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Hey everyone-new to forum.My question-Is OFF BH&H a stand alone game or expansion pack.Also is it playable off line for single player or campaigns.Any help to set me up would be appreciated,I would really like to experience this game.Thanks again.

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Hey everyone-new to forum.My question-Is OFF BH&H a stand alone game or expansion pack.Also is it playable off line for single player or campaigns.Any help to set me up would be appreciated,I would really like to experience this game.Thanks again.


OFF is a stand alone simulation, build on top of Microsoft's "Combat Flight Simulator 3" engine that requires certain files from CFS3 DVD/CDs during install and run. It's the most immersive single player experience you can now get in my opinion. Haven't tried the MP, I'm the singleplayer guy by own decission.

But let the long time users and OFF forum members speak now.


I have OFF since monday -already falling in love for it's unpredictible living world! :biggrin::good:

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Online play is actually one on OFF BH&H's weakest points, as it is mainly an offline/single player game. The dynamic campaign is like a black hole that sucks you in and sends you back in time ninety some odd years to a time when men were made of iron and airplanes were made of wood and canvas. You can start out as a lowly two seater gunner or pilot, or you can seek your fame in a scout. Either way, you're going to have to work hard just to survive. If you've ever played RB3D, OFF BH&H is like RB3D with twin turbochargers! I could go on and on but we'd be here all day. Check out some of the YouTube vids or go to www.overflandersfields.com and check out the preview videos. You can't go wrong. I paid $59 US for it and haven't regretted it. At $29.99 you just can't go wrong! And yes, Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3-Battle for Europe is required also. A copy of CFS3 can be picked up for around $10 now days.


Welcome to the OFF Community!


Edited by Cameljockey

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Let's just say it's got the best single player campaign system in any WW1 sim ever made.

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I don't think we can say enough good things about OFF BH&H. For more information click on the banner near the top of this page, or at the bottom. Great vids are on You Tube also.

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The guys above are accurate in their description of the addictiveness of the offline campaign, but they're not regular multiplayer flyers.


A group of us regularly fly campaign missions online and have a great deal of fun doing so. There are problems with the 'Dogfight' missions (planes flying sideways, etc.), but these don't occur in 'Campaign' missions. About the worst we get are target aircraft 'stuttering' on screen, and that's usually down to a dodgy internet connection.


Check out the posts and videos in the Multiplayer forums for info.




Vasco :pilotfly:

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Hi wantufly, welcome to OFF

Heart of this sim is the Dynamic Campaign

39 flyable aircraft and about 5 gigs of skins

The volume of this work is amazing

Makes you feel like you're back in 1917

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Also, while the single player campaign is OFF BHH's strength, it is by no means boring or predictable. The weather is as it was each day in WWI, the other planes are on missions that they flew in WWI, the front moves there are the major offensives, and on and on. Also, there's enough variety that no two missions are ever the same. The AI is also very good, very wily and very deadly. While you need CFS3 to play, it bears no resemblance to it. Like the other WWI sims, if you love WWI aviation, you've got to try it.

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It's a great single-player game, best WW1 sim I've played since the original Red Baron.


I haven't done any multi-player (yet) but I'm sure I'll get around to that someday.


One of the many great things about OFF is that OBD Software is great about patches and improvements. I suspect multi-player will be ramped up on the priority list in the future.

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I can say I've flown MP 3 times and each time had no problems and had a blast doing it.

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Thanks everyone for all your input into the game.The last great air war game I played was Jane's ww2 fighters but my windows 98 motherboard has died since then.I'm really looking forward to this,I feel like a kid in a candy store.I depend on off line games only because where I live I can only use an aircard which is limited to 5gigs a month.Anyway I have some online shopping to do so I can take to the air again ---Thanks again

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Thanks for checking in and asking. Best wishes to you and we hope you're taking to the skie over flanders fields real soon.

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OFF is a stand alone simulation, build on top of Microsoft's "Combat Flight Simulator 3" engine that requires certain files from CFS3 DVD/CDs during install and run. It's the most immersive single player experience you can now get in my opinion. Haven't tried the MP, I'm the singleplayer guy by own decission.

But let the long time users and OFF forum members speak now.


I have OFF since monday -already falling in love for it's unpredictible living world! :biggrin::good:



I was wondering if their will be any problems with CF3 install.It looks like this game came out in 2002.I'm running windows xp pro on a quad core.Some older games don't like to execute or does OFF patch fix this.Also it looks like their are several CF3 games available are they all the same? Which one do I need to get? Hope this isn't a dumb question. Thanks again

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I think you will find that most of us run CFS3 on XP. I too am using xp pro on a dual core with no problems at all.



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...really looking forward to this,I feel like a kid in a candy store...

...you have no idea!

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...it looks like their are several CF3 games available are they all the same? Which one do I need to get?




Here is a brief discussion of CFS3 addon games: http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php?t=8080 Installation of these addons is clunky to say the least, but they work fine on my XP dual core machine. Direct links are below:


1. European Theater of Operations and PTO Solomons http://aussiex.org/forum/index.php?autocom...&showcat=10


2. Mediterranean Air War http://www.medairwar.com/ (This link is no longer working...most of the devs have moved on to other propjects. If you are interested, PM me and I can send you a CD.)


3. Korean Skies http://www.koreanskies.com/


3. Warbirds Download Library http://www.combatfs.com/index.php?loc=page...=downloads_cfs3


You just bought the absolutely best addon of the bunch...the others are just games...OFF BHaH is LIFE ITSELF.


Best regards,


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