalated it and oversaw the deaths of 50,000+ Americans, and Nixon got us out in '73 with a semi-honorable treaty that the North then proceeded to break immediately.


And Lexx of course knows that the Soviets had no respect for the individual soldier, throwing their lives away by the millions.

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Errr, Nixon continuing it meant exactly that, that he was elected in the middle of it.


I think its safe to say that the party that is more eager to deploy our troops could have less respect for those same troops.


By that exact statement, wanting to keep them out of harms way is having respect for the troops, right? So then why do current democrats loathe the military? Because of one bad attempt at a joke? or investigating incidents? They were found innocent, you'd have a point if the evidence showed they were innocent and were found guilty simply for politics. But that didn't happen.


What about taking care of returning veterans? Is that not respect for them?

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By that exact statement, wanting to keep them out of harms way is having respect for the troops, right? So then why do current democrats loathe the military? Because of one bad attempt at a joke? or investigating incidents? They were found innocent, you'd have a point if the evidence showed they were innocent and were found guilty simply for politics. But that didn't happen.


What about taking care of returning veterans? Is that not respect for them?


No, you're grasping at straws trying to defend your indefensible party. Look at the history of Democrats and the military, the meals-on-wheels programs, etc.


With regard to the Haditha Marines, yes, its so great for them that they were found innocent of charges leveled at them by Iraqi insurgents. Now their careers in the Marine Corps have been destroyed. Great job by your boy Murtha and his cronies.


And Dems don't do squat for returning vets.


I'm interested to see you continue to try and weave your way through this one.

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Par for the course. This guy is labour, same as our Democrats, which means socialist. All socialists loathe the military. Now that I think about it, this is a rare moment of honesty from the left.


Feel a lot saver, in this part of the world at least, without guys like Bush and Cheyney..... :wink:

And, obviously, in the US you don't know what real socialists are....... (and be glad with it) :no:

As for the Australian: when you point your finger at someone, there are always three fingers pointing at yourself.

Conclusion: HE is the meathead


Hou doe,


Derk :smile:

Edited by Derk

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There's nothing to weave through or spin. You're simply slandering my political affiliation as hating the military based on assumptions that are just plain wrong.


As for doing squat, all one needs to do is look at the ratings veterans organizations gives politicians.

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You are being quite civilized for Internet, but i think you guys should leave it.

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Dems do a lot for returning vets.


they charge us with atrocities and accuse us of acting like Gengis Kahn (Murtha, Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Shroeder, etc.)


they try to charge us for our combat related injuries (Obama)


they vote for a war and send us to one, then promptly sabatoge the war effort with charges (see above) and cut off funding


(Vietnam, Desert Storm, OIF, OEF)


they manufacture political talking points about what they lie about having been briefed (Pelosi is prime but they all did)


they are briefed on classified plans and leak the invasion warnings to the opposition (Grenada)


here is a very fundamental point - if one sends the forces there (including voting in the Congress for the war effort or authorization for the use of military force) and then campaign against the war, one is betraying the sacrifice and service of the troops who went.


oh yea, lots of real support there.........

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You are being quite civilized for Internet, but i think you guys should leave it.



yea, I think you're right. Time to lock before this goes off the deep end.

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