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OvS is invited to take up the Kaiser's new weapon for a spin.

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Apparently it was a lower flange of the front spar that was made 7.5mm thick instead of 13mm as per the prototype. The wing failed for 2 Jasta's and it was withdrawn. A new corrected wing was made and tested but never made it to the front line squadrons in time for the end of the war.. so it may be pretty but there's a hint of weak wing in there just to even things up until the Snipe arrives ;)


We need to do more FM testing and tweaking yet, but so far reasonably hard manoeuvres are OK so should be better than a Nieuport.

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And pray what is this DVIII going to go up against?

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Methinks that Widsy doth haveth a rather clear shot at his SNIPE!


And pray what is this E.V. going to go up against?



Can't see what you want to see sometimes I quess.



so it may be pretty but there's a hint of weak wing in there just to even things up until the Snipe arrives ;)

Edited by Rickitycrate

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E.V!!!! the D.VIII never saw the front! :)

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Read the previous post carefully UK.




heehee...thanks mate!...I dunno how I missed that!! :good::biggrin:

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E.V!!!! the D.VIII never saw the front! :)



Just as well for the Jerries!...It would have been a mere target for the Snipe!...MUHahahahaha

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Right, I didn't know that either. And E.V makes more sense anyway, as E stands for "Eindecker", D for "Doppeldecker".

Widowmaker, I don't know, how well your Snipe really will be, but I think you'll have parachutes. And you'll need them,

when the "Razor" comes to cut off your wings! Mmmuuahahahahaaaaa!!!!

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What was the period that the EV was in service?

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What was the period that the EV was in service?


Judging by the info Olham has posted, longer than we thought. We had them assigned (based on info provided by DSA) in mid-August till early September, when they were pulled for investigation.


They were repaired and redesignated the D.VIII but never saw the front.



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When WIKI data are right, the first victory on a E.V was scored August 17, 1918.


And if Jasta 6 really got them by end of July, WomenFly2 and I definitely know, where we will sign in,

to chase the crumpets around in it. Mmuahahahaaa!!!!!

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First craft arrived at Jasta 6 End of July 1918.









I have to question the validity of this entry...


"The first new examples of the D. VIII started arriving at frontline units late that month and started operations on the 24 October with Jasta 11.Jasta 5 was granted a D.VIII, and the famed ace Erich Lowenhardt used it for a short time scoring a few victories in the plane. He continued to favor, however, the D.VII."



1. Erich Lowenhardt was dead by 10 August 1918... and never flew with Jasta 5

2. As far as I know, Jasta 11 was a D.VIIF Jasta, and never received the D.VIII, first I've heard of this.

4. Only 1 victory was recorded by the E.V, and that was by a pilot in Jasta 6, Emil Rolff.

3. Judging by this entry, and some others I found... DSA might be wrong about the D.VIII not making it to the front. Other websites that post the history of the D.VIII show it back in service by the end of October, more around the 24th. I'll talk to Shred about this and see if we can add it in as the D.VIII.


Great find Olham... the more the better.



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Jasta 6 seems to have been favoured by the bosses of the Luftstreitkräfte, as they seem to have always received the new types of fighters first among all the Jastas.


I'm sure the E.V will be a great fighter in OFF, but I think I'll have to agree with Widowmaker and rather take the Snipe to a fight if I had to choose between those two scouts. A faster version of Camel without its predecessor's nasty flight characteristics, sounds very good to me. :yes:

Edited by Hasse Wind

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OvS is invited to take up the Kaiser's new weapon for a spin.


I don't think the Kaiser would appreciate you recklessly spinning his new weapon of war.

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You vill see, Herr Wind, vatt a poshed up Camel is worth against a Flyink Razor!

Vee vill cut right ssrough your flightz - Mmuahahahaaa!!!!


Ant Herr Launchbury musst be anozzer crumpet by ze name. Otto von Stachel is one of our

best pilotz, mein Herr - ze Kaiser himself invited him to demonstrate ze new Wunderwaffe.

Letz have crumpetz for tea - Mmmuahahahahaaaa!!!!

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Well, crumpets for tea would lead me to believe that you're a guest of the RFC, probably from a Vickers-induced failure of your aircraft's more critical flight-sustaining devices; your guest status does of course allow you to have whatever you like for tea.

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Wow - that answer is a perfect proof for the origin of the word "gentleman".

Great, Launchbury! Where do you live (if I may ask)?

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Wow - that answer is a perfect proof for the origin of the word "gentleman".

Great, Launchbury! Where do you live (if I may ask)?


[OvS grabs Ohlam by the shoulder and and whispers in Olham's ear]


Kareful mine brethren... ze Krumpetz are up to zumzing. Jah? Take ze Dr.1, I vill cover you mit der D.VII just in caze, jah?

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Zatt vill bee zee unbeatable team, ze "Terrible Twinz" - better hurry to get your tea down, crumpetz!

Mmuahahahahaaaaa!!! :pilotfly: :pilotfly:

Edited by Olham

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[OvS grabs Ohlam by the shoulder and and whispers in Olham's ear]


[Grabs OvS by the shoulder and claps him in handcuffs]

If Ohlam is currently having crumpets in the RFC mess, and OvS is with him as well, then naturally OvS has suffered the same abrupt flight cancellation as his companion.


But that's fine, chaps, I'm sure you were utterly confounded by the recent rapid advances of the Royal Army, and thus unaware that your aerodrome had been seized while you were flying back from buying sausages in Hannover. Speaking of the 'terrible twins,' however, we have them over here:




Hmmm...Yes...I quite tremble at the mere sight of them. A rather comic landing routine you two have, no wonder you call it a flying circus. However Herr OvS, one of the brighter Camel pilots of my squadron pointed out that the Fokker D.VII undercarriage is actually on the other side, and that if you intend to extend your career in aerial slapstick you might care to utilize it, as damage to the upper wing makes it hard to keep out the occasional rain and hail and incendiary bullets, though I'm not the one to tell you how to run a comedy troupe.


Now if you'll excuse me, my friends and I are off to Berlin to bomb the Kaiser and his fat wife. Cheeri-o, chaps!

Edited by Launchbury

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What we have here in these photos is another clear demonstration of the German pilots' obsession with the monoplane. Ever since the Eindecker, however many wings their designers give them, two, three, they constantly seek to compress them to one... by any means they can.


Ah, well. Let them have their flying razor... it means fewer wings for we chaps to shoot off.

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What we have here in these photos is another clear demonstration of the German pilots' obsession with the monoplane. Ever since the Eindecker, however many wings their designers give them, two, three, they constantly seek to compress them to one... by any means they can.


Ah, well. Let them have their flying razor... it means fewer wings for we chaps to shoot off.


I agree totally!....The Snipe will soon 'blunt' the Huns 'silly Razor' :biggrin:

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