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W Mitty

One more in the air

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Hi folks, found this forum while trying to decide among WWI flight sims and OFF BHaH won out. So far I really like what I have seen. Easy installation and patching, lots of control over graphics and realism, looks good. I took a quick flight when I first got it installed and was pleasantly surprised. My last WWI flight sim was on an Amiga. For a minute there I thought I could smell the oil burning off the engine (then I had to check to make sure my gfx card was not on fire). I see a lot of activity here, look forward to tackling the learning curve and dialing up the realism once I am more comfortable.


As an aside, my PC:



Intel E2180

2GB Ram

Sony 500GB HD

Visiontek HD 4850 GFX card

Logitech Pro 3D controller

Win 7 RC


So far it all seems to be getting along well. Have a great weekend.

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Welcome here, W Mitty! You entered a long-time relationship; one of those rare sims, that really provide you

with a whole athmosphere. You'll read the word 'immersion' here again and again. That's what BHaH creates.


If you give me your home town and state, I will add you to my OFF Pilots map.

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Welcome! This is a very nice forum, so don't hesitate to ask questions. And be prepared to spend a lot of time flying (and dying!), because this sim won't let you go easily when it gets a hold on you. :good:

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Welcome W Mitty,


OFF:BHaH is definitely the game for a handle like yours :biggrin: We're all Walters here and OFF:BHaH feeds the imagination like no other sim.

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Ah this great! Another fresh recruit. Welcome indeed! Sounds like you're "up and at 'em" already. Amiga, been there and did that, "Wings" was wonderful. So many of have traveled the same flightsim path to get here and sticking with it has really paid OFF for us die hards. Let us know how you are getting on with things and give "em hell up there!

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Ah this great! Another fresh recruit. Welcome indeed! Sounds like you're "up and at 'em" already. Amiga, been there and did that, "Wings" was wonderful. So many of have traveled the same flightsim path to get here and sticking with it has really paid OFF for us die hards. Let us know how you are getting on with things and give "em hell up there!


Wings by Cinemaware on the Amiga. I was so addicted to that game! Non-stop fun.

It sure does seem like a lot of new faces showing up these days. This is wonderful.



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Hellshade, it may sound totally cornball but I am jazzed to think of these guys having a go with BH&H. It's the kind of thing you want to share with the few people that give a schnit about WWI aviation and history.

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I played wings on my Amiga back in the day. Had my fan sitting on the monitor blowing straight at my face for realism!

Remember when they attacked the airfield and killed the dog?

Oh man....still remember that after all these years.

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I have nothing to add to what's been said, but just Welcome. Oh yes, don't be afraid to ask for help, we're all here to help you deal with death in the air :). Also, when you get the chance, read the stickies and pay attention here for tips to help you get the most out of BHAH that suits you.

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Welcome here, W Mitty! You entered a long-time relationship; one of those rare sims, that really provide you

with a whole athmosphere. You'll read the word 'immersion' here again and again. That's what BHaH creates.


If you give me your home town and state, I will add you to my OFF Pilots map.


Home town - Delavan, Kansas. Bovines outnumber people by a large margin. Cow tipping anyone?

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Home town - Delavan, Kansas. Bovines outnumber people by a large margin. Cow tipping anyone?


How much do you tip cows? 10%? 15%?



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Welcome to OFF, Walter,


if thought cows are getting scarcer in some regions ?


Anyway have to go and work on on my LeRhôhne rotary, oops or was it that Diesel engine :biggrin:




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That camo for cows may just work. My better half suggested coats for cows, a non-profit. She noticed them standing in the blowing snow and ice. I thought out loud they could come over and warm up by the grill at our place. She doesn't appreciate my sense of humor or practicality.


Welcome to OFF, Walter,


if thought cows are getting scarcer in some regions ?


Anyway have to go and work on on my LeRhôhne rotary, oops or was it that Diesel engine :biggrin:




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Just in case anybody, hold's any belief in this crappola, they should find this interesting:





Answers to most Newbie Questions are here for taking.


Here being General Discussion


STICKY OFF Tips & Cheats


Just North of your position


If you still can't figure things out, sing out


The only Stupid Question, is the one that's Never Asked



Regarding the cows, they didn't evolve to eat corn (cows come from central Asia, ate wheat and barley and related grasses, while corn is a new-world crop). They don't digest the corn well and it makes them sick, which is why they are all on antibiotics and constantly farting and burping. That is why grass-fed beef is much healthier.


Sorry to get off-topic but I couldn't help myself.

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Welcome, Walter Mitty (forgot to add that to last post). :hi:

BTW, James Thurber is one of my favorite writers of all time, and came from the same hometown as Eddie Rickenbacker, Columbus, OH.

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Hi folks, found this forum while trying to decide among WWI flight sims and OFF BHaH won out. So far I really like what I have seen. Easy installation and patching, lots of control over graphics and realism, looks good. I took a quick flight when I first got it installed and was pleasantly surprised. My last WWI flight sim was on an Amiga. For a minute there I thought I could smell the oil burning off the engine (then I had to check to make sure my gfx card was not on fire). I see a lot of activity here, look forward to tackling the learning curve and dialing up the realism once I am more comfortable.


As an aside, my PC:



Intel E2180

2GB Ram

Sony 500GB HD

Visiontek HD 4850 GFX card

Logitech Pro 3D controller

Win 7 RC


So far it all seems to be getting along well. Have a great weekend.

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However you will find that in order to provide grazing area, is totally unfeasable for the numbers required for Milk production and to keep McDonalds and Burger King supplied, it's merely a fact of life, we are a race of carniviores, who like Diary products. . . . . Hold the cheese on my Tofu Burger, but supersize that order of Beansprouts. . .Please . . . . In your Dreams


Plus most of the corn is now too expensive for cattle feed. They are fed a lot of alfalfa and last I checked that is a grass. No the corn we are burning in the form of Ethanol, that's a wonder of modern science . . . $1.25 for $1.00 of energy, and a huge Carbon Footprint in it's manufacture. But cow burps must be monitored


You pretty much hit on it, to keep fast food supplied, that's the problem. We are NOT a race of carnivores, we are a race of omnivores. Most of the world gets that, but many of us here in the US of A don't. We have never in the course of human history eaten as much red meat and dairy products as we do here now in this country. Maybe if the meat wasn't so cheap (which equals poor quality, feces in your big mac, etc) we wouldn't eat so much.

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