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Updating Older Planes to SF2 Standards

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Well Brain32 started it :lol:


So first we need a list of aircraft and lets keep that to as far back as 2 years. (For now). Also this will be limited to planes released on Combatace, Checkisx and Column5 only. The reason behind this is ease of access.


Once we have the list, we need to divide up into teams and start.

Once the team is done, we will designate a Quality Assurance team to unsure the mod is of good standards.

(Speaking of standards there will be a SF2 conversion checklist I will create so we know we have it to SF2 standards.)


Ok aircraft that we will not need to update is.....F-18's, F-14's, A-7's of TMF are getting SF2 make overs. F-15's will be getting the treatment as well. (Add to this list if you know of one being done).


Ok so community of people that know how to do this kind of stuff, we need teams of say 3 or 4 with a team leader and what projects will you work on. So what say you all?

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Do you need beta testers? If so I can help. But I'm going to be outta town until Friday though. Leaving about a hour...



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Each team will be responsible for beta testing the work they converted. The reason behind that is


A. Everyone wants to be a beta tester

B. Its easier to make on the spot corrections.

C. Keep the process streamlined.


If we get say 5 teams, it doens't take long to convert a plane and its weps to SF2 standards. I did the GR.7. in 45 mins to an hour.

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Yeah, this is cool! I'm currently converting MF's MiG-29's to SF2 standards. But since I'm already converting all the mods I accumulated I can work on anything.

I'm completely familiar with folder structure and everything needed for conversion(DATA and avionics ini fixes included thx to great guide by MiGBuster) :)

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Brain just need to check with bpao and Sony Tuckson of the Mirage Factory to see what their plans are for the Mig-29. I am not sure if they are working on a SF2 version at this time. Or if the work you have done can be put into what they might have started.


Do you want to head up a team Brain? I know you know a few people you could put on your team to help you.

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Well I don't mind doing the work..I'm doing it anyway lol But I really don't know who to ask in the team :unsure:


Anyway this is on my current "to do" list(some are Brained lol but that can be easily removed), also the list is modified with info above in mind:


Su-27 by Marc - done with Kreelins(FM) and MJ's(avionics) v1.5 update included

MF MiG-29's - German ones are done...

MF's F-16Blk1 and ADF - nearly done

To do from scratch:

F-15C -I see E mentioned but C???



Tornado's(ALL) - Florian mentioned IDS update, not sure what's with that?




Also I know MF released SF2 versions of FA-18A and F-16Blk15 OCU BAF at check-six site...

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All of the planes in NATO Fighters are converted to Series 2 in NF4+.

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All the F-15's are will be done so do not worry about them. C though S.


Don brought up a good point which one can we pull from his to upload individually here. (Provided he doesn't mind of course. )


As far as the Mirage Factory stuff goes, get ahold of those 2 I mentioned and ask them the current plan. That way work is not duplicated.

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OK cool :)

BTW: Where do I send the finished ones?

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  column5 said:
All of the planes in NATO Fighters are converted to Series 2 in NF4+.


Woah I just saw this!

So you have, Su-27,F16A's,F-117, Tornados,Jaguar, and Su-17's covered!

That's good to know.

I'll catch Sony on ICQ for the Fulcrums, and attack the Gripen and EF-2000 next :)

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I've already done a few myself for my installs.










Will be no problem to zip them up and upload. I'll need to get in contact with the owners for the ok.



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Well if the aircraft is here already then I am going to say we arent going to need to start looking for a ton of permisisons here. The only expcetion is the Mirage Factory as to I am not sure of their plan is. If the person is on the freeware accord or has been gone a long long time then that make the issue even easier.

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I've also done some updates myself.



A-4K - need some huge cockpit tweaks

Mirage 2000D - still workin in this one


If you want, I can upload then. They have some .inis change to fit my "personal exigences" though.

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SF2 Check list


1. Has the RWR been converted to the Vector or TEWS format? Has all the data edits been made to the data.ini and avionics.ini? Has the aircraft been given a RWR list too?

2. Has the decals been placed in their own folder, then placed in a folder called “Decals” and the decal.ini pointing to that folder?

3. Has a userlist been made?

4. Has the aircraft been pointed to a damaged lod? For this one, use only if a plane either resembles it or is it. Like the F-15C would get the F-15 damage lod. But you wouldn’t want F-5’ using a Mig-17 damage lod. If you can’t find anything close to it then do not give it one.



Fell free to add to this.

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Voodoo's, I am going to work on them. Unless someone has covnerted them already.

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  USAFMTL said:
But you wouldn’t want F-5’ using a Mig-17 damage lod.


Taken care of once the T-38 is released.



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Have done most of the Voodoos F-101A/B/C and RF-101B/C/G

and tons of others - though most have changed names/dates/loadouts from the original downloads as they have been customised to fit my own installs!

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  MigBuster said:
Have done most of the Voodoos F-101A/B/C and RF-101B/C/G

and tons of others - though most have changed names/dates/loadouts from the original downloads as they have been customised to fit my own installs!


That wont work for what we are doing though. We need to keep it out box as possible. (The way it was uploaded)

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Would love to help, please anyone pm me if someone wants me in a team to make something for everyone. I have a ton of planes and am familiar with what needs to be done, have been doing it myself for a few things already. Only thing is I am very slow! But should manage a plane every other day, maybe more.

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  USAFMTL said:
SF2 Check list


1. Has the RWR been converted to the Vector or TEWS format? Has all the data edits been made to the data.ini and avionics.ini? Has the aircraft been given a RWR list too?

2. Has the decals been placed in their own folder, then placed in a folder called “Decals” and the decal.ini pointing to that folder?

3. Has a userlist been made?

4. Has the aircraft been pointed to a damaged lod? For this one, use only if a plane either resembles it or is it. Like the F-15C would get the F-15 damage lod. But you wouldn’t want F-5’ using a Mig-17 damage lod. If you can’t find anything close to it then do not give it one.



Fell free to add to this.


aircraft shortnames


canopy glass



Anyone not sure can look here first:



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  USAFMTL said:
That wont work for what we are doing though. We need to keep it out box as possible. (The way it was uploaded)



Yep same as most others here i suspect - so its a kinda start from scratch - can any from NF5 be used even?


I think we need a centralised list as a start that can be spilt up to avoid duplication.

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  MigBuster said:
Yep same as most others here i suspect - so its a kinda start from scratch - can any from NF5 be used even?


I think we need a centralised list as a start that can be spilt up to avoid duplication.


:lol: MB that is what I am trying to do. :biggrin:

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Well I got the F-29A done, now I am working on the Voodoo's.

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Well, I suppose I can go off and reinstall SF2V and make my mods of the F-16B mods SF2 ready. Perhaps also some other F-16 mods. I'll need someone to make the finishing touches with the RWRs though since I don't have SF2E.

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